Sunday, August 20, 2023

Brothers and Sisters in Silver Spring - Wake up! It is deal time for Tamar and you are messing it up big time

Some of you might be aware that the  Baltimore Beis Din  just issued an astounding courageous and honest apology for mistakes which have caused Aharon Friedman much grief. Some of you might have figured out that this is part of a push to persuade Aharon Friedman to give Tamar a Get - which she desperately wants and needs at this point. And you would be right.

So what are the sticking points? There are in fact simply two.

 1) Aharon wants his daughter in Silver Spring. Aharon has requested that Tamar move back to Silver Spring so he will be in close proximity to his daughter. Tamar in fact is willing to do so. However he is concerned that she will move back to Philadelphia  the day after she receives the Get. Fortunately the gedolim involved think they can solve that problem both halachically and legally.

2) Aharon wants his name and reputation restored. For many years Tamar, together with ORA, Rav Herschel Schachter and the Kaminetskys have been publicly slandering him and have done their best to make him a hated outcast. This despite that their actions clearly violated the halacha as stated by the Baltimore Beis Din. (In fact the halacha is that a Beis Din that issues a false seruv - which they clearly did - is itself considered to be in cherem.) Aside from the fact that Tamar never has had the halachic status of Aguna or Aharon having the obligation of giving a Get - they have arrogantly lied and deceived the public and apparently themselves as well.

They cooked up at psychiatric report which is such a basic violation of professional ethics that the author refused to have his name published because he probably would lose his license to practice if it became known. Tamar and the Kaminetskys were well aware that the report was full of lies and yet they ran around the world trashing Aharon as "a total lunatic" and someone who is incapable of marriage. They persuaded Rav Greenblatt to give a heter with false allegations. We are not talking about honest mistakes. We are talking about evil actions - done out of arrogance and a feeling of entitlement to destroy a man - in order to do a favor for the daughter of  a close donor and supporter.

Taking the menchlich formal apology of the Baltimore Beis as an example - the above individuals needs to publicly ask Aharon for forgiveness. The way it stands now - if Aharon gave Tamar a Get - Tamar would be viewed as a heroine for taking something she says she doesn't need and for being so brave all these years in her public fight as Aguna Number 1. This is incredibly perverse and a mockery of truth.

Sorry - but it is absolutely certain that she can not come out of this as the heroic victim. She is the source of all this evil and she needs to acknowledge it. Aharon would be perceived as simply giving into public pressure for giving the Get - but he would continue to be viewed as the vile man who cruelly tormented his wife for years. He wants the truth acknowledged that he and his daughter are the victims. He is not seeking revenge but simply yoshrus and simple justice.

However even if all the above is fulfill, Aharon tells me there is a major problem. Assuming that Tamar moves to Silver Spring with their daughter, the above publicly apologize and assuming Aharon gives a Get - what will life be like for Aharon the day after? 

The answer is it will still be hell for Aharon. The Silver Spring community has placed Aharon in cherem for not giving a Get. This despite being informed by the Baltimore Beis Din that he has no obligation to give a Get and that all sanctions and pressure are against halacha. They were formally sent the recent letter with a request to allow Aharon to enter into the shuls to be able to pray. This trivial request was rejected by these paragons of social justice and political correctness! Aharon tells me these "wonderful" people of Silver Spring will not even let their children play with his 8 year old daughter because he is in cherem. They are torturing his daughter because of their societal values which they view as being superior to Torah values. In fact there are only 2 families that have the elementary human decency not to harm his daughter.

If the Silver Spring community really wants Tamar to receive a Get - then starting this Shabbos they need to welcome Aharon Friedman and his daughter. They need to acknowledge that they were wrong in ostracizing him. If he is not made welcome then that is the end of the story - there is no Get and Tamar will be giving birth to a mamzer. Think about it!


  1. Looks to me like Ahron is not in a position to make demands. No-one is interested in him, nor in his get. So all he is doing by withholding his get is keeping himself from moving on.

  2. We The People, demand that those shuls paining R' Aron F should cease and desist. If they do not comply, The names of their rabiners should be Publicized, who their pursuant's are in doing so and put *them* in "cherem". Furthermore, they should assur to contribute any funds, and assur to daven there. Kvod Shamayim is NOT FOR SALE. You cannot rule by fist against the Torah, they are chote umachti es Yisroel keYEROVOM ben NEVOT. Let it be known beTFUTSOT YISROEL all those recalcitrant organizations who they are, who their leaders are, who their foot soldiers are, who their Poskim are, what they stand for, what they do to Acheinu Bnei Yisroel, and what they do to an INNOCENT 8 YEAR OLD R'L'.

