Sunday, May 12, 2019


אסיפה מיוחדת התקיימה בבית האדמו"ר מסאטמר שליט"א בקריית יואל לאור מחלת החצבת. בישיבה השתתפו מתנגדי החיסונים והתומכים ולבסוף פסק האדמו"ר כי הורים שמסרבים לחסן את ילדיהם לא יכולו לשלוח אותם לתלמוד תורה ולבית הספר
אסיפה מיוחדת התקיימה השבוע בבית האדמו"ר מסאטמר שליט"א בקריית יואל לאור מחלת החצבת המשתוללת בחודשים האחרונים בניו יורק, כאשר מאות הורים שמתנגדים לתת לילדיהם חיסונים גרמו להתפרצות המחלה בכל מרכזי החרדים במדינה וגררו את זעם השלטונות.

ביום חמישי הגיעו קבוצה של מתנגדי החיסונים הגרים בעיר פאלם טרי – קרית יואל, לבית האדמו"ר מסאטמר שמכהן כרב העיר, אחרי שהנהלת המוסדות של החסידות בקרית יואל החליטו לא לאפשר לילדים שלא מחוסנים להגיע לתלמוד תורה ולבית הספר לבנות. זאת אחרי שמשרד הבריאות במדינת ניו יורק התחילו לתת קנסות על מוסדות שיאפשרו זאת.

יחד עם מתנגדי החיסונים הגיע הרה"ג ר' אלי' בער וואכטפויגל שליט"א וגם פרופסור ממרכז הרפואי באוקלוהמה סיטי דוקטור מיאן שתומך באי מתן חיסונים. בנוסף הגיעו גם 3 רופאי ילדים שמטפלים בילדי העיר קרית יואל, בראשות הרופא החרדי ר' אברהם יושע ווערצברגר וראשי חברת הצלה.


  1. Dear Rabbi, Israel is source of the measled plague, maybe quarantine all Israeli "visitors" to Palm Tree N.Y.

    "More than two million Israelis are either unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated for the measles, according to a Channel 13 report."

    "The outbreaks were imported into the U.S. by travelers from regions where outbreaks were occurring, such as "Ukraine-Uman and Israel", and spread in communities with inadequate levels of vaccination." -Axios.

    "The Israeli traveler, dubbed 'Michigan's Patient Zero' by the Washington Post"

  2. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 12, 2019 at 5:40 PM

    Perhaps you are an Arab or Muslim?

  3. Tactical Rabbis in America! A new Israeli import to America "tactical rabbis"! תוצרות מדינת ישראל what's next ?

  4. מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו

    אין הציונות והיהדות דבר אחד, אלא שני דברים שונים זה מזה, אולי גם שני דברים הסותרים זה את זה... כשאדם אינו יכול להיות יהודי הוא נעשה ציוני.. הציונות מתחילה ממקום הריסת היהדות..  -חיים הזז

    כששאלו אותי, האם תוכלו לתת מכספי קרן היסוד להצלת היהודים בארצות הגולה? אמרתי: 'לא'! ואני אומר עוד פעם: 'לא'! לדעתי, צריך לעמוד בפני גל זה הדוחה את הפעולות הציוניות לשורה שניה!" -יצחק גרינבוים. שר"י

    תקוותם של 6 מליון יהודים מרוכזת על עליה, מתהומות הטרגדיה, אני רוצה להציל 2 מליון נוער, "הזקנים יאבדו" הם יחכו לגורלם, הם אבק כלכלי ומוסרי בעולם אכזרי. רק ענף הנוער יישאר, הזקנים צריכים לעמוד בכך, ולהשלים עם כך. חיים וייסמאן. שר"י

    שמא תאמרו אין זאת גלות? כלום יש הגדרה טובה מזו לתיאור המצב שאנו שרויים בו אצל אחינו המתנכרים לתורה הקדושה
    ברצותם הם מתקרבים אלינו ועל שפתותיהם מלות נופת משלהם, ושקרים בולטים משלהם, על כל עוצמת תוקפו של יצרם הרע על מנת לתקננו ברוח אירופה, ולעצב את דמותנו בדמות "בני אדם מן הישוב". הם מחפשים נתיב ללבות ילדינו, מדיחים אותם מאחרינו, ועוקרים אותם מהתחום שלנו , מהתורה שלנו, מהיהדות שלנו, אל התורות שלהם אל העולם המופקר שלהם. כלום תתואר גלות קשה ומסוכנת מזו? יש והם מחליטים להעניק לגויים מטובם, את ה"רוח החדשה", את התכניות החדישות לחיי מדינה וחברה המשתנות מיום ליום, לעתים מארגנים ומשתתפים במרידות ובמהפכות, את התמורה משלמים אנחנו, דמנו נשפך כמים, עושקים, רוצצים ומחריבים אותנו, את המוני בית ישראל הכשרים. מה שם יקרא לזה אם לא גלות?. -ד"ר נתן בירנבוים, כתבנים נבחרים, נצח, תש"ג

    איתא בספר השיחות תש"ג [מתורגם ללה"ק] - חג הפסח ליל סדר השני סל"ג ע' עה. ז"ל: "כאן אנו נמצאים בגלות בידי אומות העולם, בארץ ישראל נמצאים בידי יהודים", וקשה להיות בגלות אצל רשעי ישראל מאשר אצל רשעי אומות העולם. הגלות בידי הגוים טובה מאשר הגלות בידי היהודים. הגוי מחזיק את הגוף היהודי בגלות, אך עם הנשמה היהודית אין לו עסק, ואילו הרשע היהודי מכניס את הנשמה היהודית בגלות ומחפש לטמא את הנשמה". ע"כ

    "Michael Kadar an Israeli-American teenager was found guilty in Israel on Thursday of making about 2,000 hoax bomb threats against Jewish and other institutions in the United States and elsewhere".

