Sunday, January 5, 2020

On foreign policy, Trump flouts risks that gave others pause

 US President Donald Trump is not the first American leader to have Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in his sights, but he was the first to pull the trigger.
It’s a pattern that has emerged throughout Trump’s presidency. On a range of national security matters, he has cast aside the same warnings that gave his predecessors in both parties pause.
At times, he has simply been willing to embrace more risk. In other moments, he has questioned the validity of the warnings altogether, even from experts within his own administration. And he has publicly taken pride in doing so.
 Trump’s willingness to buck conventional thinking has been a defining feature of his political life. As he enters the final year of his first term, aides and allies describe him as increasingly emboldened to act on his instincts. He’s banished the coterie of advisers who viewed themselves as “guardrails” against his impulse. Others, like former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, have left because they disagreed with Trump’s decision-making.


  1. For America to stay as world leader and Superpower, it needs to exercise that authority. it also gets involved in some kind of military conflict around once every 10 years or so. The Russians and Chinese are increasing their influence whilst rogue nations such as N. Korea and Iran are threats to world peace.
    He was criticised for being too soft on N. Korea. Now for being too tough on Iran? Just can't win.
    Being a world power is not just how a few journalists and academics see it.

    Obama didn't take action on anyone, and Bush made the mistake of going to war with Iraq, even though they were not involved in 9/11.


    Pelosi and Schumer brought on Iran's attack on US GIs

  3. “On foreign policy, Trump flouts risks that gave others pause” See
    “It doesn’t take much to tip the scales. People forget. Jews in Germany thought they were safe, too. They thought they were Germans. People, like my parents, in Toulouse, France (after surviving pogroms in Poland), thought they were home…home at last…in that place of Enlightenment…equality, liberty and fraternity. To know what happened, I do not need to read the books. I only need to ask my sister. She remembers streets being cordoned off, and that day when Germans were directing traffic. Vichy had come to town. Sarah remembers the day when her best friend, Incarnacion, didn’t answer the doorbell, and when she did, told Sarah that she cannot go to school with her anymore. Because, she explained, “You are a dirty Jew.” ”
    Allow me to consult the books, Winston Churchill, The Second World War v. II ch. XI “Admiral Darlan and the French Fleet.” Hitler assassinated Darlan December 1942. Darlan tried to appease Hitler June 17, 1940 when he suddenly reversed himself and allowed Hitler to take control of the French fleet, p.216:
    “For the rest, Darlan had been present at most of the conferences which I have described, and as the end of the French resistance approached he had repeatedly assured me that whatever happened the French Fleet should never fall into German hands. Now at Bordeaux came the fateful moment in the career of this ambitious, self seeking, and capable admiral. His authority over the Fleet was for all practical purposes absolute. He had only to orderthe ships to British, American, or French colonial harbors---some already started---to be obeyed. In the morning of June 17, after the fall of M. Reynaud’s Cabinet, he declared to General Georges that he was resolved to give the order. The next day Georges met him in the afternoon abnd asked him what had happened. Darlan replied that he had changed his mind.”
    Jack Engelhard in his books and articles, is right. Times are changing in America: “laws do favor the lawless, and render our courts and police as helpless bystanders…and Jews as primary targets.” What happened to American courts? I am amazed by my failure in my SCOTUS petitions. What happened to Progressive Left American Jews? What happened to American rabbis that support the K-G garbage heter?


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