Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dan Shapiro.: 'Iran has capabilities far beyond al-Qaeda or ISIS'

 Soleimani, head of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was eliminated Thursday night in a US drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq.
"Qasem Soleimani had the blood of many thousands on his hands: Americans, Iraqis, Lebanese, Syrians, Israelis & many, many others. Truly one of the most evil men on the planet. Seeing his smiling mug in selfies with terrorists across the region was hard to take. Good riddance," Shapiro tweeted.
"That he deserved this fate, a fate he authored for so many others, is not in question. The ability to carry it out is also impressive, as an intelligence and operational achievement. To take a decision like this has major strategic consequences. Iran has capabilities far beyond al-Qaeda or ISIS when their leaders were eliminated. And they will have many opportunities to respond.
"The question is, will the US and our allies be ready? To state the obvious, careful, strategic, fact-based planning is not a hallmark of our current President. So there is plenty of risk in this moment."


  1. In the lead up to the first Gulf war with saddam Hussein yemach shmo, the Lubavitcher rebbe gave chizzuk to Jews in Israel, saying they need not fear, and that miracles will occur. Similarly, weakness of speech should not be made, the Iranian regime is a Haman regime, whose intention is to chas v'shalom try to destroy Israel - that they will not succeed. We must have trust in Hashem that he will protect us. Also, Rav Shteinman spoke very positively about America - we must have respect fro the USA, who is helping to cut down this Islamalek regime.
    Even on its own, Israel is militarily more capable than Iran. the USA will also crush them if they end up in war.

    Israel can take down any missiles from Syria, Iraq or iran.

  2. A secular regime in Israell is worse, far worse then Saddam Hussein!
    'We want moshiach now 'and destruction of the Minim

  3. You are being too modern .the Brisker rov said even if the chofetz Chaim was leading the medina, it's still assur!
    Even if king David was leading, you wouldn't accept it!

  4. Moshiach is not something on a menu that you can order. The state of Israel is laying the foundation for the moshiach and Beit hamikdash. Won't happen overnight.

  5. I assume that they would disagree or are you claiming he is the highest authority possible?!

  6. Regarding David hamelech? I am assuming that certain elements want moshiach to come from the sky, together with the Beit hamikdash. If it happens in a different order, as rambam suggests, they'll not accept it. They already deny rambam where he says a righteous king can fail, and not be moshiach! How can you have a righteous king fighting wars if he doesn't have a base in Israel? Will he have an aircraft carrier in the sea?

  7. Thank you , I was thinking about highest authority _ that's a very good point that strengthens my argument. If the Chofetz Chaim was considered the highest halachic authorityof his time, they are saying they wouldn't accept him either! Never mind the fact that the ohr sameach was held by both rav Chaim and the CC to be the gadol hador.

  8. i was told the Brisker Rav never said such
    what is your source?

  9. I've seen the "quote" on the truetorahjews website and similar places. I would be happy if it is falsely attributed to him. I think berel also cited it a while back.

  10. "Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik quoted his father, "Even if they appointed
    the Chofetz Chaim himself as the leader of the state, it would be
    forbidden." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 196)

    The Brisker Rav also said: "The Rambam (Melachim 12:2 and Teshuva
    9:2) says that moshiach will redeem the Jewish people from their
    subjugation to the nations. Anyone who believes that it is possible to
    be redeemed from subjugation to the nations without moshiach is lacking
    in full belief in moshiach." (Yalkut Divrei Torah)"

    This is from the falseTorahjews website

    Reading this, regardless of who said it, it is clear that the person behind these ideas is not that smart.

    1) The sages said there is no difference between our days and the days of Moshiach other than subjugation of the nations. Thus, if the condition for removal of that subjugation has bene fulfilled, we are in days of Moshaich, whether you like it or not.

    2) the same Rambam says that there are righteous kings, who may fail in the fulfillment of criteria for being Melech haMashiach. So they might , e.g. bring back some of the exiles, fight some wars, but not build the temple. or any other permutation. Thus his own version of the future is at odds with what the Rambam writes.

    3) If someone as great as the CC or the CI approves of the State, he claims it is still forbidden. That puts him in a minority position - which is not binding on the major authorities who say differently. The CI told everyone to vote. There was a photo of Rav Nissim Karelitz ztl voting in the State elections - so they accept the State whether lechatchila or bedieved.


  12. All these quotes are attributed to Rav velvel by his sons. Assuming website is correctly citing the sons, it could be they are beefing up statements he half said or did not. Perhaps drawing his authority behind their own ideology.


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