Friday, July 29, 2016

Eliezar Berland indicted on sexual assault charges

Arutz 7   Rabbi Eliezer Berland is formally indicted on numerous counts of sex crimes against members of his community.

The Jerusalem District Attorney's office today (Friday) filed an indictment in the city's Magistrate Court against Rabbi Eliezer Berland on charges of indecent acts without consent, indecent acts towards a minor by exploiting a disciplinary and educational relationship, and aggravated sexual assault.

In the indictment, Rabbi Berland is named as having served as the Rabbi and leader of the "Shuvu Banim" community and Yeshiva in Jerusalem, many of whose members were concentrated near his residences in Jerusalem and Beitar Ilit.

As part of the obligations associated with his position, he held meetings for purposes of religious and spiritual guidance and instruction with male and female members of his community, and others, in his house and other places.

The indictment states that Rabbi Berland took advantage of these meetings and his status on numerous occasions to commit sexual acts - without consent and while exploiting a disciplinary and educational relationship - with women and female minors.

Following the exposure of some of his deeds by a man who had discovered them, the indictment says, Rabbi Berland ordered two of his followers to assault the man. [...]


  1. 12 Breslav rabbanim have come out publically that these charges are nonsense. See:
    Publication of this on daas torah blog is mehadrin motzie shem rah (the most serious form of lashon harah).

  2. Didn't some of the Rabbimin signed on this come out against him? Doesnt it sound like there are contradictions?

  3. Whoever is right, it is clear that he failed because he founded this community that he now accuses of being criminal.

  4. I was in Yerushalayim on the weekend and saw a Pashkevil with a long letter signed by Rabbi Shechter stating that the public previous announcement signed by him against Berland was a forgery, despite his signature.

    The obvious irony is inescapable.

    Conclusion: don't trust anything you read in Israel.

  5. including notices that the previous notice is a forgery

  6. That was precisely my point.
    Do you know what irony is?

  7. The fact that you merely repeated my point is indication that you did not understand what I was trying to say.

  8. You got him back! Trump style.


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