Monday, April 22, 2019

Jewish nurses debunk anti-vaxxer misinformation as measles spreads in NYC ultra-Orthodox community

Rebecca Feldman would like you to get a few facts straight about measles.
The vaccine is safe, for starters, said the emergency room nurse practitioner. It doesn’t cause autism, and Vitamin A doesn’t protect you from the disease, she said.
Feldman and 14 other Orthodox Jewish nurses are going line by line through a 40-page handbook that New York City health officials have identified as propaganda that’s helping to fuel a measles outbreak in the region. Written by an anonymous group that calls itself Peach — Parents Educating and Advocating for Children’s Health — the document laces largely unproven anti-vaccination theories with passages from Jewish religious texts.


  1. Vaccines may be safe. But that that evaluation should not be made by medical professionals like nurses.


    Because they, or their colleagues, are the very ones who give out vaccines. There is an obvious and glaring conflict of interest in asking them to evaluate the safety of the medicine they dispense.

    Rather, a team of objective outsiders should do the evaluation. People who are trained in the methodology of science, statisticians, doctors not involved in prescribing vaccines and not connected to those who manufacture and test tye efficacy of vaccines, etc. should be given the task of deciding just how safe vaccines are.

    And we already know the conclusion. In an epidemic, vaccines save lives. Anything short of that, the answer is not clearcut.

  2. Israel is ground "O" for Measles.

    Axios News: "The outbreaks were imported into the U.S. by travelers from regions where outbreaks were occurring, such as Ukraine and Israel, and spread in communities with inadequate levels of vaccination." -Axios.


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