    This is not Torah, this is Sdom vaAmorah, Yodim es Ribonam umiskavnim limrod bo! ORA SHARY'A, RA leSHOMAYIM veRA LABRIYOS. Have you no shame? Have you no decency? Vehu Rachim yechaper avon...

  3. She's pregnant?

  4. How will a Get after pregnancy stop a mamzer status?

  5. To Rabbi Rosenbaum, Rav of Shomrai Emunah in Silver Spring,

    In a letter to your community dated December 17, 2010 you write

    While we truly empathize and understand the feelings on both sides we must follow the objectivity of Torah values and halakhic principles as our guide if we are not simply to react to the powerful emotions of the moment. These emotions, though legitimate, may or may not lead us in the proper direction, while halakhah can always serve as our roadmap in times of trouble.

    It truly is sad day when those halachic principles that you are supposed to use as your guide have fallen by the way side. Your decision to continue to ban Aharon from your Shul is a reflection of you and your community. Shame on You and Shame on your community.

  6. you either don't know what is going on or you are a troll

  7. RDE, what is the legal solution to ensure she doesn't move away from soccer
    Silver Spring the morning after she receives a Get?

  8. It is too sensitive to discuss the details

  9. You wrote that Tamar has agreed to move back to Silver Spring. This strongly indicates that Tamar herself realizes she is wrong in this entire saga, thus is willing to relocate in deference to Aharon and the grave wrongdoings she's done him over the last seven years, and she further realizes and recognizes that she still needs a Get, thus effectively acknowledging and admitting that her heter was invalid and she remained an eishes ish all along.

  10. Highly unlikely plain gossip

  11. Mark my words if any settlement is reached you will see all those who were quiet as mice during this whole fiasco will be coming out of the woodwork to give respect to RS K after all it was a great sacrifice on their part to stay out of the limelight for the sake of corruption .

  12. Rabbi Rosenbaum is not Modern Orthodox.

  13. I disagree.

    They must announce that all rabbis and all mosdot in greater washington area (SS, DC, georgetown, potomac, virginia is all chabad, etc) is permanently banned from the area, with appropriate sanctions to ora, such as the communities will now automatically support the ora opponent, no matter what.

  14. There's been a lot of chatter about her being pregnant lately, including an inference in the above post. Are you saying is highly unlikely because you have inside reason to believe that she's been using birth control because she was never confident in the heter in the first place?

  15. Either way, pregnancy has no halachic effect. The baby is either way a halachic mamzer, subject to . . . Other hetterim. . .

  16. This posting is an excellent assessment of the current situation.

    However "They need to acknowledge that they were wrong" may prove to be the most intractable problem. Large segments of modern Orthodoxy have fallen under the influence of feminist groups like ORA and have incorporated a false, anti-Torah religion of "agunism" into their religious doctrines. They have come to believe that ORA's anti-Torah divorce resolutions are the Torah approach of justice. This appears to be the case with a major segment of the Silver Spring community.

    For Silver Spring to acknowledge that they were wrong will require them to disavow ORA's false doctrines that they have embraced as Torah doctrines. They will not be able to disavow ORA unless and until some of the most prominent rabbis endorsing ORA will remove their endorsements.

    Will RHS and other prominent YU rabbis be willing to remove their endorsements of ORA? If not, this conflict may be very difficult to resolve.

  17. But aren't the congregation members by and large mostly MO? And overall community in Silver Spring that Aharon Friedman dwells amongst, and has shunned him, aren't they but and large MO laymen?

  18. Let's just hope that she is not pregnant - and remain unaware if anyone gives birth to a large preemie.

  19. Assuming the "preemie" is born a reasonable time *after* a Get was issued.

  20. Amazing
    Unless u don't deal in reality Tamar is worried about her"husband" #2 and possible mamzairus issues.
    I'm sure the guy wants to have a family .Thats assuming he's allowed to be with her.
    Moving on is predicted on giving him his dignity back.After being physically beaten up and emotionally abused I'm sure your wacky advice will really resonate with him.

  21. In this video of an ORA protest against AF, we can see a parade of rabbis falling all over themselves to support the fake "agunah" TE. Around 1:30 we see Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum of the Shomrei Emunah shul speaking.

