Wednesday, January 6, 2021

NJ LGBT bills scheduled for MONDAY


22 Teves, 5781 / January 6, '21

Esteemed Leaders,

Two major NJ LGBT bills, as feared, have just been scheduled for this coming Monday January 11: A4454 (public schools), and S2545 (healthcare facilities).

The letter to the editor regarding the bills should already be online at the NJ Jewish Link (, although I've not seen it yet).  A brief report should be coming out in the Jewish Press today too. 

Action Items:

1.)  Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D) of Passaic needs massive pressure to kill both bills, by exposing them and rallying others likewise to do so. Without pressure, he'll exploit the standard myth that "they'll pass anyway" (as Einstein is reputed to have said, a sign of an idiot is repeating the same acts -- in this case, doing nothing to expose the overt evils of both bills - and/ or even actively voting for them -- while somehow expecting different results).

2.)  For Lakewood residents, your legislators should be urged to lead the charge against both of these dangerous bills, to at least procure maximum Republican opposition. 

3.)  Tips:

1)  Even non-religious legislators need to hear that this "Education" bill isn't about education, it's about indoctrination. 

2) This Healthcare facilities legislation is not about healthcare or fairness, it's about enabling the sexual assault of our most vulnerable in long term healthcare facilities, of course, predictably perpetrated in the name of procuring newly concocted "rights" (for those who choose to flaunt biological reality). 

3)  That bill, which would ultimately make it practically impossible for religious people to use such facilities, also been accurately branded as one of NJs rape-enabling bills [along with the joint "no questions asked" Abortion / Human- Trafficking enabling legislation they've been trying to pass recently].

The recent escalation of Divine Judgement should prompt us to oppose all measures to legitimize immorality, inasmuch as when sexual immorality is rampant, G-d allows massive collective retribution which kills some good people along with the evil ones. Let us not be counted among the good people who could have done more to protest and combat the evildoers - so we may merit to avoid being punished along with them.

Thank you all again,

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children

US: 845.642.1679

Israeli Hotline: 03.721.3337

PS. some recent posts:

Why Rabbis Should Fight LGBT Exploitation:


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