Thursday, July 28, 2016

Father of 11 arrested on charges of sexually abusing daughters


החקירה החלה לאחר קבלת דיווח על חשד ששתי צעירות, בנות 15 וחצי ו-23 כיום, שנפגעו מינית על ידי 
אביהן מאז היו בנות פגיעה מתמשכת וארוכת שנים שמהלכה ביצע האב בבנותיו מעשי אינוס, מעשה סדום ומעשים מגונים. 

מהחקירה עולה כי אבי המשפחה, פגע מינית בבתו הגדולה מאז הייתה בת 7 ועד שעזבה את בית המשפחה בגיל 17.מאז שעזבה את בית המשפחה החל האב לפגוע מינית באחותה הקטנה שהייתה אז כבת 11, ועד לחשיפת הפרשה לפני כחודש. המקרה נחשף כשהבת הגדולה גילתה שהאב ממשיך בפגיעותיו גם כלפי אחותה הקטנה, וסיפרה זאת בפני קרובי המשפחה. 
מהמשטרה נמסר כי מדובר בחקירה רגישה ומורכבת, שהצליחה בין היתר הודות לשיתוף הפעולה עם בני המשפחה ואנשי הקהילה, נפתחה חקירה מקצועית ורגישה שבסיומה גובשה תשתית ראייתית שהובילה להגשת כתב אישום חמור. 



  1. It is all as a result of NOT WORKING in yiddish it's called being a "LEIDIG-GAYER,we have tens of thousands of young people who don't work, don't really learn, have no education in other words ignorant savages who are bored out of their minds,and this is the result.
    CHAZAL teach us " BETAILAH MAIVI LUDAI SHIMUM" doing nothing all day causes someone to become ROTTEN TO THE CORE.
    Our so called GEDOILIM have destroyed and killed off a whole generation of Jews with their insane and evil rulings that the average young man must sit and learn all his life and NOT WORK,
    Yes,when we have so called ROSH KOLLEL'S raping their own daughters,we see how right CHAZAL were when they ruled that " BETAILAH MAIVI LUDAI SHIMUM.


  2. Nonsense - as has been noted many times - there is no evidence that the rate of these crimes is greater amongst chareidm or orthodox Jews in general compared to any other population. To therefore to claim you know the "cause" of these crimes and it is rooted in charedi culture is total nonsense. Why not claim that it is the result of not having unfiltered internet or eating kosher food?
    Also there is no evidence that these crimes are the result of having nothing to do. I am not aware of any charedi Jew who does nothing all day.

    Bottom line- ride your hobby horse to some other soap box where you can explain why the Chareidi lifestyle is causing global warming and air pollution

  3. " I am not aware of any charedi Jew who does nothing all day."

    Rabbi Eidensohn: are you serious are you delusional?,with this asinine statement you have lost all your credibility

  4. No way did i say or insinuate that the rate of sexual crimes in the orthodox community is higher than in the general public,and no way did i say that this is the only reason,all i said is that in fact we have this horrendous situation where thousands upon thousands of so called frum Jews who are not productive members of society,they don't learn,don't work' don't help in defending their own families and country,are forced to live a life of poverty and being dependent on government and individual charities,consequently they have lost all their self respect and self worth on top of that they are bored out of their minds,and yes that leads to crime and immorality of the worst kind.
    A perfect example of this same situation is in our inner city minority ghetto's here in the U.S,where tens of thousands of unemployed waste away their lives doing nothing and that leads directly to the astronomically high crime rate.

    Rabbi Eidensohn ,for you to say that "i am not aware of ant chareidi jew doing nothing" is absolutely mind boggling,when if fact right under your feet in Jerusalem and other chareidi towns and cities you have thousands upon thousands roaming the streets," and you know it"


  5. Most Rosh Kellels that I know are busy from morning to night. It is a very demanding occupation.

  6. Perhaps the more relevant saying of Chazal is:
    רבן גמליאל בנו של רבי יהודה הנשיא אומר, יפה תלמוד תורה עם דרך ארץ,
    שיגיעת שניהם משכחת עוון; וכל תורה שאין עימה מלאכה, סופה בטילה וגוררת

  7. But The Rema doesn't pasken like that.

  8. How many days out of your life have you been in "Jerusalem and other chareidi towns and cities"?

  9. This is not Halacha so the Rema does not need to pasken like this

    Does he pasken different to this? Please point out which Simman/Seif

  10. יו"ד סי' רמ"ו סכ"א

  11. No way did i say or insinuate that the rate of sexual crimes in the orthodox community is higher than in the general public,and no way did i say that this is the only reason,

    Then you follow it by repeating precisely this false claim!

    all i said is that in fact we have this horrendous situation where thousands upon thousands of so called frum Jews ...... consequently ...... that leads to crime and immorality of the worst kind.

