Monday, May 11, 2015

Israeli school removes plaque honouring Lord Janner, the peer accused of sexual abuse

Telegraph    An Israeli nursery school feted for promoting Jewish-Arab co-existence has removed a plaque honouring Lord Janner, the British peer at the centre of a child sex abuse investigation
The school in Maalot Tarshiha in Israel's northern Galilee region was renamed the Lord Greville Janner Education Centre in November 2012 in recognition of the former Labour MP's work in promoting inter-religious understanding.
Lord Janner attended an unveiling ceremony along with Matthew Gould, Britain's ambassador to Israel, and local dignitaries, including the town's mayor, Shlomoa Buhbut.
At the ceremony, Mr Buhbut praised Lord Janner for "building bridges" and told him: "There is no better place in Israel than to have our kindergarten named for you."[...]

Officials at the school met last week to discuss changing its name after it emerged that there was enough evidence to try Lord Janner - who was MP for Leicester West for more than 30 years - with 22 counts of alleged sexual abuse.[...]

The Guardian   
A group of people who say they were abused by Lord Janner are seeking a formal review of the decision not to prosecute the former Labour MP following child sex abuse claims.

Alison Saunders, the director of public prosecutions, decided not to charge the 86-year-old peer on health grounds, despite saying there was enough evidence to prosecute for 22 sex offences against nine people.

Janner, who now has dementia, was accused of carrying out a catalogue of abuse against young boys, and more than a dozen people came forward to claim he abused them during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. [....]


  1. Even if Janner can't be brought to trial, this action makes a statement! No longer will abuse of people or the system be tolerate.

    I think the Jewish community in Vienna are being seen for the part they are playing in the abuse of Schlesinger children.

    Many countries in the world are horrified at their behaviour of Vienna and if this problem is not put right soon, they will be the outcasts.

    Are the leaders in Vienna heartless and too thick skinned to care?

  2. I commend the brave actions of the Jewish institutions who are removing Janner's name from their plaques and honorary recognition.

    I hope people learn from this, in particular, Chabad should de-list telsner and most of their Australian rabbonim from and Lauder should remove Biderman from any association with his institutions.

    At what point does the embarrassment caused by wayward individuals become severe enough to warrant parting of company? Isn't it better to stem the losses earlier before more damage is caused?

    To summarize, sack Biderman from Chabad and sack Biderman from every position of responsibility that involves children.

  3. The way it works in the UK is that if you have the right (political) connections, then they will do favours for you - hence in the past (at least) they would silence the police or the press , even when they know they committed crimes. For celebrities in the entertainment industry, however, the game is over. There are about half a dozen household names currently in jail, and many more under investigation. Compare this to Israel, where an ex president is in jail for rape, and an ex PM will soon go to jail as well.

  4. There's nothing brave about it at this point. They've got the money, and he's finished. It's a win-win for them.

  5. Rina just as there has been a cover up in the case of Janner, the same is going on in Vienna.

    Have no fear it will be exposed!

  6. Ex PM not soon. Baga''tz ruled he will begin serving his sentences when allhis cases are done. Its been in courts for years, and will still be in courts for years. And at the end they'll say he's too old to serve, the cases are too old, etc.


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