Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Israeli researchers uncover dangers of artificial sweeteners- study


 New research has found that FDA-approved artificial sweeteners can cause previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased, leading to discomfort and digestive issues, according to Ben-Gurion University scientists

The researchers, who published their findings last month in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, looked at six commonly used artificial sweeteners. While none of them actively kill off the bacteria, three of the six significantly impair communication.


  1. Hmmm, artificial chemicals designed to fool your body and provide no nutritious benefit turn out to be harmful. And no one saw this coming.
    Let's add to that the acidity they produce in the blood leading to calcium leaching out of the bones.
    Only two drinks I recommend - water and skim milk.

  2. In February 2020, there was no proof either way on the origins of this virus, but the mainstream media (following its pool of "sources" from a certain posse of top virologists with DC connections) chose to run with a narrative (now understood to be Fauci-directed) that it was unassailably a zoonotic spillover and the alternative a conspiracy theory. They even claimed there was proof when there was zero. Nada. Nothing. Anyone who bought that line of thinking was entirely duped. At that time, there was plenty of reason to suspect it might have had a lab origin, so leaning toward lab origin as possibly more likely was very reasonable but unproven. As of now there is a mountain of circumstantial evidence all pointing toward one conclusion, and of course the people who may be responsible have been completely uncooperative, manipulative, dishonest and non-transparent. All implying strongly their guilt.

  3. What is a "mountain of circumstantial evidence"?

  4. The structure of the virus is unlike anything found in nature.
    And US and China were planning on fusing different viruses - an extremely dangerous game to play.

  5. First you say "Nope!" and only then you ask me what I'm talking about.
    Rather than dismissing what I say, perhaps consider that you have not educated yourself thoroughly on this topic and I might have an important perspective to share with you that you are not familiar with.

  6. Wow!
    You obvious ignored the articles I posted that contradict your claims

  7. really? most experts disagree with you

  8. I am not an expert, and you need some degree of expertise to know who are the experts, and who is making an unbiased statement.

  9. since you are not an expert you need to cherry pick sources to cite minority views which obviously know better than the majority?!

  10. The only reason you are promoting the "Not a lab leak" position is because of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  11. nonsense - you are not an expert, so what is is your methodology for determining who has expertise, independence, and capability to investigate accurately?
    Your only methodology is to transplant your halachic understanding - i.e. to follow the majority of accepted poskim. Except "accepted" is a fallacious concept. Accepted by whom? Themselves? Or their followers?

    Science and religion have very little in common.

    "Scientists" also are limited by their field of competence, as they specialise in a few areas, but are not "expert" in the general areas eg of microbiology, virology etc. Unlike halacha, there is not standard area of study to mastered - there is no shulchan aruch, MB, etc that is common to all biologists or biochemists.

    There are bodies like WHO which are politically aligned and make very dangerous and biased statemtns so as not to offend the Chinese. China is a totalitarian regime, where there is no freedom of press, speech, or even internet. they have conentration camps for muslims, where they rape, experiment on, and torture people - it is thus uncannily similar to Nazi Gemany. yet anyone who makes a statement on their behal, you take them to be gedolim and not to be questioned.

  12. More fascinating conversations/debates in daf hayomi today. Beitzah 38:
    “LIKEWISE A WOMAN THAT BORROWED FROM HER NEIGHBOUR: When R. Abba went up [to Palestine], he said: May it be the will [of God] that I may say something which is acceptable. When he came up [to Palestine] he met R. Johanan and R. Hanina b. Pappi and R. Zera. Some say, R. Abbahu and R. Simeon b. Pazzi and R. Isaac the Smith. They were sitting and saying: Why so? Let the water and the salt be nullified in relation to the dough! [ Hence the dough would be permitted to be carried without reference to the ownership of the water and the salt!] R. Abba said to them: If one kab of wheat of one person got mixed up with ten kabs of wheat of another, should the latter eat and be happy? [ Obviously not! Similarly, the salt and water do not lose their identity in spite of the greater value of the flour]. They laughed at him. Said he to them: Have I taken away your coats [that you laugh at me]?[Surely I have said or done nothing absurd.] They again laughed at him. Said R. Oshaia: They were right in laughing at him. Why did he not say to them [as an example] of a case of wheat that got mixed up with barley? Because they are of different kinds, and in a mixture of different kinds the rule of neutralization takes effect; then the same is true of wheat that got mixed up with wheat: granted that according to R. Judah it does not become neutralized, but according to the Rabbis it indeed becomes neutralized.3 R. Safra said to him:4 By Moses!5 Is it well what you say?6 Did they not hear what R. Hiyya of Ktesifon7 said in the name of Rab: If one picks out pebbles from his neighbour's threshing floor he must pay him the value of wheat.8 Consequently [it is because] he lessened the measure [of his wheat];9 likewise in this case he has lessened the quantity.10 Said Abaye to him: Does not the Master make a distinction between money which is being claimed and money which is not being claimed?11 ”

    My theory. What a prayer R. Abba from Babel/galut makes: praying to God that he R. Abba will say something acceptable to the esteemed rabbis of Palestine! Torah in Israel always much higher level than Torah down in galut.

