Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Parnossa - Pele Yo'etz

 Pele Yoetz (Parnossa) It is known that the key to parnossa is in the hands of G-d. He is feeds and provides sustenance for all from the horns of rams to the eggs of lice. Hower there are distinctions and differences  betweeen them. Man is sustained according to his deeds and mazel and according to G-d’s understanding. 

Pele Yoetz (Parnossa) There is a well known disagreement in the Talmud that the Rashbi believed that a person should engage only in the Torah constantly and as a result his work is done by others while Rabbi Yishmael believed that one should follow a natural course and have a job. the commentators say that what both of them say is true.  The meaning of the matter is that the work of the pious  is blessed in miraculous fashion. Therefore the little work they do is is blessed by G-d and is adequate for their needs. However for the majority, G-d provides parnossa in a natural manner. 

Pele Yoetz (02 page 58) . 1. A craft, is a laborious act that requires concentration and effort, and therefore has the ability to keep the thoughts of lust away from a person. But on the other hand, its content is usually material, and therefore In any case, it also distances from spiritualityand from the Torah. 2, Torah and Derech Eretz, various explanations have been given to this concept, but the most striking is that of Rabbi Chaim of Volozyhner, who interpreted when is the Torah beautiful with Derech Eretz? When Darech Eretz is also Torah. And this is his language there, "Raba said (Brachos 35) to his students on the days of Nisan and on the days of Tishrei, do not appear before me in order not to struggle with your livelihood the rest of the year.” G-d forbid to say that they turned their hearts completely to working all day long and they were  completely negligent from Torah study. But in fact while they were involved in their business their thinking was involved with Halacha.

Pele Yoetz (02 page 58) Mixing in oil means the Torah that should be mixed with good deeds, As they say “It is beautiful that Torah studying be comboned with derech eretz. Since the exertion in both obliterates sin.”When a who has good deeds is engaged in Torah study he keeps himself from sin. In other words, by this he keeps himself from sin, and in this man comes closer to the level of pure motivation for the sake of G-d.

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