Friday, April 17, 2020

White House defends Ivanka Trump's personal travel amid lockdown

The White House has defended Ivanka Trump's personal trip to New Jersey last week even as federal guidelines advise Americans to remain at home.
The president's eldest daughter and her family travelled from Washington DC to the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster to celebrate Passover.

Time to fire Jared and Ivanka

 The hypocrisy of the Kushner and Trump's behavior is breathtaking.

Kushner has now positioned himself as the overall czar of the coronavirus relief effort. Just like his dismal peace-making efforts in the Middle East, Kushner has added another layer of confusion to the muddled White House coronavirus response by, for example, promoting the speedy development of drive-thru nationwide testing sites that still haven't materialized.
Meanwhile Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, has positioned herself as an avatar of social distancing, telling her 8.5 million followers on Twitter on April 12, "There's no substitute for social distancing."

 Ivanka Trump traveled to New Jersey to celebrate Passover despite coronavirus guidelines

  Ivanka Trump traveled with her family from Washington to Bedminster, New Jersey, last week to celebrate Passover, a White House official said Thursday.

Trump's decision to leave Washington, first reported by The New York Times, disregarded the federal coronavirus guidelines advising against discretionary travel that she has urged other Americans to follow.
"Ivanka -- with her immediate family -- celebrated Passover at a closed down facility considered to be a family home. Her travel was no different than had she been traveling to/from work and the location was less populated than the surrounding area near her home in D.C.," the official told CNN in a statement Thursday.
The official continued, "While at Bedminster she has been practicing social distancing and working remotely. Her travel was not commercial. She chose to spend a holiday in private with her family."



  1. Sorry not reading your posts.
    “You must not carry לֹא תִשָּׂא false rumors שֵׁמַע שָׁוְא ; you shall not join hands אַל תָּשֶׁת יָדְךָ with the wicked עִם רָשָׁע to act as a witness of violence עֵד חָמָס “ (Exodus 23:1)
    שמות פרשת משפטים פרק כג פסוק א
    לֹא תִשָּׂא שֵׁמַע שָׁוְא אַל תָּשֶׁת יָדְךָ עִם רָשָׁע לִהְיֹת עֵד חָמָס:
    מלבי"ם שמות פרשת משפטים פרק כג פסוק א
    קצז אל תשת ידך עם רשע. לשון זה מורה שלא יסייע לרשע, כמו והנה ידי עמך (ש"ב ג) אשר ידי תכון עמו (תהלים פט), ומפרש שלא יסייע לרשע ע"י שיהיה עד להוציא ממון בגזל, אולם ממה שאמר עד חמס ולא אמר להיות עד שקר, מפרש אפי' שמאמין לו שדבריו אמת מ"מ עד חמס הוא זה, כי מוציא ממון נגד הדין הגם שאין רבו רשע הוא עד חמס ומובא בשבועות (דף לא), ומביא שנקיי הדעת שבירושלים היו נזהרים עם מי יצטרפו לעדות ומובא בסנהדרין (דף כג), ור' נתן מפרש שהוא אזהרה לב"ד שלא לקבל רשע להיות לו עד ולא שיהיה עד חמס ומובא בסנהדרין (דף כז), וברמב"ם (פ"י מה' עדות) הוסיף שגם על העד יש אזהרה שלא להצטרף עם הפסול אם אין הדיינים מכירים בו שהוא רשע שעובר על אל תשת ידך עם רשע, ואם הדיינים יודעים שהוא פסול והוא בא עמו כדי שיפחיד הבע"ד וידמה לו שיש לו שני עדים, בזה אוסר בשבועות (דף למ"ד) משום מדבר שקר תרחק:
    The Torah warns against lying even lying where ends justify the means. The Torah warns against joining with the wicked even where the ends justify the means. No lying and no joining with the wicked. Beautiful. Not in court. Not outside court just to intimidate the opposition. E.g. You’re a good honest fellow and know for certain the opposition is guilty. There is not enough evidence of his guilt. This opposition has passionate supporters. The Torah says no lying and no joining with wicked. The Torah is against ends justify the means. Mendel Epstein et al got long jail sentences through an elaborate FSA FBI show. The Torah says no fake testimony to get a conviction. I live in Bnei Brak a PhD economist. I support Trump and Netanyahu 100%.
    I see that Mendel Epstein is released to house arrest. I never supported Mendel Epstein et al doing violence to the recalcitrant husband. “The earth became corrupt before God; the earth was filled with violence.” (Genesis 6:11). בראשית פרשת נח פרק ו פסוק יא
    וַתִּשָּׁחֵת הָאָרֶץ לִפְנֵי הָאֱלֹקִים וַתִּמָּלֵא הָאָרֶץ חָמָס:

