Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Netanyahu’s Main Challenger Loses His Edge


Support for the leader of the National Unity Party soared after the Oct. 7 attack, when public anger with Netanyahu was at its height. Previously a member of the opposition, Gantz joined Netanyahu’s coalition as part of an emergency government, a move that gave him a seat on the powerful three-member war cabinet. 

But as the war drags on, support for Gantz has slid while Netanyahu’s has stabilized. Many voters think Gantz has stayed in the emergency government for too long and he is now perceived as being part of the failures of the war instead of someone who can change its course.

1 comment:

  1. In Israel, the perspective is that he's Washington's lapdog, the guy they'd like to see as prime minister.
    Like the ICC, the US doesn't understand the Israeli mentality - Moshe Kapoyr could be the prime minister and be at 5% in the polls but if someone from outside threatens him or tells Israelis to pick someone else, they'd re-elect him in a landslide.


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