Friday, April 17, 2020

U.K. Paid $20 Million for New Coronavirus Tests. They Didn’t Work.

 The two Chinese companies were offering a risky proposition: two million home test kits said to detect antibodies for the coronavirus for at least $20 million, take it or leave it.
The asking price was high, the technology was unproven and the money had to be paid upfront. And the buyer would be required to pick up the crate loads of test kits from a facility in China.
Yet British officials took the deal, according to a senior civil servant involved, then confidently promised tests would be available at pharmacies in as little as two weeks. “As simple as a pregnancy test,” gushed Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “It has the potential to be a total game changer.”
There was one problem, however. The tests did not work.


  1. This is one of the things I've been repeatedly saying. At some point, we have to ask: did China do this on purpose? They banned travel from Wuhan to the rest of China but allowed Wuhan to travel out of the country. They concealed and lied about their numbers, how the virus was transmitted and how contagious it was, using their figleaf WHO leader to legitimize the falsehoods. They lied about getting the virus numbers under control. They have sent defective PPE and test kits around the world for "a reasonable price". This is an ongoing act of sabotage against the rest of the world. But because Trump pointed it out, well no! It can't be!

  2. Maybe you should focus on how Israel, despite all the evidence that the Chinese are sending out faulty material, just bought lots more tests from the Communists. Good luck with that.


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