Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Chabad deny culpability



Chabad Rabbi Biderman of the Lauder Chabad school

On the 1st March 2022 the following statement was published by the Lauder Chabad school on their facebook page:


Lauder Chabad Campus
Unfortunately, and unjustly, Jewish institutions in Vienna are being attacked on social media due to a personal divorce dispute.
Lauder Chabad Campus and its staff are proud to provide quality education to all interested families of the Jewish community of Vienna.
We are entirely impartial and wholly uninvolved in these personal family affairs. These issues are dealt solely by the legal authorities over whom we have no influence.
Due to data protection issues and ethical reasons, we cannot discuss individual cases via social media.

Biderman and the Lauder Chabad school claim to be impartial, yet they have done the following:

  • Submitted a statement to the court. Read here
  • Covered up the abuse of Sammy and Benjy Schlesinger. Read here
  • Forwarded private emails to judge Konstanze Thau who is not legally allowed to be involved in the case. Read here.
  • Lauder Chabad school did not allow Beth to attend the twins’ birthday party at the kindergarten. Read here.
  • Lauder Chabad have blocked Beth from attending every parents’ evening, concerts, birthday parties or a single event at the school. They have not provided Beth with any school reports so she has no idea what progress, if any, the twins are making or even what they may be learning.
  • Blatantly told Chief Rabbi Mirvis, and the late Lord Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks that Beth was mentally ill despite knowing this was a lie.
  • Impartial: Dictionary definition: not partial or biased; fair; just


  1. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d78d68febf660ebdc5b770eb09bb3f52019c398af3356313dbc19fc70a754f57.jpg

  2. Even Lauder Chabad couldn't be any more barefacedly dishonest if they tried. So for the past ten years they have been impartial and wholly uninvolved in aiding and abetting Michael Schlesinger in his abusive behavior towards Beth and her children. Of course Rabbi Biederman didn't send Beth's private emails to the uninvolved judge Konstanza Thau. Of course he didn't lie to the court and of course Beth had constant and unlimited access to her children. Of course, of course!


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