Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Over 500 dead from COVID-19 in January: 'This was preventable'

"We needed to push more people to receive the fourth vaccine," she added. "Anyone who needs it and is worried - should go get vaccinated. That's very important. We see a drop in the level of immunity and protection from the booster, and so it would have been worthwhile to encourage more people at high risk to get vaccinated, because we see that the fourth dose of the vaccine did help protect the public."

"Unfortunately, in all of these points, there was not enough push from the public. In my opinion, there wasn't even a discussion on the question of whether to take this path or to make more efforts to protect those whose health is less good. They just went with what was happening in a kind of indecision. Here, by the way, things can still be done, and we need in my opinion, to take action even today, and we need to wake up on this matter. The approach of, 'there's nothing we can do, and that's it,' is problematic, because there is what to do, and there was what to do, and even now we can do it."

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