Saturday, August 24, 2024

Harris remarks, DNC snub leave pro-Palestinian activists fuming

During her speech, Harris vowed to always defend Israel against terrorist attacks, calling out Hamas for the deadly Oct. 7 attacks that killed some 1,200 people and took roughly 250 hostages in southern Israel, while also expressing her concern about the toll in Gaza, where more than 40,000 people have died.

1 comment :

  1. The DNC was a pleasant surprise. Jew-hating protestors didn't show up in the numbers expected. To compete with the RNC, Jewish speakers and the Polin family were features and Harris mouths all the right platitudes about supporting Israel, hoping you'll forget her record (
    And the best part - all the Arabs are fuming because Jews got to speak and not them! Jews got to remind the world who the aggressors and they didn't get to spew their lies.
    Seriously, what's Tlaid thinking now?
    The next week will be interesting - this snub will cost her votes in Michigan and Minnesota (they won't vote Trump, they'll just stay home) and RFK is supposedly about to drop out and endorse Trump which will deflate Harris' post convention bump.
    You see, this is why America is my favourite reality show.


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