Sunday, September 11, 2016

Copepods, Citi Field, and Cattle Prods by Akiva Wasserstein

Guest post by Akiva Wasserstein

In the summer of 2004, a group of Brooklyn rabbis made a discovery while rinsing bug-free lettuce from Israel. They found tiny crustaceans, called copepods, in the New York City drinking water. A community-wide tumult ensued, prompting Jewish housewives far and wide to urge their husbands to procure and install all kinds of filtration products. Regardless of the fact that Rabbi Belsky himself ruled that the water is kosher, the people voted with their feet, and resolved to keep the bugs at bay with any and every means available to them from their local hardware and plumbing stores.

In the spring of 2012, a throng of epic proportions gathered at Citi Field in Queens, New York, at the behest of rabbinic leaders from the Agudah. They went there to decry the dangers of "technology," and the internet. Jewish mothers far and wide urged their husbands to procure special filters and locks to keep the black-flag-waving terror of information from riding roughshod over the impressionable children and teenagers in the Jewish home. Rabbis issued sharp warnings against the use of smartphones and WhatsApp, going so far as to deny the children of such users entry into the yeshivas. Never mind that a recent study in Israel shows that Haredim surf the web just as much as anyone else does.

Lately there has been a new menace prompting the use of filters, but it's not about keeping out bugs or bytes. This time, the Jewish wife is banning the bum, which is what she calls her husband. An infraction as small as a harsh word uttered after a hard day's work, or even just a 'look,' will oftentimes be enough to get the ball rolling to have him ejected from his home, his children, and his marriage. A good husband filter can be bought at the mega-BDA, or any smaller local mom-and-pop corrupt besdin, who in cases of more serious critters can refer the woman to the professionals in superior court, ORA, and rabbis-for-hire wielding cattle prods. And so the precious children will ultimately be treated to clean drinking water, protected from outside influences, and be rid of that good-for-nothing father of theirs, once and for all.

What we are left with is dozens of fathers who have been shut out of their children's lives, either partially or in totality. The affected children are all around us, even though we may not notice that there's anything wrong with them at first. Many have been so thoroughly brainwashed to despise totty that they may not even know themselves how badly damaged and scarred they are. But these lebideke yesomim are a giveaway when you look them deep in their sad and soulful eyes. It would take a miracle to prevent some of them from slipping headlong into the OTD abyss, the numbers of which are estimated to be 5000 in the NYC area alone. The father's life is virtually over as well, with his reputation gone and remarriage prospects bleak, not to mention being forced out of shul in some cases. Many will never regain the financial traction that they once enjoyed, and even more slip away emotionally.

The recent reporting here on Daas Torah about a rabbi in the Satmar community getting hired to bump off a husband strikes one as being a bit anachronistic. Hadn't he heard about Mendel "The Prodfather" Epstein going away for ten years? And that was only for conspiracy to kidnap, not murder, although Epstein did admit to an undercover agent that if the husband gets a heart attack in the middle of his "session," his men were instructed to "make a right turn and keep on going." Ah, but wait; didn't this attempted murderer's rebbe forbid him from looking at a computer? Maybe that is why he never heard of Mendel Epstein or his arrest.

Instead of filtering out imaginary bugs or husbands, it's about time we took serious steps to expunge these killers from our midst. And while we're at it, we should focus on all the other bad apples and actors in the rabbinate as well. I have yet to hear R' Herschel Schachter retract his "beat 'em up with a baseball bat" ruling. Why his feet were never held to the fire during the Epstein trial for inciting to murder, I will never know.

It shouldn't have taken so long for Barry Freundel's shenanigans in the mikva to finally be put to an end, but eventually one brave woman did make a stand, bringing the whole world crashing down on him. The finger of blame for that one needs to be pointed directly at the RCA, who covered up for that peepster all along. And If it wouldn't have been for some brave souls plodding onwards in the face of neglect on the part of the NYPD and Charles Hynes, justice would never have been served in the Epstein case either.

