Thursday, July 16, 2020

מאמר היום על גיוס בנות, גם הודי'ה א. IDF vs. Teenage Girls‎



Today, it was reported that the Israeli Army threatened a (religious) teenage girl, Hodoya E. (see below), with arrest - over her refusal to violate Torah Law by submitting to a Rayon Das (a military "Religiosity"-Interrogation tribunal).  Please keep posted to our update link at the end of the article copied below.

What can we actually do about it?  As Jews of the Diaspora, we have an additional capacity to impede such crimes against innocent girls (religious or otherwise, Jewish or gentile).  We have the ability to share information intelligently within our spheres of influence, specifically writing letters to the editor (of any publication), and getting sincere Rabbonim and community activists informed, prompting them to speak out against this religious persecution of noshim tzidkoniyos  (righteous women, in the merit of whom the Final Redemption will come; see Kav HaYashar 82; Yalkut Shimoni on Rus 4, 606, end).  Please share (either of) these links:

{The similar version below (posted today at was included in the weekly CJV email of this week, in the Israel section, as usual.}

Israeli Army Draft Office Flagging  Girls in Less Religious Schools for Religious Interrogation 

23 Tammuz, 5780 °°  July 15, '20

Parshas Matos - Masei

By Binyomin Feinberg 

As reported previously, in a major  development over the past several weeks, the Draft Office of the Israeli Army (operating under the entity "Meitav") is flagging teenage girls who study, or  studied in less-religious or non-religious schools - summoning them to a "Rayon Dat" (a military "Religiosity Interview," or, more often, interrogation). These girls are now receiving this order even without stepping into the Draft Office. Until now, it was generally only after entering the Draft Office that such girls would be identified, and only then confronted with a summons to the Draft Office. Now, girls are facing this formidable challenge earlier in the process, as young as about 16-1/2 years old, soon after they obtain their religiosity verification from the Rabbanut (Israeli Rabbinate). Apparently, there's a new Army protocol in place to flag all such girls on a wholesale basis.

Moreover, the Rabbanut itself - primarily in Jerusalem - has lately reported to have been asking multiple girls where they study, in a seemingly innocent, but potentially catastrophic departure from Rabbanut protocol. Coincidentally, girls asked that question are finding themselves suddenly summoned to the Draft Offices. Is the Rabbanut sharing that information with the Draft Office? Are we to assume it's merely coincidental that these same girls are shortly thereafter being ordered to appear before a military panel for religiosity interrogations?

Even if the Rabbanut is in fact not providing that information to Army headhunters, it's apparent - to volunteer women assisting these teenage girls - that the recent  Rabbanut shift in policy (questioning girls about their schooling while they are simply seeking religiosity documentation) is indicative of some form of Army-Rabbanut coordination.

Activist volunteers with "Chomosaich" report that about NINE such girls now are now facing Rayon Dat interview appointments - despite having followed proper procedures to avoid that. A lawyer active assisting the girls is running up against a brick wall.
Thus, these girls will likely need either a more expensive lawyer, or face the prospects faced by other female religious objectors, including threat of arrest, incarceration, and abuse by police, prison, and judicial authorities, as recently experienced by Hadasah Margolit Yakovov (20 y/o daughter of a Chareidi Bucharian immigrants), released after almost a month in Military Prison Four in wake of her refusal to enlist (see last week's post That is, unless sufficient public awareness can be raised as to obviate the need to fight the Army on the legal front.

One example is the current Army pursuit Hodoyah E. Noteworthy is that in a written response this week to her attorney, Meitav conveniently neglects to address the recent Rabbanut directive to provide Corona-period extensions to girls requiring Rabbanut assistance, as raised in a letter the attorney sent on behalf of Hodoyah in June.

Furthermore, whatever explanation the Army may proffer to explain this needs to be seen in context of timing. They're embarking on this new policy just as Corona is resurgent. Does the risk of not drafting a few girls actually justify the risk of endangering yet more people within the Army and in the civilian population?

To provide a broader perspective, as was reported in The Jewish Press last December, the Ma'ariv (Nov. 5, '19) reported on the Army declaration of a shocking target goal, aiming to enlist a whopping 40% of national religious high school girls for enlistment in the military. The recent Rayon Dat dragnet fits neatly into that declared Army paradigm (in a modification of a popular expression, "if you can't get them to join you - beat them"), inasmuch as the main target here are teenage girls from traditional and national religious backgrounds. National religious girls are a natural target because their ideological affinity for the declared goals of the Army impedes their families from identifying illicit Maitav attempts to traffic their teenage daughters for less than idealistic purposes.  Traditional girls are simply easy targets, because, in addition to the aforementioned ideological sympathies, their religiosity is more easily disqualified by (often antireligious) Rayon Dat military officers, seeking to draft every non-secular girl they can (for trafficking-related reasons obvious enough render elaboration superfluous).

Volunteers with "Chomosaich"  observe that if this latest Army escalation against traditional and Mizrachi girls is left unchecked, then soon - G-d forbid - the only girls guaranteed their religious service exemption entitlements will be Chareidi girls of politically- connected affiliations.

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law -- the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)


Update link for the month of Tammuz to check in case we post during the week between our regular Wednesday/ Thursday posts:


This week's post ends there, but for additional reportage and perspective, these links may be useful:

Selected reports on conscription of girls/ women into the Israeli military:

These 2 appeared in the weekly email of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) week of Parshas Vayishlach 5780 (12 Dec.,19)


(Nov. 7, '19)

(Nov. 6, '19)

(Oct. 30, '19)

(Parshas Beraishis)

(Oct 8, 2019)

Violating the Vineyard:

(28 Aug.)

