Friday, October 1, 2021

Cancer survivor blows the whistle on 'toxic positivity'

 In this paradigm, God rewards you with health, wealth and happiness if only you have the right kind of faith. As the pandemic has demonstrated, scientific facts and common sense fall to the wayside as people declare they will "trust God" to protect them from a deadly virus that is befalling people all around them who God apparently doesn't care about. (Weirdly, many of these same people own guns rather than trusting God to protect them.)

1 comment :

  1. I had a patient who's a devout Chrisian tell me she won't take the vaccine because she trusts God (going by his J name) to protect her. I said "Perhaps God is protecting you by inspiring scientists to create and give you the vaccine" and she just stared at me as if there was a circuit in her brain desperately trying to switch on but it just couldn't.


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