Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Videos by anti-vaxxer ‘rabbi to the stars’ said fueling vaccine distrust


 The claims of a popular, anti-vaccination rabbi are fueling fears of the coronavirus shot in Israel and have reportedly been blamed by health officials for a slowdown in the country’s vaccination campaign.

Rabbi Yuval Hacohen Asherov, who advises numerous Israeli celebrities, has released videos falsely claiming the vaccines cause infertility and damage to the immune system, and can even be fatal. “There are fears that the coronovirus vaccine can be fatal, causes infertility… and severe allergies that can be fatal,” he said in one clip. “Scientists are saying this. It’s not me who’s saying this.”


  1. I heard it'll lead to mixed dancing. Also it causes homosexuality. So that will mean really confused mixed dancing because if you're gay, why not dance with a woman?

  2. there is a joke about mixed dancing, where a chatan is asking the rabbi at his wedding whether mixed dancing is allowed - and the rabbis says no, because it might lead to improper thoughts. he then goes on to ask what is permitted between a man and his wife, with a long list of "options" and the rabbis says it's permitted. When he asks whehter it is permitted to fulfill the mitzvah standing up, the rabbis says no! So the young man asks why, and he says because it might lead to dancing.!


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