Sunday, July 31, 2016

Rabbi Yakov Horowitz Speaking about Child Safety August 2 in Har Nof Jerusalem


  1. Why were many comments erased from the article about Horowitz on the Israeli blog bachadrei charedim
    He has not been invited in recent years to speak at any agudah functions in the US. The recent convention had a panel on OTD kids yanky was not there. Even the MO organization for victims of abuse JCW had a awareness event in Monsey Yankies home town and he was not invited to speak.

  2. I was wondering if there were any guidlines for the offender for rehabilitation into the community and cooperating with the community where both concerns could be met - concerns of safety for the community and concerns for respect and dignity to live a life

  3. חיים פינטרAugust 1, 2016 at 7:21 AM

    Rabbosai, if it's the offender I think you're referring to, I live in
    Har Nof and we've all already hashed this out too many times so let's do
    some chazarah. The conviction 7 years ago in 2009 was for inappropriate
    touching in 2007, 9 years ago, while he was seeing clients. The Judge
    was using marijuana while the DA, Charles Hynes, was found to be corrupt
    and regularly tampering with witnesses. The accusers were abusing kids
    themselves but that evidence was blocked by the Rape Shield Law. The
    offender was made a Level 3 because he denied doing anything in the
    first place and got points for that. Any offender can ask for a downward
    departure by law and this offender hasn't because he's still appealing
    the original evaluation. But because it was almost a decade ago and it
    was only misdemeanors he's likely to get it down. He even has one of the
    Psychiatrists often used by the State, Dr. Richard Kreuger, who wrote
    the chapter in the DSM-V on sexual deviances, on his side. The accusers
    allegedly admitted lying in Bais Din. Offender was released in late 2010
    and established a company doing medical research here in Israel in 2013
    or so. He employs about 50 people. In 2014 he made a few trips here to
    make Aliyah and finally settled here in that same year after the summer.
    All of his furniture from America, according to those who have been in
    there, is in his apartment so it looks like the Aliyah was planned.
    Looks like. There hasn't been a complaint since 2009 about something
    that allegedly happened in 2007. Rabbi Reisman, Shlita, says he looked
    into it and he's not dangerous. Other Rabbis disagree and say this
    offender is a, active, walking murderer. There are local Rabbis and
    other people in Har Nof, some of them bloggers, who say to just ignore
    him and leave him alone. Kabdeyhu Vechashdeyhu. The Daily News article
    in January 2015, according to the offender's lawyer, is false. The
    lawyer quotes the Detective handling the offender's case. RYH and the
    author of this blog say they called the Police and they told them that
    he is, in fact, wanted. RYH says that the Police have also spoken to
    about 4 or 6 other victims after the article was written, but yet they
    still haven't made an arrest for almost 2 years. Meanwhile, the offender
    seems to go about his business like everyone else is, going to and from
    work and looking for a good parking spot on the street when he comes
    home, and noone has anything to say about him because they've never even
    interacted with him. The offender is suing RYH for making his life and
    that of his family's misearble for telling lies about him. Please tell
    me if I've missed anything.

  4. It should be mentioned that Yanky Horowitz tried stopping a competing book about child safety "Talking about Private Places" by taking the author and publisher to Bais din. He got a temporary injunction and would run around Judaica stores in monsey to see if they were selling the book. The book has now been flying off the shelves after the author one the din Torah. Are we here for the safety and protection of children or are we here to promote ourselves and make money??

  5. And therefore what. you are trying to smear Rabbi Horowitz why?

  6. Are you of the opinion that all is permissible under the guise of being a advocate for child abuse?


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