    Herzl wrote: anti-semitisim is “an understandable reaction to Jewish defects.” In his diary he wrote: “I find the anti-Semites are fully within their rights". ימש"ו .

  5. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 12, 2019 at 8:44 PM

    You are merely stating out loud that you oppose Halacha, since Hilchot Rodeif & Rotzeach require us to rise up and defend ourselves before we are killed. Since you are Reform, or some other denomination, you reject this very basic Torah principle (and since it goes against your reform Satmar friends too).

  6. בתחילת האסיפה דיבר "הפרופסר מאוקלוהמה" שאחרי מצגת קטנה דיבר גם על האיסור הדתי שיש בחיסונים, אך האדמו"ר מסאטמר הפסיק אותו ואמר לו "לא באת לומר לי מה מותר ומה אסור בדת. ממך אני רוצה לשמוע רק מבחינת הראיה הרפואית שלך". -JDN יעקב אבוביץ

    מעשה שהיה: שמעון פרס היה אצל הרבי מליבוביץ ביחידות, והוא סיפר שלהוריו לא היו ילדים והוא נולד בזכות ברכה של הבעלזער רב, הרבי שאל אותו איך הוא מתנהג כך, אדם שנולד מברכה של הבעלזער צריך להראות אחרת, והוא ענה לרבי: "ה' יעזור". הרבי אמר לו, התפקיד שלי זה להגיד "ה' יעזור" התפקיד שלך הוא לבצע, אתה רוצה להחליף את התפקידים ואתה תשב במקומי? י

  7. היומון החרדי-ליטאי "יתד נאמן"/רב קניבסקי, טען כי ישראל החילונית אחראית לאנטישמיות בעולם. "מדינת ישראל, שקמה כדי לפתור את בעיית האנטישמיות, הפכה להיות הגורם המרכזי לאנטישמיות. יהודי העולם סובלים לא בגלל דתם, אלא בגלל מדינת ישראל ומדיניותה!" י

  8. 51 Documents; Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, is a 2002 book by the American Trotskyist and anti-zionist Lenni Brenner.The book presents 51 documents that Brenner argues show that Zionist leaders "collaborated" with fascism particularly in Nazi Germany in order to build up a Jewish presence in Palestine. The book continues themes explored in Brenner's earlier and highly controversial work Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

  9. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 12, 2019 at 10:56 PM

    Weissmandl also collaborated, and he accused the Zionists of not collaborating enough. The "collaboration" that is being referred to is to get Jews out of Germany and into EY - which makes you a sub-monkey.

  10. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 12, 2019 at 10:56 PM

    show us the actual paper, not someone else's rendition of it.

  11. המוסרין והאפיקורוסין והמומרים לא הצריכו חכמים למנותן בכלל פסולי עדות שלא מנו אלא רשעי ישראל אבל אלו המורדין הכופרין פחותין הן מן העכו"ם שהעכו"ם לא מעלין ולא מורידין ויש לחסידיהן חלק לעולם הבא ואלו מורידין ולא מעלין ואין להן חלק לעולם הבא. -רמב"ם הל' עדות יד

  12. “Kasztner’s Crime.” 

    "Bogdanor was “extremely shocked” to find that everything pointed towards Kasztner’s having been “a collaborator” with the Nazis"

    “Kasztner’s Crime,” published in October, sets out the case against the Jewish leader in damning detail. Even the most devoted defender might have second thoughts after reading his book."

  13. יתד במקום נאמן: המצב הטבעי של עם ישראל הוא גלות

    בעולם. "מדינת ישראל, שקמה כדי לפתור את בעיית האנטישמיות, הפכה להיות הגורם המרכזי לאנטישמיות. יהודי העולם סובלים לא בגלל דתם, אלא בגלל מדינת ישראל ומדיניותה!" י

  14. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 12, 2019 at 11:40 PM

    try giving the correct reference

  15. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 1:31 AM

    that is because the Hareidi curriculum does not study or understand the entire Torah and Neviim. However, the neviim say somethign different from the ksilim at yated:

    Yechezkel ch. 39:

    23 And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity
    for their iniquity, because they dealt so treacherously with me that I
    hid my face from them and gave them into the hand of their adversaries,

    and they all fell by the sword. I dealt with them according to their uncleanness and their transgressions, and hid my face from them.

    25 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Now will I bring back the

    captivity of Jacob, and have compassion upon the whole house of Israel;

    and I will be jealous for My holy name.

    26 And they shall bear their shame, and all their breach of faith
    which they have committed against Me, when they shall dwell safely in
    their land, and none shall make them afraid;

    The Chareidim have left traditional Judaism, and have denied the neviim, and as Rav Chaim said, they may even be nebach apikoresim.

  16. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 1:45 AM

    This is pure nonsense -

    1) no, the natural place of Am Yisrael in in Eretz Yisroel. whoever wrote this is obviously in a galut mentality. In any case, the rabbis who started Yated were all based in israel. what were they doing there if they believed they belonged in Lithuania?

    2) Anti-semitism never really stopped, but just converted to one form or another. In Soviet union, all religion was banned, and the shmad against the Jews started shortly after the Revolution. Not that they didn't have shmad before then. Communist russia murdered countless Jews and exiled, imprisoned the others, and made it illegal to teach Hebrew or torah. This has nothing to do with Israel. The only valid point is that the Arab nations expelled the Jews and killed those that remained. But Muhammed also killed several tribes of jews. In Yemen they conveeted the Jews in the time of the rambam. So this fixation with the State of Israel is essentially the same as the sin of the Spies. The hareidi leaders were afraid of losing influence, power and money.

