Thursday, January 9, 2020

Malka Leifer declared fit to stand trial

 Malka Leifer, a former Australian educator accused of sexually abusing minors at a haredi school in Melbourne, has been declared fit to stand trial, after having been previously determined to be mentally unfit.
The decision was announced Thursday afternoon by a three-member psychiatric panel which had been assembled at the order of the Jerusalem District Court last September, after a medical committee found evidence that Leifer had faked mental illness in order to avoid being placed on trial or extradited to Australia, where she is wanted for 74 charges of sexual abuse against minors.


  1. It only took how many years to confirm what was so obvious all along?
    This is perhaps the biggest indictment of the corruption affecting the Chareidi leadership. Sure she's a serial molester and she's ruined dozens of lives but hey, she's one of ours so we'll go to the wall for her.

  2. It is all across the board! The charedim have no executive privilege over these coverups. And that is exactly why do what they do. It is called *mechapeh*. Trying to protect - themselves, immediate family members, close friends, and payoffs. It is highly prevalent, read the news daily, heavy advertisements for litigation among the Boyscouts, Clergy, Sports coaches, bechorim ubisdakim. As long as the leaders keep on giving covers for such, our children are at risk. The fish starts to stink from the head. Get 'em all, lock them up and throw away the key. Look at the meager response to such writeups.


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