  22. This is unlikely to ever happen. Problem is that ora and the feminist community never cared about tamar in the first place. She was just a convenient pawn. If they come now and admit there wrong, that destroys their future credibility. The only one to gain would be tamar who they never cared about.who would support ora after they publicly admitted their poster aguna was a fraud.They would rather say this is a machlokes of rabbanim, and they rely on r shmuel and nota that it's fine.
    Bottom line they don't care about tamar or Aaron.

  23. fedupwithcorruptrabbisJanuary 22, 2016 at 4:06 PM

    I agree with menachem B that ORA must be brought down! AF if you read this comment, you need to wait for the following 1. A complete public apology from all the shuls that ejected you. 2. Money damages to compensate for some humiliation. (no money can fully atone such a henious crime that TF and her enablers committed). 3. You should be awarded custody of your daughter 4. TF should agree to a "conditional" Get that if she doesnt abide by the terms then the GET is null and void retroactively. 5. TOU MUST RECEIVE AN APOLOGY LETTER FROM ORA AS WELL! It is ORA in my opinion who nows is in a position to continue in their GET MEUSA series and they will continue to do so! I suggest that a letter fro RHS, Kaminetskys and a few others should denounce ORA. This might begin to unravel ORA'S machine which I consider responsible for where we are today. There are countless other men being falsely accused by ORA as we speak.

  24. Who are the rabbis in the video?

  25. The problem is that RYGB and his ilk still feel that this is perfectly within the bounds of HdRT. Not only acceptable halachically, but you go straight to gan eden and you get 72 hot potato kugels! They believe that even without a chiyuv to give a get, it's still the right thing to do. Why? Because once she asks, she must receive, with no questions asked. And if you don't fork over the get immediately, you are a rasha.

    There is no way that a MO community like Silver Spring will ever back
    down when you have folks like that telling them that they did a great
    mitzvah by pressuring AF.

  26. Not necessarily. She may just be saying that because of the pressure she'll compromise, but that everything has been on the up & up.

  27. RDE:


    FYI, Blogger name "Mike Hunt" is a kinui for a vulgarism. It is not a real name

    Or from Wikipedia under Gag Name:

    "In the mid-1970s Jim Davidson and John Elmo frequently called the Tube Bar, a tavern owned by Louis "Red" Deutsch, asking for names such as "Ben Dover", "Mike Hunt", "Peter Phile", "Phil Lacio", "Moe Lester", "Stu Peid" and "Al Coholic",[1]recording and sharing Deutsch's responses."

  28. The_Original_Bored_LawyerJanuary 22, 2016 at 5:02 PM

    This is a pretty common issue in divorce situations. You enter a consent decree, which has to be approved by the Court, that that child will be raised in that community. The court can change it if you convince the court it is for the good of the child, but that is not that easy to do.

  29. There is another concept of Hoirosoi veleidoso bikdusha. In this case, if already conceived then hoiroso beissur and then depends when birth should happen. I believe that she has experience in B. control from prior, she is smart enough not to run into additional complications ad ki ya'avor za'am.

  30. Quite a lineup! First up after ORA gangster Mr. Jeremy Stern, is world famous Rabbi Barry Freundel. Then comes the rabbi of the local Young Israel, attired in Hareidi dress for credibility with his MO congregants. Then comes some non-Jewish local politician. Followed by Hirsch Chinn who married the eishes ish (Mund) of the guy (Rubin) Mendel Epstein beat up to give a Get Me'usa in the 1990s, that was covered then by the New York newspapers. Then it's a R. Ephraim Goldfein, who is Tamar's "advisor" from Philadelphia according to the video, followed by Tamar herself.

  31. There are no rabbis in the video. Only pigs with hats on.

  32. Firstly everybody everybody's mind wanders there so what's the ideal topic for gossip whether or not it's true people are going to be spreading such rumors just by discussing the possibility. secondly a woman who just left a horrible marriage which it was in any case no matter who was at fault would be very hesitant to have children right away especially in her circles where it's accepted to wait a few years and settle down before having children on top of all that is the uncertainty about her status which in the back of her mind she was probably thinking let's see how this works. this rumor has been Stoddart about two weeks after her marriage when no one could've known maybe not even her

  33. Yes, that is correct. What I meant was that unlike many other MO communities, the overwhelming majority of Rabbonim and Rebbeim of Silver Spring are mainstream Yeshiva-educated.

