Monday, April 22, 2019

Her Credibility is Shot!’ CNN Panel SHREDDED Sarah Sanders for ‘PROPAGANDA’ Assault on Jim

1 comment:

  1. I saw about 10” or so of this dreadful terrible video.
    William Barr effectively removed the Mueller v Trump legal threats: threats based on what is permitted by law. Now there remains political threats to Trump. Will Trump win in 2020? Trump’s political enemies want to do to Trump what Judge Freida did to Mendel Epstein. Mendel Epstein is in jail on conviction of conspiracy to commit a crime, kidnapping “If a man is found to have kidnapped a fellow Israelite, enslaving him or selling him, that kidnapper shall die; thus you will sweep out evil from your midst.” (Deuteronomy 24:7). My NYS Court of Appeals motion 266 3/25/2019 is a legal document with legal arguments, essentially the same as SCOTUS 18-7160. The judges will be meeting next week and releasing their decisions the week after, starting May 2, 2019.
    Hertz Chumash says p. 308: “The victim must have been seen by witnesses in the hands of the kidnapper and also have been sold, before the crime was punishable by death.” I’m involved with legal arguments, what is permitted by law. With Trump, Bravo, Trump is fighting our worst enemy, the mullahs of Iran. As a PhD economist I agree with Trump’s economics, on trade, on the FED, on taxes, on regulation... Bravo Trump and his team fights anti-Semitism. Something is wrong with the NYS courts regarding divorces that after I divorced Susan 1993 Susan gets a NYS civil divorce 2013, follow Joe Orlow, Yehoshua, IsraelReader, KA, and Berel?


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