Friday, January 10, 2020

badatz against the international bais din

1 comment:

  1. BD chotzuf with zaken mamre, megalim ponim baTorah shelo kehalacha. The Argentinian scandal revealed their true partzuf. They created a "GOLEM" boro gavra a yesh meayin where under the table it was davar hanitan miyad leyad, zu shochad of $60 K. a pop and gave a Get baal korchoch for an ish asher lo haya velo nivra. They then graduated to reversing Ayin miYesh by going back in time as in the above Kol Kore, thereby undoing a happening of Kidushin kivyachol into a black hole of velo noda ki ba el kirbenah. Practically a virtual LAHAD'AM clock, umatirin eishes ish lashuk.

    Baderech pilpul, the question arises, if the edim ksherim under the chupa didn't fly, then what about bishlosha drachim haisha niknis, bebiah? Not a problem! For that they performed a Houdini Kessem of a 'now you see and now you don't'. That is a Hefker petrishka Hefker by being mafkir the biah l'mafrea, same as turning back the virtual clock in time as if it never happened. Vesahlom al Yisrael. Shomu Shamayim! Ele manhigecho yisrael?
    A more descriptive name for them is *Hefker BD hefker* kivan depokar tfei!

    Simchat Purim!


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