Monday, June 14, 2021

Bennett tweets photo of prayer with tefillin, quotes from priestly blessing

Meanwhile, Prime Minister-designate Naftali Bennett tweets a photo of himself praying with tefillin ahead of his expected swearing-in as prime minister. We assume the photo is from today.



  1. You know, the Chareidim and the Reform have a lot in common.
    The Reform say "God wants me to be happy. 'X' makes me happy so therefore it's okay with God if I do it."
    And we say "No, God has free will and His own demands and you can't simply ignore them." And the Reform snort and say "No, couldn't be"
    The Chareidim say "God wants us to be happy. Being happy means being in the government and getting lots of money for our yeshivos. Therefore God wants us to be in the government which means this current government is against God's wishes!"
    And we say "No, God has free will and His own demands and maybe right now He wants this government instead." And the Chareidim shout "No! It couldn't be!"

  2. You are an apikorus idiot. Such hate. I feel bad for your ex wife and estranged kids.

  3. The fact that people voted freely does not mean that this is what G_d wants. Look at the golden calf - free democratic vote for the calf, but even with Aharon 's blessing, it went against God's will.

  4. Kol haposel b'mumo posel, Mordechai. Go look in the mirror.
    Who's worse? A guy who puts on tefillin for a photo and then goes to work like Bennett or a guy who puts on both types of tefillin every day and then goes off to protect paedophiles and criminals from the justice system like Litzman?

  5. there are several ways of viewing what he says above , when comparing Reform to Chareidim.

    1) to get all insulted and make accusations against him.

    2) It is not a best of comparisons I have seen. There are better ones - for example how both the extreme hareidim and the extreme Reform opposed the establishment of a Jewish State.
    And how the very ultra Extreme Hareidim and the ultra extreme left wing secularists today still want a total disestablishment of the medinah, chas v'shalom.
    Then there are the ultra- ultra-ultra-ultra extreme Hareidim, and the ultra ultra atheist goyim, who both deny the Holocaust, and meet up in Tehran to perpetuate their lies.

    3) Another way of seeing it is the Gemara about why Shaul Hamelech's armies lost wars, but Achav won theirs. Shaul and his generation were frum and kept halacha, but spoke loshon hara about each other. Achav and his lot were idolaters, but didn't speak lashon hara. Perhaps Shaul was Hareidi, perhaps he was Dati Leumi, but he was frum. Perhaps Achav was reform, secular, apikores or whatever, but he was an idolater.


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