  34. We would like to hear a clear psak from the gedoilei haPoskim about ORA and the shfichus DOMIM they do and did. These are the YEDEICHEM MLE'EIM DAM of our BROTHERS. See in the Video the Rosh Hamedabrim RF hollering into the Bullhorn, the mikve guy shomer hanoshim. Are these your rabbis? This is only a snake den full of rotten apples, veavizerayhu de'Gilui Arayos, part n' parcel of the mamzer machine. Uviarto horo mikirbecho.

  35. Highly unlikely that she can "date" and "marry" and become pregnant with someone within this time frame - unless she is allowed to stay with her paramour.

  36. The husky is the peeping rabbi.

  37. An impressive bunch.
    1) Barry Freundel.
    2) The guy who "married" Avrohom Rubin's wife - despite letters from all over saying that she was already married and that her "get" was no get.

    Others as well.

  38. Politically IncorrectJanuary 22, 2016 at 6:17 PM

    Subject to other heterim like what?

  39. Politically IncorrectJanuary 22, 2016 at 6:23 PM

    Although, she's wrong, moving back and taking a get, unfortunately don't prove it - she has no choice. ..

  40. Politically IncorrectJanuary 22, 2016 at 6:32 PM

    Speaking from experience, I also deserve more than plenty because of what was done to me. Looking back, my ex was/is totally wrong. Going on fighting must have a clear objective and destination. What he deserves? I agree with the posters here and also, I truly think that he also deserves mountains of money. Am I going to prod him on 'to fight 'til death for a just cause'? No. I think he needs to differentiate between what's coming to him and what is realistic fighting for. .....

  41. Well one of the rabbis is barry freundel. Now I'm totally convinced that AF must give a Get immediately. (That was sarcasm for those with limited intelligence and reading comprehension skills.)

  42. The jumping the gun and publicly shaming someone for positions they take in a delicate adversarial proceeding (unless it is out of the bounds of reason) is one of my pet peeves and AF seems to be the poster child for such callous disregard of justice and even basic human decency. I do not know all the details of this saga and what did or didn't happen behind the scenes, but it seems clear that AF was not someone who refused to give a Get solely to punish his wife, but to rectify what he viewed as an injustice caused to him. Agree or disagree with him, disputes of this nature should be addressed through appropriate forums for such matters, namely the beit din and through negotiations. This rush to shoot from the hip and publicly shame and isolate someone is a bigger injustice than most Get refusals (even most of the Get refusals that I would agree are injustices). Unfortunately for AF, I am afraid that no apologies or mia culpas will fully return his reputation. For both AF and TE's sake and their daughter's sake, I hope that they can both move past this, rectify the injustices to the extent possible, deal with their issues through bais din and/or direct negotiation and hopefully AF will accept the limited rectification possible, even if not perfect, and they both move on with their lives as best as possible.

    I would also note, that organizations such as ORA and all self proclaimed agunah advocates do the most harm for the true agunahs when they seek to expand the definition of agunah beyond any rational definition and terrorize people who shouldn't be terrorized. By doing so, rational people rightfully disregard these organizations and activists as the irrational terrorists they are and they become ineffectual in dealing with the true agunos. There are Get refusers out there (though in much smaller number than ORA would like us to believe) who are truly rotten people and their wives are truly victims of a vicious, vindictive husband. Unfortunately, ORA and activists sacrificed their ability, as well as the ability of more rational well-meaning people, to help such victims for their "greater" cause.

  43. Rabbi Rosenbaum's bread is buttered by the Modern Orthodox Young Israel he is employed at as the hired rabbi. If he doesn't stand up for women's rights as the lay membership desires, they'd find someone more in tune with their expectations. The rabbi himself grew up in the community, which is strongly MO, so likely comes from a MO family himself. Many MO rabbis dress in a black hat. Rabbi Hershel Schachter also wears a black hat at times.

  44. I would imagine his Young Israel's membership would find a new rabbi if he was accommodating to Aharon.

  45. The link I posted earlier did not display.

    To see the ORA protest video I mentioned, go to youtube dot com and search for:
    "ORA Rally 12-04-11: Silver Spring, MD"

    All the rabbis who supported TE's blatant corruption of the halachic divorce process should be held accountable by the decent members of the frum community.

  46. I know Rabbi Rosenbaum personally and he is as straight and ehrlich as they come. He is much closer to chareidi than MO. I think at that time he may have been misled as to the true state of affairs.

