Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Advice to Rav Reuven Feinstein

 Igros Moshe (Y.D. 03:96.9):   You will soon reach the age of 20 which is also the age for being liable to punishment also at the hand of heaven and you are asking how you should conduct yourself during your lifetime?  Obviously the primary thing is being engaged in Torah study as Rashi notes in Bechukosi if a person doesn’t learn it is possible to make mistakes and our Sages state that the mistakes of a talmid chachom are considered intentional because he should know better by learning everything to know the truth and then G-d will help that you grow in Torah and come to know everything clearly which will also lead to deed. As they say “Great is study since it brings about deed.” Thus your entire purpose in the world should be that all your life should be devoted to Torah and then I am sure that G-d will help you and also send you a generous livelihood and bountiful blessing because they are only gifts from G-d as our Sages(Kiddushin 82b) note  that poverty or riches are not the result of a specific job but everything is from Heaven according to our merit. G-d forbid that you accept this through an oath or promises which is prohibited but rather you need to be determined in your thoughts and mind and do it. You also need to work on having good personality traits especially to distance yourself from anger. Because pride and anger are things needed to be avoided to an extreme degree. And when a person wants to do this in a determined manner then G-d will help you but G-d forbid that this should be done by promises and oaths as we mentioned before. You also need to be careful in honoring your mother. This is typically very difficult for people since they are habituated from their childhood, therefore you have to be very careful because even if she is forgiving G-d forbid to rely on that. And this that you ask about the need to fast for various reasons? It is not appropriate for you and others who are engaged in Torah study because G-d forbid it can cause bitul Torah (time loss from Torah study) even if not in quantity - in quality. Our Sages (Taanis 11a) say a person who regular fasts is a sinner. So instead of afflicting yourself you should increase your Torah study. My words should always be before you and G-d will always help you.


  1. Our Sages (Taanis 11a) say a person who regular fasts is a sinner

    So _ those who fast Monday and Thursday are sinners?

    What about the fast of speaking?

    Doesn't the Talmud also call the Nazir a sinner?

  2. Taanis (11a) Samuel said: Whosoever fasts [for the sake of self-affliction] is termed a sinner. He is of the same opinion as the following Tanna. For it has been taught: Eleazar ha-Kappar Berabbi20 Says: What is Scripture referring to when it says [of the Nazirite] , And make atonement for him, for that he sinned by reason of the soul.21 Against which soul did he sin?22 [It must refer to the fact that] he denied himself wine. We can now make this inference from minor to major: If this man [Nazirite] who denied himself wine only is termed, Sinner, how much more so he who denies himself the enjoyment of ever so many things. R. Eleazar says: He is termed, Holy. as it is said, He shall be holy, he shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow long.23 If this man [Nazirite] who denied himself wine only is termed, Holy. how much more so he who denies himself the enjoyment of ever so many things — How will then Samuel explain the verse wherein he is termed, Holy? — That refers to the locks growing long. And how will R. Eleazar explain the statement that he is termed, Sinner?-That is because he defiled himself [by contact with the dead]. But did R. Eleazar say so? Did he not say: Let a man always consider himself


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