    Yikes, the esteemed rabbis of Palestine laughed at R. Abba and R. Oshara says: They were right in laughing at him. Today we don’t laugh at R. Abba. I love the intricate reasoning in the Talmud. Today Torah in Israel is at a very high level.

  13. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&q=t.co/i9fGc6FRSD#TJvl11NI/L6ahNrBy/

  14. Wow! You obviously believe that opinion pieces and wishful thinking constitute proof and evidence!
    Wow! You must have ignored my response to one of those vapid puff pieces that you for some reason thought settled the matter!

  15. Not really. Even the "experts" you will undoubtedly cite, such as those who authored the "Proximal origins" oped (which they called research), just days earlier had emailed to Fauci their own concerns expressing exactly what Kalonymous just said, several of them believing it's 50-50 or even more likely to be unnatural. Oops! Weren't expecting those FOIA's to happen I guess...
    Not one sarbecovirus on the planet has a furin cleavage site. Not one. Other than SARS Cov2. The virus's natural evolution from closely related viruses *seems implausible,* and this set off the alarm bells for many of the VIP virologists with DC/NIAID connections before their sudden about-face...It still alarms people like David Baltimore, as one example. A Nobel winner and a father of the whole Immunology field. He knows as well as many scientists that the FCS doesn't belong there. He just kept quiet about it until recently. As most scientists did. The most vocal on the subject of origins have been the most conflicted! The virologists who do and/or otherwise support gain of function work. They have been the most vocal proclaiming that the virus is natural, there is nothing to see here, and it's "conspiracy theory" to suggest otherwise. But surely you have to acknowledge they are nogea bdavar.
    So that FCS is a real mystery.
    But when we look at the recently unearthed 2018 grant proposal from EcoHealth it all starts to make sense.

    But I know what you will say. You can cite "experts" who strongly believe, like it's their religious faith principle, that natural origin is "more likely" - Uh, ok. And I don't. And many other experts disagree with them. And many experts haven't concluded anything because how can you do that before it's been thoroughly investigated?
    Peter Embarek led the WHO mission to investigate SarsCov2 origins in China, and HE now says it was a sham and does not have anyway to conclude one way or the other on the virus's origin. If there was ever an "argument from authority" to be made, there is no bigger authority on this matter. Science is anyway not a kind of gedolim system where you can jut make things go away by saying "experts say."

  16. How did you determine what was the "majority" view? Did you do a poll of scientists?
    Even if a certain view was held by the majority, that doesn't make it correct. Especially when the opinion is not formed based on evidence but simply on gut feel or belief, no matter how much collective expertise they have. This isn't a halacha, and it doesn't get decided by majority opinion. What you CLAIM (baselessly) is the majority opinion, I am sorry, but I'm afraid it does not have compelling rationale behind it and does not make a compelling case. You prefer it for whatever reason, maybe it makes you feel better, but they will have to prove their case to me.
    Everyone on planet earth should want a thorough and transparent investigation to be done and that all potentially connected parties should readily provide all relevant documents and records. So that we can all get to the bottom of this. And if it absolves them of any involvement, great!
    But yet they don't want to do that, and many of the people you cite don't care at all whether they do or don't.

  17. I like “R. Abba went up [to Palestine], he said: May it be the will [of God] that I may say something which is acceptable.” Back to Noah.

    My theory that Ham was a terrorist like Taliban and Iran that seek to rule the world with their version of extreme Islam. “Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness, and told his two brothers outside ויגד לשני אחיו בחוץ.” (Genesis 9:22). Actually, Canaan was Ham’s 4rth son. “When Noah woke up from his wine, and learned וידע what his youngest son had done unto him, he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants עבד עבדים shall he be to his brothers.” (Genesis 9:24-25).

    What are the SQUAD and the Progressive Left in Congress going to do? Looks to me total failure. The USA is not behind them. Biden/Harris total failure.

  18. How do you know you exist and even if most people say it is true but it still might not be correct

  19. which cult did you learn your tactics from? Scientology? Or is it one of the Yeshivas near meah shearim?

  20. Actually from Rennselear Poytech where
    I got my B.S. in Psychology
    And you?

  21. ahh, but if I don't exist, then who are you talking to?

  22. so why comment?
    I am responding to your comment that appeared on my computer

  23. The comment you made to biotech is the Gaslighting comment. That's what I objected to.

  24. Yet another irrelevant straw man argument and false comparison.
    Let's see, should I go with David Baltimore: "(I)t's a hypothesis that must be taken seriously."
    Or Rabbi Eidensohn: "most experts" (according to me and CNN) "say it's conspiracy theory and misinformation!" "And not to mention, racist!"
    I think I'll go with Dr. Baltimore on this one since his view actually makes sense and yours is merely an argument from authority in addition to being plainly false.


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