  17. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 3:16 AM

    Insanity is where you hold a totally unnecessary position, whcih has not benefit, when it has already been proven that it is not valid. The Arizal stated that the 3 oaths were no longer valid some 500 years ago. What is the point of trying to pretend they still have validity?

  18. כי יצפנני בסכה ביום רעה

    הגה"ק מרן הגרי"ז מבריסק זי"ע וז"ל: בימים שלפני שהוכרז המדינה אמר מרן זלה"ה שדעתו הוא שאסור להקים מדינה, אמרו לו שמבואר במדרש ובספרי קבלה שלפני ביאת הגואל תקום מדינה, השיב מרן זללה"ה דלו יהא שכן הוא, אבל אין זה משנה כלום ודעתו הוא שאסור ליסד מדינה, והנה בברכות דף י' דחזקי' לא עסק בפו"ר משום דחזא דנפקא מיני' בנין דלא מעלי עד שישעי' אמר לו בהדי כבשי דרחמנא למה לך, וצ"ע דמאחר שחזקיה ראה ברוה"ק שיצאו ממנו בנין דלא מעלי א"כ הרי הדבר ברור שכן יהיה ויצאו ממנו בנין דלא מעלי, ולמה לא עסק בפו"ר עד שבא אליו ישעי', וכי רצה להתחכם כנגד גזרת המלך, אלא שמוכרח מזה דבמקום שעל פי דיני התורה אסור לעשות מעשה מסויים אין שום נפקא מינה אם ברור בנבואה שאותו המעשה יהיה ואין זה משנה כלום לגבי האיסור, וכיון שהיה לחזקי' טעם דנפקי מיני' נין דלא מעלי, ולפי דעתו היה משום זה אסור לעסוק בפו"ר, על כן לא עסק בפו"ר, והגם הרבה דרכים למקום וסוף סוף הגזירה יתקיים, אבל כל שנראה שאין לעשות את המעשה על פי התורה אין שום נפקא מינא אם בין כך יעשה המעשה, ואין זה מתיר את האיסור. עכ"ד

  19. כתוב אחד אומר: ענה כסיל כאולתו, פן יהיה חכם בעיניו

    Kalonymus Anonymus writes: "Berel, do you accept Rav shternbuch, or don't you recognize him either?"

    הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך: "סמוך להקמת המדינה שמעתי מהרב מרדכי פוגרמנסקי זצ"ל, שכבר עברנו בימי השואה הסתר פנים נורא מאוד שמיליונים מעם ישראל נשחטו ונחנקו בלא שום רחמנות, אבל עכשיו בעת הקמת המדינה יתחיל חילול ה' נורא מאוד שלא היה כדוגמתו, ואם עד עכשיו פגעו רודפינו בעיקר בעם ה', הרי שעכשיו מתחילים להילחם בקב"ה עצמו כביכול". ע"כ

  20. וכתוב אחד אומר: אל תען כסיל כאולתו פן תשוה לו גם אתה. -משלי כו ד

    מלבי"ם. "אל תען כסיל כאולתו פן תשוה לו גם אתה", כבר התבאר שהכסיל הוא הבלתי שומר חקי החכמה מפני שנמשך אחר תאותו המתנגדת לחקי החכמה, ולבעבור ישים מסוה על פניו ולהפגיע נפשו באשר חקי החכמה עומדים נגד שטף תאוותו יתור אחרי האולת, היינו להטיל ספיקות על חקי החכמה והאמונה, ואם יתוכח אדם עמו לסתור את ספיקותיו לא יפעל מאומה, כי גם הוא ידע חקי החכמה רק משליכם בחוזק יד מפני נטיית תאותו. כמ"ש ואולת כסילים מרמה, ואולת כסילים אולת, וגם אם המתוכח יערוך נגדו דברים הנודעים בחושים יאטם אזניו, כמ"ש לך מנגד לאיש כסיל ובל ידעת שפתי דעת כמש"פ שם, ולכן טוב "שאל תען על אולתו", וספיקותיו, "פן תשוה לו", כאילו גם אתה מסופק ומבקש להתיר הספיקות, אמנם בכ"ז הגם שאני מצוך בל תענהו בדרך וכוח (ויל"פ ג"כ שר"ל שבל תען כסיל על אופן מפני שיראת פן תשוה לו שאם לא תענהו יאמרו שגם אתה כסיל, ואם תען לו מצד זה תרצה להראות חכמה בהוכוח, זה לא תעשה) אבל בכ"ז..וכו' ע"כ

  21. יתד במקום נאמן: המצב הטבעי של עם ישראל הוא גלות

    רמב"ן: אבל "אחרי היותנו בגלות בארצות אויבינו לא נתקללו מעשה ידינו" ולא אלפינו ועשתרות צאננו ולא כרמינו וזיתינו ואשר נזרע בשדה אבל אנחנו בארצות כשאר העמים יושבי הארץ ההיא או בטוב מהם שרחמיו עלינו "כי ישיבתנו בגלות היא בהבטחה" שאמר לנו (ויקרא כו מד) ואף גם זאת בהיותם בארץ אויביהם לא מאסתים ולא געלתים לכלותם להפר בריתי אתם כי אני ה' אלהיהם וכבר פירשתי בסדר אם בחקותי (שם שם טז) סוד הברית הזאת וכי הוא על זמן גלותנו היום ביד החיה הרביעית ואחר כן יבטיח בגאולה ממנו.ע"כ -רמב"ן דברים כח

  22. How ironic that the Jewish Homeland of Israel, which was to be the great refuge for persecuted Jews, has instead become the most dangerous place on earth for Jews. Even stranger, the Jews have chosen to weaken themselves even as they breathe life into their most dedicated enemies and have themselves made their own country, Israel, that most dangerous place for Jews.