  47. Which, if any, of the Silver Spring rabbis are considered to be "Chareidi"?

  48. Whether she will be allowed to remain with her paramour is something that will be a private matter. Eishes Ish, chav l'achrini etc are all public matters. So, we all know that she isn't too bothered about eishes ish - this issur will certainly not bother her. She'll easily find a hocus pocus heter to stay with the dude - and it should not bother us at that point, since there may be a legitimate halachic heter.

  49. Kol of lemino yishkon. Are they both living in the can?

  50. When was the peeper caught, before or after the marriage to eishes ish? This sounds like the " asher yotsu misham plishtim", see Rashi Breishis 10:14

  51. If you're correct, then it is obligatory for him to come out in public and say Aharon is on the right. Yet according to many posters here from Silver Spring, he still does not permit Aharon to come to his shul.

  52. There is also the Mendel Epstein resolution.

  53. This is a classic example of Tsadikim gmurim na'asse melachton al yedei acherim! When the Gedolei haDor call for each and every Yid to demonstrate and moiche and Protest beyeser se'es uvyeser oiz for all the atrocities these scoundrels have inflicted on R' Aron, Chilul haShem barabim, Merim yad beToras Moshe, megale ponim baTorah shelo keHalacha, Lying in Public, doing forgeries to get their way by hook or by crook, you can rest assured that Hashem's fury is upon them. veHoelokim Mevakesh es hanirdof!

  54. It's called ubaal korchoch ya'ane Amen, without any prodding involved

  55. I'm sure after 120 that will be a good response.

  56. I would disagree with you. If you look at the first letter that the Vaad wrote they were very informed of the facts. It was only after they received major push back from the community that they issued a second letter based on the Seruv which they knew or should have known (see Baltimore letter) was bogus.

    The first letter stated "While we truly empathize and understand the feelings on both sides we must follow the objectivity of Torah values and halakhic principles as our guide if we are not simply to react to the powerful emotions of the moment. These emotions, though legitimate, may or may not lead us in the proper direction, while halakhah can always serve as our roadmap in times of trouble."

    Rabbi Rosenbaum is not acting as a Rabbi he is a mere puppet.

  57. Subject to hafkaat kidushin or mekach t... rackman style. :>

  58. I am writing this with firsthand knowledge of the facts regarding R' Rosenbaum, as told to me by someone involved. He was in touch with an objective B"D in NY that told them based on the information the Vaad relayed to them, there was absolutely no reason to ostracize AF. Initially they listened but eventually succumbed to pressure from within the community. Ehrlich or not R' Rosenbaum in this case is dead wrong.

  59. Did Chinn have children with Rubin's wife?

  60. seems in all this back and forth...
    there is a disregard for Masechet Horayos and the duties
    and responsibility, as well as the penalties of those who know better but follow the judgement of the bais din.
    the chance that this will come to a conclusion that will make
    AF whole, will make his daughter tichye' able to be part of
    her heritage and even get some of life for TB?F?... is very
    remote. to say nothing of what it has done to 'emunas
    chachomim'...'the best bais din that money can buy'...
    time for Hazmonos from the Bais Din Shel Maaleh to bring
    a sof davar???

  61. What happened? Any sort of remorseful movement by the Silver Spring community?

  62. Agreed.

    A straight arrow Rav. In the cut of R Anemer zt"l. He is always smiling and is a wonderful example of a Ben Torah. And he is perfect for that kehilla.

  63. So far, this seems to be their attitude:

  64. I heard that they did not as they were afraid of the ramifications. However, Mr. Chinn's speech about committing thousands of aveiros do smell of projection.

  65. Well, it is the community that so eagerly welcomed Mr. Chinn and Mrs. Mund, and actually turned him into and "admirable" person.

  66. "2) Aharon wants his name and reputation restored. " Does this include publicly withdrawing the psychiatric label, which truly is bringing a bad name and reputation to the man?

  67. I contacted him and asked him about the AF case. He said he couldn't discuss it but he gave it a lot of thought and his position has not changed and the cherem should not be lifted. Unless there is something missing in the information that you have provided, I am surprised by his response but in all my experience with him, he was always straight. As far as I'm concerned at this point, I can't see any reason to maintain the cherem.

  68. He can't go against the MO street feeling insisting on get-on-demand.

  69. Sorry that RDE was unable to print my original comment. The third rabbi was Dovid Rosenbaum, who had just taken over the position of Rov from Rav Gedaliah Anemer Z"L. As a newbie, eager to get in the good graces of the MO Silver Spring community, he immediately bent spinelessly and gutlessly to the will of the ORA faction, as well as that of his friends the Cortells, i.e., the sister and brother-in-law of TF.

