Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Parnossa Kad HaKemach

 Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad haKemach  Parnossa) And He even sustains every nation of the seventy nations that exist in the world even those who are not worthy of it because there are some nations among them who have no Torah and nothing to do with a mitzvah but are worshipers of idolatry. Also the wild animals including those that are dangerous and harm us as it is written He gives bread to the animal, etc., and all are nourished and provided for by His ever-great kindness that does not cease. and David also said He gives bread to all flesh because His kindness is eternal.

Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad haKemach  Parnossa) G-d sustains the whole world from the horns of rams to the eggs of lice, that is, from the largest to the smallest of the animal species that does not speak, and it is not necessary to say of the human species

Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad haKemach  Parnossa) In the name of sustenance, G-d was called a shepherd Come and see how great the power of sustenance is because the parts of the world that need sustenance are four. And these are inanimate and vegetative and living and speaking. . And each and every one's livelihood is prepared for him according to his value and that which is appropriate for it.

Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad haKemach  Parnossa) Children. Lifespan and parnossa, are not dependent on virtue but on mazel. This  it is not to be understood that the matter depends on luck and according to the stars and that prayer is irrelevant. Because we know from other sources that prayer does help in these matters. In fact this statement informs us how great is the power of prayer. Because everything decreed by the stars can be canceled by G-d. In fact everything that is decreed by the stars, it is possible for a person to cancel it by his merit even  without prayer and without shouting at all. Nevertheless in these three things which are dependent on the stars, he is needs to pray

Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad haKemach  Parnossa) And because in the giving of the parnossa a miracle is done in them by canceling the power of the stars. Therefore our sages compared the giving of parnossa to the splitting of the Red Sea, because the splitting of the sea was an open miracle and while parnossa is a hidden miracle, therefore they said it was like the splitting and not the splitting.

Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad haKemach Parnossa) It is well-known that the matter of livelihood is a testimony to the wonders of G-d and to his great kindness of His graces from the fact that He gives bread to all flesh and distributes sustenance to all His creatures.Our Sages said It is called the Great Hallel because God sits in His midst of the world and distributes sustenance to all His creatures, because He gives each and every one his need for sustenance and enough for his lack that he lacks.

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