Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Qur'an: Israel Is Not for the Jews:


Editors' preface: Who has rights to the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River? Zionists cite biblical passages in which God awarded them Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel, in perpetuity in his covenant with the children of Israel. Muslims make a counter-claim based in part on verses of the Qur'an that describe the Jews in terms of contempt and in part on rulings in Muslim law that reject Muslims relinquishing rule over a territory under Muslim rule to nonbelievers. But other Muslims cite different Qur'anic verses in support of the Jewish claim. The conflict has a religious quality that makes it the more difficult to resolve.


  1. Granted that both we and them have religious claims. What is it, however, that drives non-muslim college students to side with Gaza? Is it purely misinformation, or, as the "mainstream media" maintains, there is a valid claim (from a secular perspective) that Israel stole their land?

    1. so you think these secular college demonstrators are rational?

    2. The Koran is not a narrative book with a specific flow like the Bible. It's a random set of lectures arranged according to length.
      Early in his career, Mo, y"sh, wanted to befriend us so we'd join his new religion. Hence the positive statements about Jews. Later on after we rejected him, he decided we had to go. Hence the negative statements. Arrange the Koran in chronological order and it'll make more sense.


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