Sunday, May 23, 2021

Conspiracy theories in the Arab world

 In early 2020, according to Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports, there have been numerous reports in the Arab press that accused the US and Israel of being behind the creation and spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic as part of an economic and psychological war against China. One report in the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan claimed that it was no coincidence that the coronavirus was absent from the US and Israel, despite the US having had at least 12 confirmed cases. The US and Israel have also been accused of creating and spreading other diseases, including Ebola, Zika, SARS, avian flu and swine flu, through anthrax and mad cow disease.[19]


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 23, 2021 at 5:56 PM

    There is no evidence for their theories - Eg they claimed that 9/11 was a Zionist conspiracy. No evidence and the identity of the perpetrators destroys their theory.

  2. Arabs are a proud people. They have an impressive past, centuries ago. They can't handle that the only reason the world cares about them is their oil so when things go wrong, they come up with stuff like this.

  3. nope, there is evidence that the IDF changed its policy in order to make an Egyptian invasion a pushover. What evidence is there that Israel organised 9/11? Not even Chomsky has made such a claim.

  4. Don't forget these are the folks who invented the stories of Arabian nights. They're great at fabrication..
    As Mark Steyn once pointed out, they're the folks who, in one breath, claim that the Zionists pulled off 9/11 and in the next they call it a great victory for Islam!

  5. It is also a problem for the proponents of the "Kuzari Principle" who claim that it is a pscyhological truth, that if a group of people accept that a historical event occurred, then it must have taken place, since if it was a lie, they would not have believed it.
    But then again, the Golden Calf was the biggest lie ever told, and eveyone bought it, even Aharon hanavi.

  6. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 24, 2021 at 1:08 AM

    This was attested to in the video, they claim to have verified it. I suppose you could argue the claimant was a dreamer and attention seeker.


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