  2. n


  4. Reopen Now!

  5. Berel, the frum community has been hit particularly hard by this virus. Do you live in rural Kentucky? Or do you just ignore all the dead bodies piling up around you and ignore all the severely sickened people with long hospital stays around you to believe in your conspiracy theories?

  6. The Hospitals are the ones facilitating the deaths ask the Askanim in NEW YORK

  7. “A long time afterward, Shua’s daughter, the wife of Judah, died. When his period of mourning was over, Judah went up to Timnah to his sheepshearers, together with his friend Hirah the Adullamite. And Tamar was told Your father-in-law is coming up to Timnah for the sheepshearing. So she took off her widow’s garb, covered her face with a veil, and, wrapping herself up, sat down at the entrance to Enaim, which is on the road to Timnah; for she saw that Shelah was grown up, yet she had not been given to him as wife. When Judah saw her, he took her for a harlot; for she had covered her face. So he turned aside to her by the road and said, Here, let me sleep with you—for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. What, she asked, will you pay for sleeping with me?” (Genesis 38:12-16).
    My theory. “And Tamar was told Your father-in-law is coming up to Timnah for the sheepshearing” was a tip from God in heaven. Maybe a נביא told her. Maybe her father שם בן נח. Whatever. Tamar understood what she must do. Tamar was a שומרת יבום and risked grave punishment under laws of the Sanhedrin in the time of Ezra.
    Wow. I got a tip from Heaven what I must do, from Mendel Epstein appeal. See what I sent today:
    1.I request permission to make this motion. I'm acting pro se. I request the Court to hear my motion on a submission basis. I request leave to make a motion. I'm including a notice of motion and an affidavit of service with attached UPS proof of mailing. I sent true copies to Susan and to TIAA by UPS for overnight delivery. I'm sending by UPS motion, notice of motion, and affidavit of service to Kings County Supreme Court, Matrimonial Division, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (phone) 347--296--1486. I request the Court to accept my papers without notarization since in Israel only the US Embassy does NYS court approved notarizations and US Embassy appointments are most difficult.
    2.I attach:
    (a)Exhibit A SCOTUS filed May 10, 2019 Motion for poor person relief
    (b)Exhibit B SCOTUS filed May 10, 2019 Petition Docket 18--9390
    (c)Exhibit C Pacer April 9, 2020 ruling on Mendel Epstein Appeal
    (d)Exhibit D November 18, 2016 Judge Prus ruling

    3.See Exhibit A SCOTUS filed May 10, 2019 Motion for poor person relief. I request the Court to accept my papers without the fee of $45 because I'm poor and out of work.
    4.See Exhibit B SCOTUS filed May 10, 2019 Petition Docket 18--9390. I request Susan to return to me the $10,000 she stole from me. See Exhibit B for details.
    5.See Exhibit C Pacer April 9, 2020 ruling on Mendel Epstein Appeal. Mendel Epstein appealed for reduction of his 10-year jail sentence “in light of the heightened risk to him posed by the spread of COVID-19 based on his age and other severed health related issues.” I, too, request the end of TIAA paying $1,000 monthly of my pension to Susan. TIAA sent me in 2019 45% of my pension $9,612 and sent 55% of my pension $11,747 to my ex-wife Susan Aranoff 092405101 at 498 East 18 Street Brooklyn, NY 11226 USA

    6.See Exhibit D November 18, 2016 Judge Prus ruling. I request the Court, Susan, and TIAA to show compassion to me with this pandemic Coronavirus. I will be 75 this December 1. I live in Bnei Brak, Israel. I'm overdrawn in my bank account. I have no assets. I live with my wife, Yemima, who is retried and with 2 of our daughters, Tamar and Sapphire Rivka, students, not yet married. Thank God we have no health related issues.
    7.I ask that the Kings County Supreme Court
    calendar the present motion.

