Igros Moshe (YD II #75) Can the husband be present at the childbirth to ensure that things are done properly and to provide encouragement To provide his wife with support, if there is an actual need I don’t see that is is prohibited also if there is no need I don’t see that it is prohibited. However it is prohibited to watch the actual birth of the child since it prohibited to look at the places that she normally covers when she is a Niddah. And looking at her genitals is always prohibited even when she is not a Niddah. Therefore if he is careful to avoid looking at that which is prohibited it is not prohibited. It is also prohibited to watch using a mirror. To lift a heavy object together with his wife when she is Niddah or to push the bed together or any other heavy object. Even though there is no clear proof it is best to be strict and not do it. The gemora only mentions unloading or loading a donkey. because of concern the impure person might lean on the pure person so this might apply also to a Niddah
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