Monday, January 6, 2020

Police nab American who fled to Israel amid child sex abuse allegations in 2010

Police on Sunday arrested a Brooklyn native who has been illegally residing in Israel since 2010 amid allegations that he sexually abused his female relatives, a law enforcement official said.
While the identity of the suspect was revealed in the American press shortly after he fled the country, the Justice Ministry has placed a gag order barring the publication of the man’s name in order to protect the identities of the alleged victims.
The suspect was arrested in southern Israel and brought on Monday before the Jerusalem District Court, where a representative from the International Affairs Division of the State Prosecutor’s Office filed a petition for extradition back to the US.

1 comment:

  1. "in order to protect the identities of the alleged victims."
    Dinah bat Yaakov tochiach!

    That is a an excuse in disguise! There are high profile ENABLERS that protect these perps, and give them safe haven in their arei halviyim as an arei Miklat. That is because they are either covering for themselves or Bnei Mishpacha, but on whose expense? This also keeps the cycle circular. Where did the Torah protect the identity of the perp or of the victim. Yehuda said, Ma betza ki naharog et achinu vechisinu es domo, ken hadavar hahu. Rav lachem bnei levi, stop sweeping our kinderlach under the rug. Enough is enough


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