Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mendel Epstein: Two more sentenced for role in Torture for Get gang

N.J. com    Two Brooklyn men were sentenced on Tuesday to more than three years in federal prison for their roles in the beating of Orthodox Jewish men to convince them to give their wives a divorce at the direction of a Lakewood rabbi.

For David Hellman, 33, and Simcha Bulmash, 32, one of those husbands was actually fictitious, a figure concocted by FBI agents who were investigating allegations of Orthodox Jewish men being beaten until they agreed to grant their wives a religious divorce, known as a "get."

U.S. District Judge Freda Wolfson sentenced Hellman to 44 months in prison and Bulmash to 48 months behind bars, said U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman. Wolfson also required that they be placed on two years of supervised parole after their release.

All three men pleaded guilty to traveling in interstate commerce to commit extortion as part of a federal sting that ultimately nabbed a dozen people accused of arranging or carrying out the beatings of recalcitrant husbands.[...]


  1. Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

  2. No reason to knock them once they're down. The sad facts speak for themselves.

  3. This isn't about knocking someone who's already down. This is about a message, one, to all the self-styled vigilante wannabe צדיקים, and two, to the people who did this for "parnassa".

  4. Just curious - anyone know about where the sentences fall within the sentencing guidelines. Is there a sentencing memo?

  5. תהלים פרק צא, ח
    (ח) רק בעיניך תביט ושלמת רשעים תראה:

  6. Didn't they kick and beat my brethren mercilessly while they were Down on the ground with their hands bound and bleeding profusely all over the place, and this guy was concerned over his carpet. Have you seen the pictures, it seems as if the eyes are popping out of it's sockets. Can you mend the broken hearts of the Father and his lebedige yesomim EVER. My heart goesout for them. Klayne kinderlech crying for Tatti Tatti, where are you? Can't you feel their pain? Throw the book at them all.

  7. Is there a Lawyer in the house, please stand up and be counted. Now that this whole group has been discovered as a power and money hungry scam operation, is there a legal way to put the rest of these goons out of business. There is this feministic ORA org supporting self made alleged Agunos bashing and battering around husbands bli chemlah, relieving them from earning a living veYORDIM LECHAYOV, by demonstrating in front of their workplace vechol sha'ar minei ta'atuim R'L'. BTW, before we move on, where is your equal rights, have you ever supported an Agun, or are the women in your eyes created more equal? Ever heard of henpecking thereby bleeding to death? Huh? This un-organization of Anshei Bliyaal Ubnei Avlo is the classic example of poshet tlofov keChazir umvakesh schar kePinchas. You are *Shechting* bachurei vechamudei yisroel spilling their blood *Katsvi* ukeAylos hasodeh and making a Kisui haDam. What have you done to my brothers? Meh osiso? Kol dmei ochicho Tsoakim elay min hoadomo! Don't ever give a red cent to support these shofchei domim kamayim.

    According to Halacha, everything they do is - RAK RA KOL HAYOM -, from Motsi shem RA, to Choshed biksherim, Get meusse, matir eishes ish lashuk, marbe mamzerim beyisrael, shtei psilos bener echad, produce Posul Gittin and fake sheker veshav heter nisuin either al yedei hafkaa or mekach taus kivyachol, Megaleh ponim baTorah shelo kehalacha, gonev ish umchoro baad na'alayim, create lebedige yesomim etc. vegorem shetistalek shchinah miYisrael, umevi harbeh dinim al soneihem shel yisroel. When confronted Hayitochen? each blames the other, I didn't do it, I NEVER did such, and are unable to take responsibility for their scams fueled by power and money. Uma yomru hagoyim? Uma yomru haYidden? What a chilul haShem? Time to close shop, veal yevakshu Torah mipihu.

    According to the law of Dinei deMalchusse Dinah, involves Kidnapping over state lines, extortion, beatings, infringing upon freedom of religion, infringement upon their freedom of Civil Rights by disbanding his family and marriage under false charges, character assassination, shaming him in public, officiating and impersonating as a rabbi without a proper license to perform divorce proceedings with undue force, robbing the income of earning an honest living for sustenance of his bread and butter, screaming Fire where there is not even smoke thereby causing undue harm by putting him in the crosshairs of harms way, instigating others to cause bodily harm, as well as a whole host of many other gross violations of their Civil Rights.

    So much so, that leaders that couldn't face the music abandoned ship, bailed out and escaped unannounced midway - flight by night for overseas, leaving his flock unattended katson bli ro'eh to and at the mercy of an oncoming brewing storm that is rocking at the foundations of YAHADUS HACHREIDIS, veAmos haSipim yaniu. For camouflage, the confused blind sheep brought up an ORVE PORACH OO - OhOh agenda for Ksus Einayim as if their life depended on it. Shoteh shebeolam, your own house is coming apart at its seams, totally consumed by fire, veatem omrim shira as if all is fine and dandy just like the Bas haYa'ano? We are looking for a responsible Nachshon ben Aminodov to step up to the plate lehachzir Atoro leYoshno veal Tilah.

    Raboisay! Korosi ve'ein Oineh. Where are you when we need you most! This is a KOL KORE baYaar. Is there a LEADER in the house?

    The TORAH is crying and weeping oceans of tears, Oh' and Woe, veAhohy olay nafshi, Why have you abandoned me? I have been protecting you 24/7 for well over three millennium. PLEASE PLEASE, pick me up and give me a Hug before everything is chorev venechrav veyachzor hakol letoihu. Pischu li pesach kechudo shel machat, ve'ani eftach lochem kepischo shel Ulam!


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