  23. "However, the neviim say somethign different from the ksilim at yated:"

    ולא תקיא הארץ אתכם בטמאכם אותה כאשר קאה את הגוי אשר לפניכם

    אל תטמאו בכל אלה כי בכל אלה נטמאו הגוים ותקיא הארץ את יושביה 

    ותטמא הארץ ואפקוד עונה עליה ותקיא הארץ את יושביה 

    ועבדתם מהרה מעל הארץ הטובה

    והיתה ארצכם שממה ועריכם יהיו חרבה אז תרצה הארץ את שבתותיה כל ימי השמה וגו

    כי גרשוני היום מהסתפח בנחלת ה' לאמר לך עבוד אלהים אחרים. -שמואל א כו יט

    מצודות דוד: "מהסתפח" - מלהיות מאוסף בארץ ישראל! היות עד הנה חשבתי כאשר ראה המלך שנמסר בידי במערה ולא הרגתיו יחדול עוד מדלוק אחרי אבל "עתה שעם כל זה רודף אחרי" !!! בעל כרחי ארחיק נדוד מארץ ישראל

  24. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 11:42 AM

    The person that question was addressed to didn't give his answer.
    Who was r' Pogromsky?

  25. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 11:46 AM

    Same ramban who left Spain to live in Israel. He accepted yechezkel, but you don't.

  26. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 11:47 AM

    So you reject Ezekiel of the Neviim. Apikores.

  27. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 12:01 PM

    From one of your antisemitic friends.

  28. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 12:26 PM

    "Earlier, on verse 2, Malbim discusses the presence of the four

    fundamental elements–earth, air, water and fire–in Creation. Three of

    the four are mentioned in this verse–earth (ve-ha-aretz), air (ru’ach), water (ha-mayim).

    Malbim points out that fire is above all the other elements and some

    used to believe that fire emerged from air (perhaps referring to the Phlogiston theory).

    If so, why isn’t fire also mentioned in this verse? However, the

    scientists of his had shown that this is not true and that fire comes

    from sparks of light from the sun, which contain both light and heat

    (even though, he says, we know from electricity that some fire is

    present in air and also in water). At that time in the Creation process,

    the sun did not yet exist and therefore the element of fire was not


    R. Menachem Kasher (Torah Shelemah, vol. 1 n. 331) took Malbim to task about this comment on verse 2:4

    “And what he [Malbim] brought from the consensus of recent scientists,

    for us Jews who uphold God’s Torah, the Jewish heritage, the words of

    the scientists that are built only on speculation do not have the

    ability to push aside the tradition of our Sages.” Rather, fire is

    either included in air (electricity and radiation) or in the word “choshekh.” R. Kasher continues: “I find it puzzling that the author of Ha-Torah Ve-Ha-Mitzvah

    [Malbim] accepted the words of the scientists who wrote that the

    approach [that fire is contained within air] is wrong–since he [Malbim]

    mentioned some of those ideas [that electricity is in the air]. Why

    didn’t he uphold the words of the Sages?”"

  29. Perhaps folks have forgotten the old Jewish Philosopher blog. He had a simple tactic - he would show up on a non-frum or anti-frum blog, post something insulting and then watch as the locals freaked out and attack him with all the hate they could muster. And when the comments started to slow down, he'd post another comment and it all started again. Responding to Lee Penn is like throwing good meat at a rabid dog.

  30. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 4:43 PM

    Garnel, generally i agree with most or all of your posts, so can confidently upvote them, even without reading. However, I did read this time, before voting for it :)

  31. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 4:51 PM

    Vaccines is a discussion important to everybody. it is precisely the hareidi world , and the extreme Hareidi world who have reservations and opposition to childhood vaccines - . Since many hareidim travel to USA, and to Uman, that is likely how the virus spreads, not to mention the poorer Arab and palestinian populations, who work there, as well as African migrants who are illegal and get low paid jobs or crime gangs.
    Yes, they also have wild beasts in Israel, snakes, scorpions, wolves, jackals and maybe 2-4 remaining leopards. There a hyraxes which carry illnesses too. You can mention them in your next tirade.

  32. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 6:31 PM

    In any case, Ramban is saying his time - 900 years ago, was the last period of galut, and after that the Geula. He voted with his feet all the way to EY, in contradiction to the Satmar view that it's assur to escape galus. It's no surprise then, that the next great Kabbalist, the Arizal, said the oaths were only for 1000 years - about the same time that Ramban made Aliyah!

  33. Huge Anti vaccine meeting in the Atrium Hall in Monsey New York tonight at 7:30 pm Monday May 13 2019 tonight
    Many Doctors will be addressing the community

  34. Wow a true Zaddik and Novee hashem

  35. Announcement Announcement Announcement
    Huge Anti vaccine meeting in the Atrium Hall in Monsey New York tonight at 7:30 pm Monday May 13 2019 tonight

    Many Doctors will be addressing the communit

  36. ובאו המים המאררים האלה במעיך "לצבות בטן ולנפל ירך" ואמרה -- אמן אמן

    IDK know who said it but I know it's true.and I don't have any Muslim friends, or any Christian friends well known anti semitic preachers invited to Jerusalem to sermonize, or their chief rabbis kibutzing with his honor the Pope of Rome.

    BTW, the Rambam chose Muslims over Christians.

  37. Was A goan batorah in Brisk and the story how he got saved from Hitler because when the Nazis called all the Jews of Brisk to the town square on Shabbos he notices a button on his coat hanging loosely so he decided that it may be chilul Shabbos so he didnt go and his life was saved because all who went were shot

  38. A self devouring Cancer! spreading rapidly !

  39. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 9:28 PM

    Self devouring cancer? No such thing.

