Wednesday, February 2, 2022

GOP to Tucker Carlson: We’re the decision-makers on Ukraine, not you

GOP lawmakers argue that supporting Ukraine now and working to deter a Russian invasion reduces the likelihood that U.S. troops would need to engage in combat with Russian forces down the line. GOP lawmakers have emphasized that they agree with Carlson that U.S. troops should not be sent to Ukraine.

But Carlson has shocked his fellow conservatives with statements that some have likened to Putin-esque propaganda. Those sentiments have apparently started trickling through GOP primaries, with some candidates embracing Carlson’s views.

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), a former Green Beret, attributed much of the public wrangling to confusion surrounding the U.S. position on sending troops to Ukraine to engage in combat with Russian forces — a possibility that the Biden administration has ruled out.

But he said there would be consequences for the U.S. and the West if Ukraine is left to fend for itself.

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