Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Yad Yisroel to the rescue

 I have been asked of what use is an index to the Mishna Berura? Aside from the fact that it is one of the foundations of modern halacha why does it need to be indexed. After all it is based on the Shulchan Aruch and is readily accessible as opposed to the Igros Moshe where countless topics are concealed in unrelated matters

The fact is the Mishna Berura contains much hidden wealth since he discusses topics such as incarnation or the status of the Meiri and Kabbala. There is the story Rav Yaakov Kaminetsly once said at a rabbinic convention, I heard this story from  Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz.

Rav Yaakov as a young man was traveling on a train when he noticed he was approaching the town of Rav Schwadron. He noted that the Rav was already a very old man and perhaps he would never have another chance to meet him. So he got of the train to pay him a visit. He got to him and noticed he was indeed very old and frail but engaged him in a conversation regarding a question that had been bothering him. The Rav told him the answer to his question could be found in the Mishna Berura. He returned to the train very upset. Rav Schwadron one of the leading halachic minds of any age obviously was obviously senile since he had said the answer was in the Mishna Berura which deals with Orech Chaim and not the issue that was bothering him. However when he got back to yeshiva he told himself that it was not being respectful to ignore the words of Rav Schwadron. So he looked at the Mishna Berura and in fact saw that it answered his question. 

Now he was really upset so he traveled back to Rav Schwadron to apologize for thinking he was senile. Rav Schwadron told him that there was no need to apologize, He said "Give me the first volume of my Shulchan Aruch." He opened the cover and showed him that it was covered with marks. "Each mark is put there when I complete reviewing the entire Shulchan Aruch So even if I was senile I could have answered your question!"

I was once in shul for Shacharis when a fight broke out between an avreich who had been quietly learning his gemora before the minyan started. We were now up to Berchas Cohanim and one member of the minyan was upset that the avreich did not stand up. So he grabbed his head and pulled him to a standing position. I grabbed my Yad Yisroel and quickly located the statement that standing is only a minhag and is not required. I showed the Mishna Berura to the kanoi. He admitted he was wrong and apologized publically for his action. Apology was accepted.


  1. Who wouldn't want to have a good index to a complicated book?

  2. Just to put this into a timeframe perspective.
    Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Schwadron, known by his acronym Maharsham, lived 1835–1911.
    Rabb Yaakov Kamenetsky was born in 1891. He was approximately 20 years old, when the Maharsham passed away.


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