  40. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 9:31 PM

    Chazal had relationships with Roman pagan emperor and even bathed in Roman baths.

  41. why just look in a Mirror!

  42. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 13, 2019 at 11:47 PM

    you simply don't understand English grammar, so the oxymoron is lost on you, shaigetz

  43. ורדו בכם שונאיכם - ואין רודף אתכם. -ויקרא כו

    רש"י, ורדו בכם: שאיני מעמיד שונאים אלא "מכם ובכם". שבשעת שאומות העולם ע"א עומדים על ישראל אינם מבקשים אלא מה שבגלוי שנא' וכו', אבל בשעה שאעמיד עליכם מכם ובכם הם מחפשים אחר המטמוניות שלכם וכן הוא אומר (מיכה ג') ואשר אכלו שאר עמי ועורם מעליהם הפשיטו וגו' ע"כ

    Self devouring cancer: "Anti-Semitic trolling and disinformation is rising online - and so is harassment of Jews because of their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, often at the hands of other Jews who disagree, a new study claims."

  44. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 2:30 PM

    if the cancer devours itself, then it is very good , since it will eat itself out of existence.
    The antisemites are the neturei karta,who meet with other antisemites such as KKK, Iran, hamas, PLO, Hezbollah etc. Holocaust deniers - the NK denied or watered down the Holocaust in front of the Holocaust denial conference. Cancer. they were shunned by all good frum Jews.

  45. Chew on this! KKK Made in Israel.

    Michael Ron David Kadar, living in Israel left scores of messages graphically describing children's deaths in calls to Jewish community centers and schools across the United States, 245 threatening calls, most of them to Jewish community centers and schools,The 19-year-old was charged with making thousands of bomb threats, including to a United States senator, as well as to airports, schools and Jewish centers in the U.S. in 2016 and early 2017

    Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. “It is shameful because the outcome of this young man’s actions is that the classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theory will be given a tailwind — the Jews portray themselves as victims but are orchestrating the supposed attacks, so as to continue to extort the Gentiles.”

  46. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 4:02 PM

    Just the type of loony you suck up to.

  47. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 5:51 PM

    Osher Weiss Halacha to get vaccinated

  48. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 5:53 PM

    You don't even understand what you copy and paste. Ksil.

  49. אל תטמאו בכל אלה כי בכל אלה נטמאו הגוים ותקיא הארץ את יושביה 

    "According to Tel Aviv's 30-year-old deputy mayor, Asaf Zamir, 16% to 17% of the city's 403,000 population is gay.

    "We really are a gay city," he said. "There are no special gay areas – if you are gay or lesbian, you are welcome everywhere."

    Shai Doitsch, a spokesman for Aguda, Israel's national gay organisation, said lesbians and gay men were not confined to specific bars or clubs."

  50. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 7:28 PM

    Yes, teitelbaum shouldn't have accepted his ticket

  51. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 7:56 PM

    gaiety in the hareidi world:

    modern gay liberation began in the Old Yishuv, supported by the Aidah Rabbis, who championed their uber-gay leader, Jacob de Haan:

    because then, as now, the Anti-zionists will violate every principle of the Torah to fuel their hatred for Zionism, they gave de haan carte blanche to metamei the land, as long as he would serve their dirty political interests. nothing has really changed.

  52. "Six teachers at a school of the Belz Hasidic community in Tel Aviv were indicted Tuesday for sadistically abusing 22 preschool and elementary school boys".

    p.s. lol, is Belz of Tel Aviv supported by the "Aidah Rabbis" too?

  53. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 9:50 PM

    BTW, I turn every curse into a blessing - if there ever was such an illness, then it will devour itself and disappear - thank you Bilaam!



  55. SHOITE!
    keep up your daily regimine of kfirah of being mzalzel on true gedolie torah vyirah daily see where it will get you!

  56. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 10:04 PM

    the problem of this toevah of mishkav zachar is very great - and it's been discussed many times on here. There is no solution, no answers, and it is almost as if the seculars consider it to be a Mitzvah. In England, it was illegal 60 years ago, but today it is the opposite - it is illegal to say anything prejudicial against them. It is not specific to any country - go to S. America, Russia, china, africa etc, it happens everywhere.

  57. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 10:09 PM

    If they had true "Yirah" they would not entertain someone who was openly homosexual as their front man. In de Haan's time it was assur not only but the Torah, but by the goyim too. can you imagine if a Hareidi group today had their spokesman as a gay-thodox man, who lived with mishkav zachar? Even the "open orthodox" saw this insanity in their policies and decided to reject their feigele rabbinical students from getting semicha.
    You misunderstand the purity of rav Chaim's famous statement of "nebach apikores". Or the Gaon's advice to Rav Chaim Volozhiner , in Ruach hachaim.

  58. Who is the rabid dog ? I wonder

  59. OVERFLOW CROWD OF 1000 ATTENDED THE anti vaccine SESSION FOR FOUR HOURS at the Atrium Ballroom Monsey NY HEARING ASTOUNDING INFO about the dangers of vaccines The session ended well over midnight


  60. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 14, 2019 at 11:00 PM

    Plus, your daily kefira of the Tnach, denying neviim, Yerushalmi, arizal, Rambam, Gra... and even Rav elyashiv, widely recognized poseq of the hareidim.

  61. shoiteh!
    he De Haan bacame a true baal teshuvah
    he was buried in the Chelkas Harabonim on Har Hazesim

    When are YOU going to repent?

  62. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 12:50 AM


    20+30+2 = 52



    כלבת (rabies)

    400 +232 = 632

  63. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 12:52 AM

    maybe by virtue of the bullet that took his sins away

    you are saying the fact that he was buried somewhere means he never had gay intercourse? idiot.

