Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trump ‘committing political suicide’ as Harris seizes ‘intensity advantage’

Longtime GOP pollster Frank Luntz said in a Wednesday interview he is seeing a “broad shift” in the 2024 polls toward Vice President Harris as she rides her “intensity advantage” and as former President Trump increasingly commits “political suicide.”


  1. Iran supports Kamala. You suport Kamala. Think about it:

    1. your logic makes no sense nor are your claims true.

    2. Wow another Dumb Trump appointee! The FBI hasn't decided if a crime was committed. I guess they missed the Tablet article

    3. Source that Iran supports Harris like Russia supports Trump?
      Both Russia and Iran as well as China are simply interested in misinformation like the Republicans , Fox News and NY Post. Sowing discord is not the same as support and doesn't prove that the candidate is favored

    4. You're twisting yourself to justify supporting socialist Jew haters because you hate Trump more.
      No doubt if this was 1944, you'd be telling me that all the bad news about Joe Stalin was Brazilian misinformation.

    5. Please stop arguingAugust 16, 2024 at 1:28 AM

      I apologize but you People sound like a bunch of adolescent Juveniles, who have nothing better to do other than personal vindicative, statements

    6. Best summary of this blog so far

    7. Instead of dedicating itself to its unique self-described goal of "Daas Torah - Issues of Jewish Identity", this blog has lost its compass, and has become a political blog, which come a dime a dozen. What a shame, and a sad way for the blog owner to spend the waning years of his life.

    8. Think you for your concern that I am concerned with the wrong things,
      I have been hearing this for over 40 years
      Why waste time indexing the Igros Moshe. since it is only relevant for big rabbis
      Why endanger Klall Yisroel by producing a collection of hashkofa viewpoints.
      Why criticize a rabbi and his organization which provides financial support to gedolim and yeshivas.
      Why deal with child abuse against the accepted Torah approach that it is lashon harah and mesira
      Why waste your time talking with Rav Sternbuch since he is such a wild fanatic
      Why get involved in halachic disputes involving gedolim and divorcee.
      Why get involved in politics since the gedolim tell us how to vote.
      Since G-d runs the world why tell people to make any efforts to earn a living or influence the political environment.
      It is a waste of time or a type of heresy
      In short why concern yourself with trying to fix the world's problems focus instead on being positive and inspirational and tending your own garden. The world is perfect as it is now-
      There should be no concern with other people's problems.
      There is no concept of tochacha or arvus The world is the way G-d wants it to be

    9. Actually the first six "Why" on the list is the reason this blog became so essential and I think we'd all like you to get back to that.

    10. Those issues are simply history

    11. I'm writing this this to fulfill my concept of Tochacha. "Why get involved in politics since the gedolim tell us how to vote." Red Herring argument. I never claimed so. Except for when a candidate openly endorses an issue related to "Daas Torah - Issues of Jewish Identity", what does politics have to do with your stated blog goals? Nothing. Sorry to say, but you seem to have veered off the cliff, and even think that what you're doing now is a mitzvah. חזור בך.

    12. Or maybe it's just beyn hazmanim coffee chat..

    13. Unfortunately, this isn't simply a Bein Hazmanim lapse. This marks a steady decline in DT's engaging in serious Torah issues, and is an ongoing problem with him, year-round.

    14. The problem is there are no issues which involve a blatant violation of clear sources such as EJF or child abuse. You are missing Tropper

    15. Au contraire. What about the upcoming Chareidi draft in which Chareidi authorities insist it's Daas Torah that none of their boys should ever serve while Dati Leumi leaders bring plenty of support for the opposite?

    16. That has already been decided by which authorities you want to accept or to which community you belong. It is like arguing whether chocolate or vanilla ice cream is better

    17. First, chocolate. Second, you could put up a bunch of mekoros from both sides

    18. Why not write a guest post on this topic

    19. What's to write? Chocolate tastes better, has a nice colour and pairs well with hot fudge. Done.


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