  70. Hoshanna rabbah less than a yea ago.

  71. Thanks, by now it's etrogim after Sukkot. In any which case, the etrogim came in quite handy today Tu Bishvat. Thanks again :-)
    Anyone knows the origins of Mr. Chinn, sounds chinese to me.

  72. Rabbi Lopiansky
    Rabbi Reingold
    Rabbi Kreiser
    Rabbi Arzouan
    Rabbi Malka
    Rabbi Hyatt
    Rabbi Merkin
    Rabbi Teitelbaum
    Rabbi Idstein
    Rabbi Winter
    Rabbi Katzenstein
    Rabbi Hes
    Rabbi Charner

  73. Straight and ehrlich and smiling is great, but a rov also requires a backbone and something called "pikchus." Otherwise, the straight and smiling rabbi ends up being schlepped wherever he is led, such as here, where he ends up being led by ORA to speak between Freundel and Chinn.

  74. You forgot Rabbi Katz :)

  75. Rabbi Idstein does not teach there anymore.

    Rabbi winter unfortunately passed away.

  76. If I am not mistaken, there are two sons of Rabbi Kalman Winter Z"L who currently reside in Silver Spring.

  77. You forgot rabbi Asher leiffer. 12 grade rebbe. Learnt in brisk.

  78. Rabbi Lopiansky - Mir Yeshiva, son in law of Rav Beinish Finkel
    Rabbi Reingold- Telz, close talmid of Rav Gifter
    Rabbi Kreiser- Brisk,son of R Ahron Kreiser and aon in law of R Chaim Bressler Rosh Yehuda of Scranton
    Rabbi Arzouan-Mercaz Hatorah, Ner Yisroel
    Rabbi Malka- Ner Yisroel
    Rabbi Hyatt -Skokie
    Rabbi Merkin- Chaim Berlin
    Rabbi Teitelbaum- Chaim Berlin, brother in law of the Boyaner Rebbe
    Rabbi Idstein- Philly, head of Camp Dora Golding, now in Minneapolis
    Rabbi Winter- Chofetz Chaim
    Rabbi Katzenstein-Ner Yisroel
    Rabbi Hes-? Brauers?
    Rabbi Charner

  79. I was actually referring to Rabbi Malka the elder. But the younger is good too.

  80. I will point out that none of the above was present at that sickening rally. Delicious irony of Rosenbaum centered between Freundel and Chinn. One of my rebbeim used to say that Hashem has the best sense of humor.

  81. How did Chinn get involved being he isn't from Silver Spring? Is the Get Lobby one of his hobbies?

  82. Aren't some of these people rabbeim in the school, not community rabbis? And one doesn't even live there any more.

  83. Politically IncorrectJanuary 27, 2016 at 6:21 AM

    Irony? Can you kindly explain?

  84. Rabbi Lopiansky is Rosh Hayeshiva. It is officially a communal position.

    The Yeshiva Alumni Shul Ohr Hatorah Rav is also Lakewood and Brisk educated.

    Rabbi Herz Krantz learned in Telz. He is Mechutanim with R Chaim Greineman of Bnei Brak. His grandson serves as assistant rabbi.

    R Chinn has a chassidishe style minyan. And at least his father learned in Torah Vedaas.

    Rabbi Walter of woodside learned in YU, Mir, and Aish Hatorah under Rabbi Ephraim Kirschenbaum

    Rabbi Akiva Leiman learned in Mercaz hatorah, Mir, and I think Ner Yisroel.

    The Sephardic Rav Rabbi Levy learned in Denver, the Mir and Lakewood.

    Then there are other YU rabbis around that.

    But all in all the general leaderships are mainstream yeshiva educated.

    This is due to the influence of Rabbi Gedalia Anemer zt"l who was a close talmid of Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch of Telz, and Rav Moshe Feinstein. He was for many years the de facto head of the Greater Washington community. He passed away in 2010

  85. He currently resides in Silver Spring.

  86. What is Chinn's day job that keeps him occupied most of the day?

  87. Why did Chinn feel compelled to marry a woman with a Get Me'usa? His marriage prospects must've been pretty poor for him to take such a problematic "wife". Did he have a first marriage that ended contentiously with him having a bad reputation?


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