Wednesday, January 12, 2022

As Omicron sweeps through Israel, vaccination still effective, expert says

“Unlike other variants, it does a very good job in escaping neutralizing antibodies in both vaccinated and recovered individuals. This means that while it still has a better chance to infect unvaccinated people, it can easily infect also inoculated ones, because it is highly contagious. The question is: is there still a benefit in getting vaccinated? The answer is definitely yes, because we have a great amount of data, not only from previous variants but also about Omicron, that if one is [vaccinated], their chances to develop a severe disease are significantly lower.”
In a report published on Wednesday, Hebrew University experts assessed that the vaccine efficacy in preventing infection might have dropped to as low as 10%-20%, but when it comes to serious symptoms, it is still higher than 90%.

1 comment:

  1. Torah thought on parsha בשלח: “For the horses of Pharaoh, with his chariots and horsemen, went into the sea; and the Lord turned back on them the waters of the sea; but the Israelites marched on dry ground in the midst of the sea. Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her in dance with timbrels. And Miriam chanted for them: Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; Horse and driver He has hurled nto the sea.” (Exodus 15:19-21)

    שמות פרשת בשלח פרק טו
    (יט) כִּי בָא סוּס פַּרְעֹה בְּרִכְבּוֹ וּבְפָרָשָׁיו בַּיָּם וַיָּשֶׁב יְקֹוָק עֲלֵהֶם אֶת מֵי הַיָּם וּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל הָלְכוּ בַיַּבָּשָׁה בְּתוֹךְ הַיָּם:
    (כ) וַתִּקַּח מִרְיָם הַנְּבִיאָה אֲחוֹת אַהֲרֹן אֶת הַתֹּף בְּיָדָהּ וַתֵּצֶאןָ כָל הַנָּשִׁים אַחֲרֶיהָ בְּתֻפִּים וּבִמְחֹלֹת:
    (כא) וַתַּעַן לָהֶם מִרְיָם שִׁירוּ לַיקֹוָק כִּי גָאֹה גָּאָה סוּס וְרֹכְבוֹ רָמָה בַיָּם:

    We live in 8 Miriam Haneviah Street Bnei Brak near Ponevich Yeshiva. Yes we took our 4th shot. We feel great thanks for asking.

    Allow me update on Aranoff v Aranoff. I made formal complaint to the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct yesterday. I write:

    “4. Please hear-out my complaints against Judge Prus. Please download all my material for public view on SCOTUS dockett #'s 21-6561, 20-8096, 20-7892, 20-6525, 18-9390, and 18-7169. I submit clear and convincing evidence of malfeasance or gross negligence that Judge Prus signed and supported the fake/phony Prus 2013 NYS civil divorce me and Susan. Susan was a divorcee from 2/17/1993 as she admitted to the Jerusalem Post and as in Exhibit A attached. You once told me on the phone that you believe I divorced Susan 2/17/1993. Why did Susan make false complaints against me 2012-2013 before Judge Prus? I told Susan, no promise, I would stop writing UPS letters if I get my full TIAA pension. I plan to file for a new docket # at SCOTUS when I get the official copy of the NYS Court of Appeals dismissal of my motion no. 2021--981.”

    I got the idea to make formal complaint to the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct from decision January 5, 2022:
    “CASE No. 19 In the Matter of the Hon. Sylvia G. Ash, a Justice of the Supreme Court, Kings County. On consideration of the continuation of this Court's October 11, 2019 suspension, with pay, of Honorable Sylvia G. Ash from the office of Justice of the Supreme Court, Kings County (see 34 NY3d 941), it is determined that the suspension continue, without pay, effective immediately, pursuant to New York Constitution, article VI, \S 22 and Judiciary Law \S 44 (8).”

    Wow, the NYS Constitution shows the way to remove an elected judge.

    רש"י שמות פרשת בשלח פרק טו פסוק כ
    את התף - כלי של מיני זמר:
    בתפים ובמחלת - מובטחות היו צדקניות שבדור שהקדוש ברוך הוא עושה להם נסים והוציאו תופים ממצרים:
    מלבי"ם שמות פרשת בשלח פרק טו פסוק כ
    ותקח. כבר אמרו חז"ל שבזכות נשים צדקניות יצאו ישראל ממצרים, שנשי הדור ההוא היה להם זכות יותר מן האנשים, כמ"ש על גן נעול אחותי כלה, ועל כרחך נמצא אז נבואה גם מן הנשים, וקראה אחות אהרן כמו שפי' חז"ל שנבאה בעוד שהיתה אחות אהרן לפני לידת משה, שיולד בן שיהיה הגואל והמושיע, ועתה שנתקיים נבואתה לקחה התוף בידה:
    רש"י שמות פרשת בשלח פרק טו פסוק כא
    ותען להם מרים - משה אמר שירה לאנשים, הוא אומר והם עונין אחריו, ומרים אמרה שירה לנשים:


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