Tuesday, December 8, 2020

‘We are not Americans,’ says Satmar grand rabbi


 We need to understand that we are in exile, we live here but we are not Americans,” the rabbi asserted.

Teitelbaum recalled a story about an Israeli Jew who came to visit his grandfather, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, during the High Holy Days and said he was “in America” to collect money.
“The rebbe answered him ‘this isn’t America.’ We need to remember that ‘I was a stranger in a foreign land,’” Teitelbaum continued, citing a passage from the biblical book of Exodus.



  1. Explain to me please how someone can live in America and vote in elections and use community bloc voting to influence government policy, take food stamps, accept meal and education subsidies for schools, benefit from housing subsidies, stay indefinitely in the country, etc and not in some sense consider themselves to be settled in the U.S.A?

  2. Maybe you are really Satmer try paying them a visit

  3. Hypocrisy is a Satmar minhag, ever since the first Satmar took a Zionist train out of Hungary leaving his followers to die. The captain is supposed to go down with the ship. Some captain. Some ship.

  4. This is just an established Satmar minhag.
    Don't cooperate with the Zionists, unless they offer you a train ticket out of Hungary in the nick of time.
    Don't make aliyah, unless that's where you wind up for a few years because it was a safe place to go.
    Don't cooperate with the Israelis, unless they help build you some neighbourhoods for your followers.
    Don't consider yourself America, except you'll take their money, vote as a bloc to influence their elections, live off their welfare...

  5. Huh? This story doesn't make sense. First why is the grandson of the Satmar Rebbe referred to in such vague terms as "An Israeli Jew"
    Perhaps the author suffered from Satmar education system in the US and cannot speak English fluently. "An Israeli Jew came to visit his grandfather, the Satmar Rebbe." Did he disown his grandson because he chose to live in Israel? Is this nondescript label meant to be pejorative? He doesn't deserve the title of "the grandson of the great satmar rebbe?" Ridiculous.
    2. He said he's collecting money in America. That is a factual statement. The response from the rebbe of "This isn't America" is some kind of illiterate gibberish. "This isn't America." Oh. So what is it? India? And why does the Title translate this to "We are not Americans." The "Israeli Jew" grandson wasn't claiming to be American himself, he was stating that he's collecting money in America.
    3. Finally, if you aren't Americans then stop accepting those welfare checks.


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