Thursday, May 21, 2015

Schlesinger Twins: Support letter from Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg of Manchester


  1. This latest letter from Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg is very welcome. It shows that the man is a mensch.

    What is so hard to understand is why his father, the Chief Rabbi of Vienna, has never stood up and stopped the loschen hora, (complete lies) that have been spread against Beth, especially as we are told this is against Jewish law!.

    Maybe in view of Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg's very commendable letter, his father will now stand up. It's still not too late.

    I am sure it will help put an end to the suffering of these children which we all want..

    They won't wanr to grow up thinking
    they couldn't trust the Rabbonim,
    in particular the Chief Rabbi, to protect them and to stop the evil lies spoken against their mother!

  2. From what we have read and heard about the tragedy of the Schlesinger twins, we can easily imagine what the hell they and their mother have been going through for the past six years. As you state, Rabbi Eisenberg Junior, she can only be a woman in great distress, her dear little boys (who are growing older by the minute) likewise. Imagine what they are going to tell community members about their early childhood in years to come! The horrors of being known to everyone there as the sons of "the mad Englishwoman", the outrageous lie which has been propagated by those in the community who know better and have no right to spread rumours.

    Nobody could imagine you might support those people in Vienna Rabbi Eisenberg and it is clear from your appeal to those in a position to assist the mother and her children to do so that you do not. Let us hope that the powers that be in the Austrian community take note of and carry out what you have suggested.


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