    Which crimes??? Which crimes "of the worst kind" are you claiming are higher among Chareidim? There no such crimes! So whatever it is you are trying to pin on their lifestyle - that you are obviously envious of - you may as well pin it on eating Kosher, appreciating spirituality, appreciating Judaism, loving Judaism etc.

    A perfect example of this same situation is in our inner city minority.....that leads directly to the astronomically high crime rate.

    What is the comparison? Higher crime rates to rates of crime that are not higher??? Why would you lie?! Are your lies due to your lifestyle?

  12. In the beginning the Rema says that Soifo LELASTEM ES ABRIOS. Of course when this is the case then all the HETERIM that follow are not valid.

    What we now have is Hefkerus as far as accepting money, this causes a number of major problems here is a short list.

    1. Those with money control moisdos of all sorts and appoint the people they like for top positions. This undermines the basics because you have the wrong people at these positions and even when they are the right people they know that they must perform as some GEVIR wishes them, otherwise they will be out.
    2. Families are under constant stress of Parnosoh, this is clearly a cause of low self esteem that can lead to just about any sin
    3. The image of a BEN TORAH was badly compromised in order to afford a certain life style. This includes an unacceptable standard of claiming benefits etc.

    Considering the above, there is no basis whatsoever to rely on the Rema for the current lifestyle common in many places

  13. My first reaction was "I made a valid point. Why is he so quick to have a rebuttal? It appears as though all he wants is to support his own position and can't have an hones fruitful dialogue."

    But then came my second reaction. "Harry say this to yourself. This person is saying something sensible so instead of being so defensive why don't you consider his points."

    So here goes.

    You say that The B'nei Torah don't get a sufficient stipend to support a family, so they end up not having the heter of The Rema because they in fact are still without ample parnossa and they end up being melastem es habrios by an unacceptible standard of taking benefits (meaning dishonesty and geneiva), and stress from poverty which causes issues in sholom bayis and eventually sin.

    These are valid points, although I don't know that people in the work force steal any less. They might actually steal more and worse because they could steal from other Yidden. But I don't think we can stamp out stealing as it says rubam b'gezel.

    In any case, I think that the Kollel system needs to be reevaluated. Full time learning isn't for most people. It's only for the elite few. But those few should indeed follow the ruling of The Rema, because otherwise there will be no real talmiday chachomim. Maybe the kollel donations should be channeled to give the real talmiday chachomim bigger allowances and the not real talmiday chachomim should not take this money at all but instead go to work and be kovea itim. But Neither you nor I have the ability to change the system.

    We need Moshiach!

  14. It may be true that in the general public Ganeivos are just as common or even more, yet this is not an excuse because one can be more modest and live a lifestyle that does not stretch one to the limit.

    In terms of who will decide who is a talmid chochom, this is not an issue. As soon as you stop the mass fund raising using all illegitimate methods the system will clean itself very quickly.

    Once the donors will be those who actually believe in learning they are likely to make better decision of who really deserves the support.

  15. Honesty: (you might want to change that name LOL).
    have you a problem reading and comprehending the English language? please read again S-L-OW-L-Y what i wrote,and tell me exactly where it says that the crime rate is higher than by the general population,
    i imagine you must be a product of the chasidic yeshiva system where reading and comprehending the English language was never emphasized .

  16. LOL

    You may just want to take your advice and reread what I wrote, carefully. That's assuming that you're capable of critical thinking.

    You asserted that certain practices that are exclusive to a particular community, "Leads to crime and immortality of the worst kind."

    So, kindly show some sort of statistical relationship between those practices and particular crimes. Thank you.

    Of course, if you are unable to, then I assume that you would behave ethically and admit that you were wrong. You may apologize right here, on this blog.

    As an aside, should we assume that you're a graduate of American college, of which over 20% of its graduates are considered illiterate? Are you part of the 20%?


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.