  64. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 1:04 AM

    he was writing gay literature in his frum days, so unfortunately he wasnt a true BT. His being buried doesnt mean anything other than the fact that the Aidah pandered to his political skills. he was the "Shakespeare" of gay literature, they still cite him at gay memorials in Holland.

    i can only repent for my own sins, and none of them have been of the kind that he was famous for. How about you . berel boy?

  65. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 1:56 AM

    That's a great story - one of your better ones!

  66. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 2:12 AM

    "he was buried in the Chelkas Harabonim"

    We are talking about when he was alive. Even if he was a big T'H, which he was not, that would not give him immunity from mishkav zachar. That's on a spiritual level. But you are saying that "because of x, he did not commit sin y". that is a nonsensical claim. You could say that because someone eats only badatz kashrus, then he cannot sin. that is totally false. As are the rest of your arguments.

  67. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 2:57 AM

    De Haan - not only was his the first political assassination in modern Israel, it was also the first Gay Pride Parade, and this was in Jerusalem, with the Aidah displaying their Pride in this queer fellow..,7340,L-3275483,00.html

  68. ותבאו ותטמאו את ארצי ונחלתי שמתם "לתועבה". מצודות: "ונחלתי" - ארץ ישראל שהיא נחלתי שמתם להיות מתועב לפני.
    -ירמיהו ב ז.

    כי תבאו לראות פני מי בקש זאת מידכם רמס חצרי. מלבי"ם: "רמס חצרי", ר"ל אחר שאינכם מכוונים בעליה זאת ללמוד שם יראת ה' א"כ אינכם עושים בזה שום מצוה רק מה שאתם רומסים חצרי בחנם. -ישעיהו א יב

  69. הרב אלישיב בצעירותו היה קוק'ניק שרוף, הרב קוק היה המסדר קידושין שלו, ואף פדה את בנו בכורו, חמיו היה מנהיגם ורבם של הרוויזיוניסטים, האצ"ל, חרות, ודומיהם, וכאשר רבה של בריסק והחזון איש קראו למלחמה על 'הרבנות הראשית' וקבעו כי מדובר בשמד ממש, במקום שאפילו על המדרכה שלצד 'היכל שלמה' אסור לדרוך מפני שהמקום מטמא ממרחק, הרב אלישיב צפצף עליהם וישב בבית דין הגדול וקבל משכורת שמנה כדיין

    נ.ב. כאשר פקד לראשונה רבי יהודה ליב אשלג את ירושלים עיר הקודש לראשונה ונתוודע לחכמי תורת האמת שבה שאז היה מושכים בדרך "הרש"ש והלשם", נחמץ ליבם

  70. כדי שלא תהא "ביאה" ריקנית

    אמרתי בדרך צחות במה שאמרו חכז"ל סנהדרין ע"ה, מיום שחרב ביהמ"ק ניטל טעם ביאה וניתן לעוברי עבירה, שרמז גדול רמזו לנו בזה שמבואר בקידושין ל"ח כל מקום שנאמר ביאה וישוב אינו אלא לאחר ירושה וישיבה וסתם לשון ביאה שבדברי חכז"ל קאי על ביאה לא"י דכתיב בי' כ"פ בקרא כי תבוא וכי תבואו, ובזמן שביהמ"ק הי' קיים הי' טעם ביאה לא"י טעם נפלא עד כלות הנפש, ומשחרב ביהמ"ק ניטל אותו הטעם הנפלא, אבל עדיין נשאר בה מהמתיקות. וראו חכז"ל ברוח קדשם שיבוא לידי כך אשר אותו הטעם שבביאת הארץ יהי' ניתן לעוברי עבירה שהס"מ ימסור זה לעוברי עבירה להשתמש בו להסית ולהדיח. -ויואל משה, ע' שנ"ב

  71. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 3:49 PM

    shows what an apikores you are, just like Berel

  72. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 4:29 PM

    In terms of monotheistic religion. Yes. When they are rodef, doesn't matter on their religion.

  73. In 1922, the same year that Jacob de Haan defended Agudath Israel, the Haredi political movement, in a legal trial over its refusal to pay a new excise tax levied by Zionist authorities on matzot before Passover, he also met with Lord Northcliffe, founder of the Daily Mail newspaper in London, when the latter visited the region. He shared his anti-Zionist views with Northcliffe and those views were reported back in the United Kingdom. Soon, de Haan was offered work as a correspondent for the tabloid Daily Express. De Haan also met with Hashemite leader Hussein bin Ali, the King of Hejaz, to discuss the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    כך דרכו של תורה !

    האיך עשה ר' יוחנן בן זכאי שהי' זקוק לפנות אל הרומים להראות להם שאילו הבריונים הרוצחים והמורדים אינם בשו"א האומה הישראלית, ואין להם שום שייכות אם עם ישראל, שמנהיגיו האמיתים הם רק חכמי התורה ולא האחרים

    האיך עשו יהודי הונגריא כשגדלה הסכנה מכל צד שהמתבוללים יבלעום חיים ולא ישאירו תקומה ח"ו לתורה הזאת, הלא פנו בלי היסוס למלכות שם וזעקו והתחננו להציל אותם מיד המתבוללים שכבשו הכל בחזקת היד

    והאיך עשתה העדה החרדית וגם האגודה השתתפו עמה, כשלא היה להם עצה אחרת להנצל מחמת שלטון הציונים שרמסו ברגל גאוה כל קדשי ישראל בארה"ק, הלא פנו בלי כל היסוס לשלטון האנגלי שהיה בעזרתם ליצור מעמד עצמאי בשביל היהדות החרדית

