Monday, August 21, 2023

Yeshiva University launches master’s program for Christian students

The new program is a joint initiative of YU and the Philos Project, an organization that says it “seeks to promote positive Christian engagement in the Near East.” Philos is a partner of Passages — a Birthright-style program that brings young Christians on group tours of Israel — and it also organizes Christians to demonstrate against antisemitism.


  1. When do we get the Interfaith Dating club? Or wait for it...wait for it...the The Gay Students Interfaith Dating club?

  2. And if CUNY SUNY, UCLA etc banned jews and Jewish studies, you would be up in arms.

  3. Me? What are Jewish studies, anyway? I have no opinion on them. I have no problem with non-Jews receiving guidance from Torah scholars. Just the opposite. Let them sit in the dust at the feet of scholars and learn the best way tolive and serve G-d.

    Public universities are paid for the public and should be open to the public.

    But these non-Jewish students are learning at YU to strengthen their religious beliefs which I'm thinking involve some sort of belief that the covenant between the Jews and G-d is no longer in effect.

  4. False equivalence. Those are public universities with no particular mission. YU has a mission to be a Jewish university that promotes proper Torah learning and observance.

  5. it had a mission, it is now just another university, maybe even admitting non Jewish students. RIETS, the yeshiva part is not the same as YU. correct me if I am wrong


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