Tuesday, September 17, 2024

G-d gave Israel to Jews

 Ibn Ezra (Shemos 03:22) And of her that sojourns in her house. For the Jews owned land. Some complain and say that our ancestors were thieves. Can’t these murmurers see that this was a command from on high? There is no sense in asking why? G-d created everything. He gives riches to whom He desires to give it, and when He wishes to, He takes the very same riches away. There is no evil in this, as everything is His.

1 comment :

  1. Well it's a variation on Rashi Bereishis 1:1 but I think Rav Hirsch's take on it in Va'eschanan is interesting - Jews are the people of Torah, Eretz Israel is the land of Torah but Israel is not the land of Jews.


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