Now we have R' Shmuel Kamenetsky and his son being paraded about in conferences and symposiums as if they are the best thing since sliced bread, as if nothing ever happened to Aharon Friedman. It won't work, of course. If a major effort to come clean on the worthless Greenblatt heter will not be forthcoming soon, their fate to be forever known as charlatans and quacks will be sealed.
And no amount of Citi Field-like events will succeed in keeping the Jewish public from the truth.


  1. I wish it would be as you say, but sadly I'm afraid you're wrong. Just as boys will be boys, so gedoilim will be gedoilim. The truth is far less relevant than the culture. We don't have to really be Torah abiding. We only have to belong to a Torah-style culture. Just as parents care less whether their children are really ehrlich than they care whether the child wears the right uniform, so isolated infractions at the expense of the letter of the law but which promote the general Torah culture at large are means which are well justified by their ends. We have a beautiful culture which is stocked with all amenities including gedoilm. So you ask what about The Torah? No problem! הרי תורה כרוכה ומונחת בקרן זיות.

  2. One or two prosecutions of (ex) wives, and the whole prodfather business will come crashing down. You can always find a prod rabbi (though here they had to import one from israel.) But if an (ex) wife or father in law gets prosecuted, there goes the whole business.

    And this shows the FBI is not really interested in such cases. Selective prosecution of parties they only want for bigger (financial, not matrimonial) fish, is what the feds are really looking for. Local DA's are too prone to local political pressure (as we see very limited abuse prosecutions in kings and rockjland counties.

  3. Regardless of the fact that Rabbi Belsky himself ruled that the water is kosher, the people voted with their feet, and resolved to keep the bugs at bay with any and every means available to them from their local hardware and plumbing stores.

    It is entirely inaccurate to say that the people voted with their feet despite the rulings of the poskim, as the above sentence clearly implies. Firstly, many rabbonim said it was required to filter the tap water and that it could not be drunk or used in food products otherwise. Secondly, Rav Belsky was in the minority in his leniency, as the overwhelming majority of NYC poskim said it should be filtered. Including Rav Dovid Feinstein.

  4. Never mind that a recent study in Israel shows that Haredim surf the web just as much as anyone else does.

    Don't believe everything you read. That is laughably inaccurate.

  5. Wow. You manged to put together "bodem" and "klutz"

    These are all real issues. Trivlizing them just makes your case weaker.

    The bug issue exists. So says most of the local poskim. My ruv happens to disagree, but that doesn't make it wrong. "the people voted with their feet" really? Was Harav Belsky the final word in Brooklyn? I must have missed the memo.

    The Internet issue exists. For your information, Aguda wasn't the reason why the Citi Field gathering took place. Sorry to bust your bubble.
    Virtually every frum ruv in the entire Jewish community understands that the various new mediums of technology are a problem. The method of dealing with it, various by community. But to discount it entirely is foolish. And naive.

    Your point about men being maligned for no reason other than their wives wanting a Get on demand is well taken.

    The rest is gibberish.

  6. Why isn't the RCA, BAD, OU and all up in arms for importing Shchitas chutz aka Schitut Chutz? BTW, where were the Human Rights Society for using prods without having the Bull in a straight jacket maneuver basket. BTW, doesn't the electrical shock of 5,000 Volts cause Risuk eivorim?

  7. It is kemunach al keren haTzvi, written ein lonu chelek venachlo beE' Yisrael.

  8. It is high time for the hamon Am to gather in Citi Field and hand out rabiner filters of the matir Assurim kind. With all the modern tricks they have recently invented going mechayil el choyil, upgrading from Gilui Arayos of Eishes Ish for the right Price to Shfichus Damim, not to mention Gezel thru hefeker Beis Din (petrushka) hefker. Even in Sdom, they allowed only pochos pochos mishovei pruta, but they happen to claim that Din Prutah kedin Meah aka as heter Meah. If they will, probably they can do away with kol haTorah Kulah by pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

    Next thing you know, you will see machmirim min haMehadrin walking around with hazmat gas masks filtering out the hum-bugs and botulism bacteria from inhaling the thin air loaded with brillions and kazillions of protein laden bobkes. Oy nebech, im bearozim noflo shalheves, ma yomru ezovei kir. It wouldn't be so funny if it weren't so sad.

