Monday, December 30, 2024

A New Approach To Modern Orthodoxy

For some, Modern Orthodoxy is a movement with a problem. It lacks a definitive identity which has caused many of its facets to suffer. Many of its schools are populated with Torah teachers that do not reflect its specific values because the movement does not seem to produce a sufficient body of educators for its institutions. Its adherents are dwindling in numbers as its children and young adults migrate to the left and, even more so, to the right. Its influence in the general Jewish community and in the general Orthodox community is waning; its voice is not heard. The intent of this article is to approach the subject of Modern Orthodoxy and its difficulties from a point of view different than that found in the mainstream literature. I will examine the various definitions of Modern Orthodoxy, summarize what distinguishes it from Chareidi Orthodoxy, note the concerns with its viability and suggest solutions to help the movement continue forward until such time as Hashem sees fit to reveal his Moshiach and return us to our homeland in Israel.


  1. Oh I love this article! Definitive! I wish the author would expand on it until it's book size!

    1. There's a difference between Hareidi thought of Rav Moshe and that of Rav shach. Rav shach in his regular blasts against MO was saying all secular knowledge is assur. Secular science is assur.
      Entebbe was assur.
      Rav shach s son was a professor and volunteered for the army.
      Rav Moshe's son in law was a professor and also his medical advisor.


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