Saturday, October 2, 2021

Israel and the shameful, dangerous final days of Donald Trump

 Few if any national leaders were more closely allied with the disgraced US President Donald Trump, inciter of last week’s assault on the Capitol in Washington, on American democracy, than Benjamin Netanyahu.

Few if any nations would consider themselves to have been greater beneficiaries of Trump-backed policies than Israel, even though Israelis were deeply conflicted over the man now nearing the end of his White House term in such ignominy.

The implications of these two facts are already being felt, and will continue to resonate in the coming days, weeks, months and years. And not for the good.

1 comment :

  1. Do we mourn the 2ND temple era, or just the destruction and galus?
    The 2nd temple era was one where we had Hashmonaim, Kings who were kohanim, sadducees who had different Temple Halacha from chazal, civil war etc. Is such a situation with the temple desirable? Is it better to be under shibbud malchius than to have tsedukim running the beit hamikdash?
    Was Zechariah Ben avkulios justified in his inflexibility even in a fatal decision resulting in the churban bayis? Is the shulchan Aruch and mishna berura preferable or at least equivalent to having our own land and temple service?


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