  9. Thank you for the important and well crafted message. The situation is indeed dire. R' Yaakov Weinberg said that feminism is the biggest challenge that klal yisrael has ever faced. It destroys us from within.

    It has poisoned the entire Jewish world except for the Chassidim, who as usual, are the best at keeping the world out.

    Homes today are ruled by the wives. End of days for sure. They know that the courts and the rabbis will back them up.I know many nice men who have been kicked out of their homes. In my old street, the men would line up on Sunday, waiting like sheep at the door, to pick up their kids for a few hours. The ones who haven't been kicked out largely are ones who put up with it.

    The rabbis at Yeshiva University are the worst culprits behind this mess. I don't say this as a person who has never step foot in there. I spent much time there and know many of them personally. I enjoy Rabbi Soloveitchik so it pains me to say this but there is a disease in that place. Many, I suppose not all, of the 'rabbis' there are like alpha baboons that want all the women to themselves. They truly are sick, sick people. Not all. Many including many of the most influential.

    We have to toss them away, not consider them rabbis, throw their books in the geniza, stop honoring them, view them for what they are - traitors to Hashem and His Torah. It doesn't matter how learned they are. If they are mentally imbalanced, if they have a rishus within them, then they are not capable of leading klal yisroel.

    As R' Miller said, a woman who throws a decent man out of his house has no place in the next world. Neither do the rabbis that empower them.

  10. Vayelech Manoach achrei ishto, melamed sheAm ha'aretz haya. These feminist rabiners (fr) are not considered learned. What they are considered, according to the Gedoilei haDor R' Chayim Kanievsky, fr's "are choshud al hoaroyos", that is the reason why they choinef them as an esnan in order to reciprocate. It has been quoted from those so called Agunos that the Prod Askanim have demanded schar oise ma'asse Zimri upfront, no pun intented, while the fee's were TOT.

  11. I understand that Rav Miller said that a woman who throws a man out of his home has no place in the next world. But did he really say the same about the rabbis who help the woman or is this your own opinion? Please clarify.

  12. no that part is me, i'll clarify

  13. Akiva Wasserstein says “And If it wouldn't have been for some brave souls plodding onwards in the face of neglect on the part of the NYPD and Charles Hynes, justice would never have been served in the Epstein case either.”
    Question: If a NYS judge rules in a NYS court that a party lied and may have committed perjury in a sworn document or if a NYS judge sees evidence that a party may have violated a federal law such as ERISA --- can we then expect the NYPD and Charles Hynes to get involved?

  14. Disclaimer: I have always had a lot of respect for RSK;
    having said that, i am disturbed by all that has transpired

    What do you make that he is well received by R'CHK shlta and by R' Shteineman shlta? does that indicate that at this point they hold he is not doing anything wrong, since he accepted the psak of RDF?

    if you really hold otherwise, why don't you get a clear letter from them, that he needs to publicly indicate to Tamar to separate , and that he has done a great Avla to Aharon?

  15. not sure why you think you need a psak from a world class posek to say that if you conducted with great effort - an international campaign for a phony heter which resulted in an adulterous relationship and that you have the ability to end that sinful relationship - that you have to at least tell the couple that they need to separate?!

    not sure why your think the campaign of slander and public pressure as well as blatant violation of halacha concerning beis din and gittin - regarding Aharon Friedman - is beyond R Kaminetsky's moral understanding?

    But if you insist on a written psak - I think I can find a few Beis Yaakov girls who are competent to pasken the issue or if you want to be super machmir I'll find a few bar mitzva boys. Why is it so hard for R Kaminetsky to understand?

  16. at the end the question for me is: do we really want this to stop, as , beside the issue of eshes ish (which i don't minimize) there is great potential danger of other people engaging in the same, so far your efforts didn't result ; but getting psakim from said poskim may do the trick; so why not?

  17. in short: what is the real agenda here? to try and get RSK to force Tamar out of current situation thru the blog pressure (which does not seem to be happening), or to somehow allow him to 'save face' , but to get the desired result


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