Monday, June 24, 2024

Warning signs for Biden’s Jewish support as war in Gaza drags on and antisemitism rises

Israel has often proved to be a vexing topic for Trump to speak about during his comparatively brief political career. Trump’s support among Jewish voters in 2020, at 30% according to Associated Press exit polls, was the highest for a Republican presidential candidate in decades.

The former president is frustrated he didn’t get more support from Jewish voters for the long-sought moving of the American embassy to Jerusalem and has many times made comments like the ones he made in April, saying that “any Jewish person that votes for Biden does not love Israel, and frankly, should be spoken to.”

He has offered no substantive alternative proposals for getting to a deal or long-term post conflict plan. He has not condemned antisemitic incidents, and often talks about hostages in reference to the January 6, 2021, Capitol rioters in prison, not the estimated 120 Israelis (including five American citizens) still being held by Hamas.


  1. One only releases limited info during an election campaign on important plans to avoid either being criticized or having the ideas stolen by the other side.
    Also remember - the Abraham Accords appeared out of nowhere despite having been worked on quietly for years.

    1. On the topic of the Abrams Accord. Trump pulls off the most substantial step to genuine peace and the first thing the Biden administration does is undermine it. Only after months did they give it official recognition, first as the "middle east pact", then finally by its proper name.

    2. You are trying to make a joke? Substantial steps to peace?! - Living in Israel I guess I can't see that peace was advanced by Trump's deals. Sounds like a lefwinger talking about the evacuation of Gaza! or Oslo Accords. Now if he only pressured Israel to accept the two state agreement so he can get his Nobel Prize - something high on his bucket list

    3. Yeah, Mr. Disagree, why would you think helping Israel make official peace and relations with 6 previous hostile Arab countries while quietly pushing Saudi Arabia towards greater cooperation was a substantial step to peace? Next you'll claim the nuking of Japan had something to do with their surrender.

    4. I have heard that claim, that Japan did not surrender because of Nukes. The claim is that Their culture is Kamikaze and they are willing to self destruct rather than surrender. It was only when Russia was going to invade that they realized they would rather surrender to America than to Russia. So the rumor goes.


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