Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Nobody is saying Trumop is innocent!

 Despite claims that Trump is a victim - none of his supporters are saying he was innocent and did not do what the indictment says.

The most popular defense is what about Hillary? What about Biden? Which is totally irrelevant.

The evidence - especially Trump's own words clearly establish that his case is unique.

Despite Trump's strong efforts to Lock her up. His own Attorney generals decided there was no case as well as did the FBI and his DOJ. With Biden there is no evidence he deliberate took documents or refused to return them nor is there any hint of obstruction of justice. Additionally no one has claimed that the documents that Trump took are equally important secret documents and are just as big a threat to American security.

In sum, Trump whose only defense is that the documents were his property will be going to jail for the rest of his life and that is primarily based on his own words and none of his supporters think otherwise. His only viable option is a plea deal which he rejects.

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