  8. “If a person incurs guilt וְנֶפֶשׁ כִּי תֶחֱטָא — When he has heard a voice קוֹל of adjuration אָלָה and he being a witness וְהוּא עֵד —whether he had seen אוֹ רָאָה or known אוֹ יָדָע if he do note utter it אִם לוֹא יַגִּיד then he shall bear his iniquity וְנָשָׂא עֲוֹנוֹ.” (Leviticus 5:1) .
    ויקרא פרשת ויקרא פרק ה פסוק א
    וְנֶפֶשׁ כִּי תֶחֱטָא וְשָׁמְעָה קוֹל אָלָה וְהוּא עֵד אוֹ רָאָה אוֹ יָדָע אִם לוֹא יַגִּיד וְנָשָׂא עֲוֹנוֹ:
    רש"י ויקרא פרשת ויקרא פרק ה פסוק א
    ושמעה קול אלה – בדבר שהוא עד בו, שהשביעוהו שבועה שאם יודע לו בעדות, שיעיד לו:
    שפתי חכמים ויקרא פרשת ויקרא פרק ה פסוק א אות צ
    מוהוא עד יתירא יליף לאפוקי בעד מפי עד או קרוב או פסול אף על פי ששמע קול אלה פטור וללמד עוד והוא עד עתה בשעת השבועה שהוא עד בדבר וכו':
    Hertz Chumash p. 420 “adjuration. Addressed to a person in possession of evidence to come forward and offer testimony. This adjuration was known as an אלה, ‘curse,’ probably because it ws accompanied by the pronouncement of a curse upon the person should he maintain silence. Having interfered with the execution of justice, he required expiation through a sin offering.”
    Hey, anybody, particularly in Brooklyn, has seen or known about the $10,000 matter?

  9. do you mean the Satmar doctor who has a cure?
    can you post some information about him please?

  10. Can we go back to debating ORA?. See
    My theory. A woman files a complaint in court against her husband. The court issues a summons. The man stonewall refuses. Surely we must take seriously a woman that goes to such embarrassment and trouble to take her complaint seriously. To take a complaint seriously means due process. What can we outsiders do if he stonewalls the court? Putting him under ban is only where rabbis are convinced the person is wrong and deserves the ban. Without due process everyone is presumed innocent.
    The FBI lady that tricked Mendel Epstein accused her non-existent husband of refusing her a get and probably lots of other complaints. Yes complaints must be taken seriously. But how if only one party goes to court? ORA shows pictures of fellows ORA labels as recalcitrant husbands. Are all these fellows banned from their synagogues simply on the say so of the angry wife? Terrible. Bringing a complaint does not imply that that person is virtuous and the other party presumed guilty.
    “If a person incurs guilt וְנֶפֶשׁ כִּי תֶחֱטָא — When he has heard a voice קוֹל of adjuration אָלָה and he being a witness וְהוּא עֵד —whether he had seen אוֹ רָאָה or known אוֹ יָדָע if he do note utter it אִם לוֹא יַגִּיד then he shall bear his iniquity וְנָשָׂא עֲוֹנוֹ.” (Leviticus 5:1)
    Maybe the alleged recalcitrant husband has a problem that he does have witnesses that he is a good fellow and did right, but these witnesses refuse to take his side publicly or even privately to the rabbis. I had that problem. Rabbi Kornfeld wrote a letter to Susan before I made aliya. Making aliya over the objections of the wife is not a sin.


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