Monday, June 14, 2021

The Big Eyes and the Small Kippah

We saw that this past week. We saw how he was even willing to sell out the very public who voted for him. His voters, virtually all right-wing, even more right than the Likud, relied on him as a heretofore unabashed representative of the right, of not selling out to those leftists who want to make “peace” with the Palestinians at any cost, not selling out to Lieberman who wants a completely secular country, and not including unreliable Arab parties who might be closet members of the Muslim Brotherhood. He repeatedly promised that he wouldn’t during the previous election…but he did! He sold out.

Why? Ambition trumps all. As Rav Ovadiah prophetically saw, “his eyes are bigger than his kippah.”




  1. " I would not want to insult Korach by comparing Bennett to him. Korach was a great man who made a terrible mistake that led him to the she’ol tachtis. Bennett was never a great man."

  2. So a modern orthodox chief rabbi would also be hated by hareidim.
    Except, hareidim cannot impose their chumras on the public, if they don't want to accept them. A modern rabbi can pasken leniently if he sees fit.
    But this article is dishonest - it praises rav Obadiah yosef , although he was often attacked by hareidim. Even his views on conversion were not accepted.


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