  74. יהודי שנהרג ע"י יהודי - נקרא קדוש

    תראה בספר 'דרכי חסד' [ירושלים תשנ"ז] של הגאון רבי אברהם משה אבידן שליט"א בעמוד קפב מה שכתב בענין זה בשם רבו הגרי"ש אלישיב זצ"ל והגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א

    קבורת הנהרג עם בגדיו המגואלים בדם היא מפני, שהדם יעורר ויקטרג על הרוצח. וזו הסיבה שהקפידו באשכנז של תקופת הראשונים שלא לסוד מחדש קירות שהותז עליהם מדם הנהרגים. עיין בשו"ע יו"ד סי שס"ד ס"ד שנפסק אם מצאו ישראל הרוג יקברוהו כמו שמצאוהו בלא תכריכין ולא יחלצו בו אפילו מנעליו

    כל הששה מיליאן יהודים הנהרגים באשכנז נקראים 'קדושים' אף שרובם לא היה קדושים כלל בחייהם

  75. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 7:15 PM

    so now you refer to Rav Elyashiv as a Gaon.

  76. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 7:48 PM

    וְאִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִשְׁכַּ֤ב אֶת־זָכָר֙ מִשְׁכְּבֵ֣י אִשָּׁ֔ה תּוֹעֵבָ֥ה עָשׂ֖וּ שְׁנֵיהֶ֑ם מ֥וֹת יוּמָ֖תוּ דְּמֵיהֶ֥ם בָּֽם׃

    a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, the two of them have
    done an abhorrent thing; they shall be put to death—their bloodguilt is
    upon them
    Lev 20;13.

  77. ואיש אשר יתן שכבתו בבהמה מות יומת ואת הבהמה תהרגו

    “I'm here to separate the good Jews from the satanic Jews.”  -Louis Farrakhan

  78. Reminds me of the gay 'pig' in the 'hen' house in the GodFrey institute, giving sex education classes for boys, what a perversion. nothing changes really.

  79. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 15, 2019 at 11:29 PM

    de haan ...

  80. הנחמים באלים תחת כל עץ רענן שחטי הילדים בנחלים תחת סעפי הסלעים. -בהתיזמות מר. ניסן שול'עכץ

    Nut cracker:

  81. The lies on dehaan were a combination of fabrication of lies together with old history before he did Teshuvah

    So to smear dehaan the Spokesman& Statesman for the OLd Yishuv Jews Who were then in the Majority in Palestine

    They had to cover up their Murder of Yaakov Dehaan and save face for a daylight murder

    So they hired talented writer to do the smear campaign to save the Zionists from Shame .
    He was a true baal teshva

  82. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 16, 2019 at 7:32 PM

    You know do you?

  83. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 16, 2019 at 7:33 PM

    The aidah shame of appointing a rasha and menuval as their public face .

  84. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 16, 2019 at 8:52 PM

    Old yishuv were no longer a majority. He was a famed writer there was no expert forger to publish in his language, that is ridiculous. But neturei karta deny the holocaust, so this is not such a big lie you tell.

  85. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 16, 2019 at 9:51 PM

    Why didn't the aidah rabbis find him a shiddich? Because he was still married to his Christian wife.

  86. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 16, 2019 at 9:53 PM

    It's almost impossible for homosexual to become straight. Or totally impossible.

  87. B: So they hired talented writer to do the smear campaign .

    Busted -

    Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, told reporters that the tech giant had purged 65 Israeli accounts, 161 pages, dozens of groups and four Instagram accounts. Many were linked to the Archimedes Group, a Tel Aviv-based political consulting and lobbying firm that boasts of its social media skills and ability to “change reality.” !

  88. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 12:03 AM

    this is the smoking gun? The De haan case was 100 years ago - no internet, not facebook, no cybersecurity.
    Perhaps all the Pashkevils are false, after all, who is to verify what they say?

    3 Evils that never die:

    mishkav zachar

  89. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 12:33 AM

    Haan was a prolific writer with a broad interest. He was born in the
    small village of Smilde in the Northern part of the Netherlands where his father was a gazzan (precentor in synagogue). The family had many children, and next to de Haan, the most known one was his sister Carry van Bruggen who became an important novelist, philosopher and feminist of her own (she is best known under her husband’s family name). Most of his youth, the family lived in Zaandam, an industrial town to the north of Amsterdam where his father had become a gazzan. De Haan followed his educational studies in Haarlem, also close to Amsterdam, where he received his qualification as a primary school teacher. After he finished these studies, he took temporary jobs and continued with legal studies. Just before 1900, he began to write and to connect with literary people. His first important relations would be with the writer and doctor Frederik van Eeden and with Arnold
    Aletrino, a medical doctor specializing in what was then called
    criminal anthropology, and at the same time a writer of somber novels on
    the lives of nurses.

    literary and gay careers of de Haan are the subject of my paper and
    will be discussed at length after this introduction. He joined the
    modernist literary movement and started to write openly gay novels in
    the first decade of the twentieth century. Rejecting the orthodoxy of his parents, he became an atheist. He
    joined the socialist party, wrote for its daily newspaper but was
    thrown out of both because of his first gay novel. Strong feelings of
    social justice made him protest against the prison conditions in czarist
    Russia. After 1910 he returned to Jewish religion, continued
    with poetry both Jewish and pederast, joined the zionist movement and
    became the Jewish poet of The Netherlands. He wrote his dissertation on
    the terminology of legal responsibility.[4] His final years,
    he lived in Palestine where he emigrated in 1919. In Jerusalem he met
    Arab boys and orthodox Jews, and he changed position from zionism to
    take the cause of the orthodox-Jewish organization Aguda. As an
    accomplished writer, he started to send articles to Dutch and English newspapers in which he opposed zionist claims and began to lobby against their political monopoly in the European press and Palestinian politics.
    His criticism in English newspapers brought the debate to the colonial
    capital of Palestine, which the zionists utterly disliked, and they
    planned to silence de Haan. In the end, he was murdered in June 1924 by
    men of the Haganah (the predecessor of the Israeli army), becoming the first Jewish victim of zionism.

