Friday, November 20, 2015

Mendel Epstein Torture for Get: 3 more men sentenced

Three more New York men who were involved in a bizarre plot to violently coerce an Orthodox husband to give his wife a religious divorce were sentenced in federal court Thursday. 

The three were nabbed along with seven others in an FBI sting two years ago during a torture-for-hire operation that crossed state lines from New York to a warehouse in Edison.

Avrohom Goldstein, 36, was sentenced to 45 month in prison by U.S. District Judge Freda L. Wolfson in Trenton, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman said.

The Brooklyn man also admitted to a similar plot in 2011 where he and others restrained and assaulted another recalcitrant husband and his roommate to extort a divorce, Fishman said in a release.

Ariel Potash, 42, of Monsey, N.Y., was given a 14-month prison sentence, while one of the other conspirators, Sholom Shuchat, of Brooklyn, was sentenced to time served, according to the release.
All three will also serve two years of probation. [...]


  1. If this is what the butlers get, how much more should the Grand Butcher the Baal haSimcha get? What happened to all those RY's that were key factors to this Operand? Did they become Opera singers? What about Messira? If they sang 'MiGroincho' al yedei havloeh, can they be mafkiah lemafreah a gluske yofeh of 'kurtsei bei malka' kilachar yad as chamets baPesach? If you can compare hatores eishes ish lashuk to hatores nedorim, maybe you can be mafkir their testimony as hefker BD hefker and dismiss it as stam diburim bealma haporchim beavir velav she'ein bo ma'asse. When you start with pilpulim shel doifi, you then matir everything with heter iskei of odom bohul al momoinoi. Therefore, you need to be baki betiv.

  2. So far

    Goldstein (48 months), Avrohom Goldstein (45 months), Ariel Potash (14 months),
    Sholom Shuchat (time served), David Hellman (44 months), and Simcha Bulmash (48

    Reading the
    FBI complaint in Pacer 10/10/2013: “Essentially the Defendants’
    organization operated as follows. The family of an agunah made contact with the
    Defendants. The agunah’s family then made payment to the Defendants, after
    which the Defendants convened a beth din, which issued a contempt order. known
    as a “seruv,” against the husband, If the husband failed to respond, the beth
    din issued a ruling, known as a “psak din,” authorizing the use of coercion
    and/or violence to obtain the get. The Defendants then arranged to kidnap the
    recalcitrant husband and assault him until he consented to the divorce. i.e.,
    until he “gave the get.”

    The most outrageous part is the contempt order. known as a
    “seruv,” against the husband.

    This is what Susan, my ex-wife whom I divorced in 1993, did
    to me in NYS courts. She got contempt orders against me. She got Judge Rigler and Judge Garson to fine
    me $25,000. She got Judge Prus to refuse
    to hear me on submission basis and to refuse me to make motions until I paid
    the fines. My NYS court of Appeals
    motion is 1219-2015. Susan is Agunah
    International Inc. working with Mendel Epstein since 1985.

  3. Rabbi Eidenson,
    At the BAYT Synagauge, on Sunday, November 22, 2015, there is currently scheduled to take place a marriage between a Kohen & a Grusha.
    The Rabbi's in Toronto are aware of this, and it seems that they are not taking any actions to prevent this marriage from going forward.

  4. Is he perhaps a חלל? How do we know that this person is a kosher Kohein?

  5. A challal can only marry a challallah.

  6. Not sure where you got your information from.
    My sources say that a חלל can marry גרושה.
    [Basically, has no restrictions of who he can marry, any more than a plain Yisrael].
    רמב"ם, הל' איסו"ב, פי"ט, הל"י
    אבל חלל של תורה הוודאי, הרי הוא כזר, *ונושא
    גרושה*, ומיטמא למתים, שנאמר "אמור אל הכהנים בני אהרן", אף על פי שהם בני אהרן,
    עד שיהיו בכיהונם.

    This is also the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch (EH 7:20).

  7. How did you hear about this?


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