Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Nittel Nacht



The most prominent custom commonly observed on Nittel Nacht is to abstain from Torah study, although historically some read the Toledot Yeshu instead.[5] Staying up late and playing card games or chess were also popular.[1][6] Some Jewish mystics believed apostates were conceived on the day and as a result forbade married couples from sexual relations on Nittel Nacht.[7


  1. "although certain Hasidic communities still observe it, with many communities observing it according to the Julian Calendar rather than the Gregorian Calendar, and some communities observing both nights"

    So some people keep Yom tov sheini shel galuta?
    Do yeshiva people in Israel keep 1 and a half days?

  2. "Chareidi Jews abandon their own religion on Xmas, put away their Talmuds, and celebrate Xmas, joining in on the tradition of party games"


  3. Even a casual knowledge of it betrays the silliness of it.
    1) Even according to their bible, JC was born during the summer. History clearly shows that the Chrisians took a pre-existing Roman holidays and turned it into X-mas. So there is nothing special about December 25, spiritually or otherwise.
    2) Since when do we care about goyishe calendar dates, other than November 29 and now October 7?
    3) Why is the supposed increased tumah of this night not a good reason to increase Torah study to oppose it?
    Me, I just get annoyed every year when my local shul starts Shacharis at 8:30 instead of 7:15. I thnk that we davka should start at the regular time to show it's not a special day for us.

  4. Judaism gets a little crazy at times.


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