(4 Ellul, '79; see Jewish Press, Sept.13,'19).


  1. where in the Torah is it written that a woman cannot go to war?
    Nowhere. hence it is not a violation of Torah law.

  2. where does it say you cant drive a car or turn on electric lights?
    so according to you it must be permitted

  3. The Mishnah says that even a bride under the chuppah goes to war.
    It says do not light fire on Shabbat in all your settlements.

  4. Hashkem tashkem / rodef - they are not time dependent mitzvot, and even if they were, it wouldn't be assur for a woman.

  5. really? And that is why no car. And all the gedolim who prohibit women being drafted never heard of what you think you know?

  6. That Gedolim prohibit doesn't mean it is forbidden by the Torah. e.g. to have milky product together with chicken is prohibited by all the gedolim. However, that prohibition is not from the Torah, but d'rabbanan.

  7. car - biggest problem, would be burning petrol, really.
    I suppose carrying the key and travelling would be additional problems - depending on how far.
    Then there is the issur of riding, but it is assur d'rabbanan, but a car is not horse either.
    If there was an all electric car, and you held like Rav Shlomo Zalman that electricity is d'rabbanan - and worked around the key, and did not go too far , then possibly there would be no d'oraita issurim.

  8. Fellow Yidden Its Time To Start The Teshuvah Process!

    The writing is on the wall!

  9. Shoiteh!
    Your grandfather Theodore Herzl held like that .
    He did not believe in Hashem

    He was a Mumar lihachais

    The King of EREV RAV

  10. Now time to the haredi to become haredi!

  11. you are ignoring the refutation of your original claim!

  12. "The gedolim said so!"

    That's the argument now? Didn't you just the other day post about the fact that a gadol who rules against the Torah would be better off becoming an idolator? But now we hold up gadolic opinion as infallible again when it's convenient to the argument and haredi/antizionist/non-zionist ideology?

  13. nope!
    there is a presumption that they are knowledgeable unless there is strong evidence to the contrary

    nothing was said about infallible!

  14. I don't see a refutation. I see words like gedolim or nonsense.
    Chatam sofer made up the white fiction that all rabbinic are equal to Torah laws in order to fight reform.
    Gedolim may be doing the same or making a takkana.
    My point is that it's not explicit Torah law.

  15. So you say chicken and cheese is forbidden from the Torah?

  16. They are knowledgeable. I think one of the great gedolim said it is yehareg v'lo yaavor - that the hareidim will fight to the death rather than allow girls to be drafted. But in a time of religious persecution, even d'rabbanan can become yeharaig.

  17. Herzl /Ben gurion were successful, kibbutz galuyot, whereas Bar kochba was a disaster. That's difficult to grasp when you have a narrow mind.

  18. Refutation by car?
    You don't accept that the Torah explicitly forbids lighting fire. How is that question a refutation?

  19. you said the Torah doesn't explicitly prohibit woman in the army
    I said the same could be said about a car on Shabbos

  20. The Taz says that anything not explicitly forbidden by the Torah, the rabbis are not permitted to forbid. I like that statement, but you probably don't.

  21. Rav Yosef - enlist only to cook,7340,L-4891186,00.html

  22. Alfred Cohen - journal of halacha

  23. "We are willing to die".... was the chareidi slogan. This is not what they said about Khilmnicki, not about Bar Kochba.

    In the pogroms they did not fight back. In bar kochba they fought the romans. But against the Arabs they refused to fight.
    So whom were they willing to fight to the death? The dirty (Zionist) jews! Yes, they were ready to fight the Jew's for protecting them against the Arabs. But not to fight against the Arabs who would kill their sons and abduct their daughters!

    This is not rational, or moral. It's pythonesque (apologies to those who have not studied the philosophy of Monty python).

  24. Sources and discussion of this concept are provided in this article

    The illustrious Chatam Sofer supported his thesis!

  25. nope you misquote
    The Taz states in numerous places that although the Sages have leeway to enact their own new prohibitions, they may not prohibit something explicitly permitted by the Torah.

  26. "they may not prohibit something explicitly permitted by the Torah."

    That's correct - i mis-formulated by saying "not explicitly forbidden ".

    Anyway, what i write is not important, what the Gedolim said is what matters.

  27. Many things that the Torah expllicitly permits, eg polygamy, working full-time, which are "forbidden".
    there were good reasons to forbid frum girls going to the army.
    A socialist system led by atheist such as Moshe Dayan. According to some opinions, bearing arms for women is forbidden.
    On the other hand, mishna and rambam state in existential wars, women also go (in whatever capacity). Here the Torah explicitly commands them to fight. And sherut leumi was also forbidden, despite it not containing anything assur - how can it be an ikkar to die for?
    You can't make up flavour of the day halacha !

  28. so according to everyone if women are not really needed for combat they can not be forced into army and it it is prohibited to try!

  29. In combat - agreed. In support, logistics they may be.
    the situation today is different from 70 years ago. We had manpower shortages, and from 1948-73 they were existential wars. Today, there are still threats, but a bigger population.
    i don't agree with drafting religious girls. I am trying to understand the rationale behind the fierce opposition.
    even the most RZ rabbi Goren when was in the army was arrested for insubordination, he went against moshe dayan (atheist) who tried to remove Ke-l Malei rachamim from memorial prayers. My theory is that the Chazon ish, Rav Isser Zalman, rav Tzvi Pesach Frank had the clarity to know that the socialist atheist infrastructure in the military was a spiritual black hole. They knew the secular kibbutz people, who at the time ran the country.
    Perhaps they saw this threat just as existential as the arab armies.


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