Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump shocks in time of crisis with his standard approach

 Even after three tumultuous years in which President Donald Trump has shredded the decorum of his office, his unwillingness to provide unifying leadership still has the power to shock.

Trump's daily coronavirus task force press briefing has become the chief exhibit in this deficit of national stewardship and has largely shed any purpose in conveying useful information at a fraught moment — if that was ever the aim.
Instead, the President spends his time perpetually trying to repair his own image by disguising his belated and faulty response to the emergency.
But his refusal to accept any responsibility at all raises questions about what he thinks the presidency, a problem-solving job of last resort where the buck stops, is actually for.
The President's plan to use Sunday's briefing to polish his own personal narrative became clear when he read out and held up a Wall Street Journal opinion column praising his leadership.




  1. I still believe that Trump never expected to win the election. He planned to lose and then use the exposure and support to get another reality TV show series, something which would make him much more money that being president and require far less work and effort. But then he won. So being a business man he decided that the presidency, far from being an end in itself, would be another 4-8 year gig in which he kept himself in the public eye so as to ensure himself more celebrity when he finished in the White House. He's not a president, he's a performer.

  2. The whole Covid 19 is riddled with Hoax

    Hear this Respiratory MD :

  3. I made the mistake of actually watching one of your videos for once Berel.
    Did you happen to notice his strong accent, Berel? Given that and the extra equipment he says hasn't been under pressure, it's quite likely that he is in an area of USA where there is not an outbreak. The USA is a vast landmass. There were real outbreaks in NYC, Washington state, NJ, and other places. Some rural towns had no cases at all.
    Beyond that, he has no clue what he's talking about with regard to testing for the virus and how PCR works. No one is going to have SARS-COV2 RNA in their nose from having cancer or random daily radiation exposures. That commentary was moronic.
    If this guy is so confident it's a hoax, why does he still wear his PPE gear? Be a real truth crusader and take the mask off, buddy.
    He's "not convinced it's a virus" - That just shows you he's a moron Berel and shouldn't be listened to.

  4. No sane person will deny the fact that we have a virus!
    The question is how much is overblown and how much is fake death certificates?

  5. Yes, I noticed his accent as well, that he's from some southern backwater, and that's audible here in London UK.

  6. At 9:15-9:20 he says he's not sure if it's a virus. At 9:40 mark he suggests again he doesn't think it's a virus.
    So you admit that you referenced the rantings of a "Not sane person" by posting this video? Why do you post rants from the insane as if it's useful information?

  7. Shakespeare: All the world's a stage.

    Get over it.


  8. Mistake?
    I always see you rate and even comment on them ? Is that done without even listening to them ??! Ah Shoiteh !

  9. I downvote all your propaganda videos, Berel, because you have demonstrated multiple times already that you post quack theories from unqualified, unread, ill-informed, and dishonest people in said videos. If you had something worthwhile to say, you would say it rather than spamming with video clips from your favorite nutjobs.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.