  90. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 12:34 AM

    Homo/sexual context

    For de Haan, Aletrino was most important as his main guide on becoming homosexual.[5] Aletrino had in 1897 published his first article on “uranism”, a lengthy review of Marc-André Raffalovich’s Uranisme et unisexualité (1896). In 1901, his contribution to the 5th

    international conference of criminal anthropology, held in Amsterdam,

    stirred a scandal. First, because the other conference participants

    among whom Cesare Lombroso opposed his humane stance on homosexuals,

    pitying, not condemning them. Second, because Dutch politicians of a

    Christian background including the prime minister made slurs about the

    University of Amsterdam as promoting the sins of Sodom. It was at this

    “neutral” (that is liberal) University that Aletrino was an unpaid

    guest teacher (privaat-docent) in criminal anthropology, while the

    Calvinist Protestants were busy establishing their own “Free University”

    in Amsterdam (free means in this connection free of liberalism) as part

    of the pillarization of the Netherlands. In this struggle between

    liberals and Calvinists issues of sexual citizenship had become

    pre-eminent. Being able to accuse the liberals of promoting

    homosexuality was a powerful weapon against people who in most cases

    would not dare themselves to speak the unspeakable. Indeed, no one would come to Aletrino’s defense.

    In those hectic times,

    the two men met and Aletrino informed de Haan on theories on

    homosexuality, and probably as well on homosexual life. Aletrino had

    married a second time after his first wife had committed suicide. He may

    himself have been a bisexual man who moreover had sadistic

    inclinations. Several authors remarked on his effeminacy, also according

    to himself a sure sign of homosexual preferences. De Haan would

    describe him as sadist and bisexual in his novel Pijpelijntjes

    (Pipelines, 1904, the name referring to the Amsterdam neighborhood De

    Pijp where de Haan actually lived). This novel is a thinly veiled

    description of the lives of two men who look very much like Aletrino and

    de Haan and bear their nicknames Sam and Joop. The novel was dedicated

    to Aletrino and we might see the novel as a sign of gratefulness of de

    Haan for Aletrino who showed him the way into gay life. This homosexual

    life that I will discuss later is abundantly depicted in the novel.

  91. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 12:39 AM

    most radical turn de Haan made was in Palestine when he changed color
    from zionist to orthodox Jew. What he rejected in zionism was its
    nationalism and disregard of all other interests. The male macho
    attitudes and heterosexual demands of zionists
    must have been anathema to him. The orthodox did not pursue a Jewish
    state in the modern sense, a geographical area with boundaries and an army, for them the Jews were in the first place a religious community, a brotherhood instead of a nation of citizens. According to de Haan the
    zionists should not follow the examples of other nationalisms that were
    exclusive and possesive and always negated, even destroyed the other.
    Apparently the orthodox Jews were in those times
    less judgmental on his affairs with Arab boys than the zionists as long
    as he kept them secret. They had lived for ages in Jerusalem among
    Muslim Arabs and Turks and orthodox Greeks who had probably fewer qualms about boy love and sexual affairs based in inequality. This neglect of his pederasty was made easier because de Haan expressed his love for Arab boys in poems and articles in Dutch that were published in Holland – far away from the hotbed of Jerusalem.

  92. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 1:13 AM

    Accodring to this information, de haan was not a Jew in any way - he was a reverse Shimshon. Whereas Shimshon had to have heterosexual relations with a Plishti woman, in order to destroy the Plishtim and release Israel - lehavdil infinite havdalot, de haan had Gay relations with arab youngsters, in order to liberate Palestinian from the Jews! Can't get any more twisted than that, and so he was the hero of the most twisted Jews of all - the Aidah.

  93. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 1:44 AM

    De Haan was not a Jew in any way - he was
    a reverse Shimshon. Whereas Shimshon had to have heterosexual relations
    with a Plishti woman, in order to destroy the Plishtim and release
    Israel - lehavdil infinite havdalot, de haan had Gay relations with arab
    youngsters, in order to liberate Palestinian from the Jews! Can't get
    any more twisted than that, and so he was the hero of the most twisted
    Jews of all - the Aidah.

  94. Apikores! your vicious anti torah words are self inditing

  95. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 2:45 AM

    No, it's on you.
    Shimshon was pro-Torah and pro-Israel, and he was only forced into arayos with a Plishti woman for the sake of the military revolt against the Plishtim.
    de haan, on the other hand, was only forced into arayos with Plishti men because of his taavos. His purpose, was the opposite of Shimshon haTzaddik's. Shimshon wished to liberate Eretz Yisrael from the Plishtim , back to Israel, whilst de haan, who "turned the tables" wished to liberate EY from the Israelites, for the Palestinians.
    these are facts, each point is historic fact, and I have said no apikorsus at all.

  96. Kal is "Gay" and full of it.

  97. DSF ➡  emet le'amito / Kal

    "Israel and Putin’s hindquarter"

    "I’m not good at playing war games. Israel is a zero-margin state: it cannot afford mass casualties, especially in the north, and yet it cannot afford to back down from armageddon if such casualties appear inevitable. The U.S., on the other hand, can afford to risk Israel’s utter destruction as the cost of upholding its right to exist. After all, we invented the concept of burning down the village in order to save it. We can unleash terrible destruction on Iran, to force regime change (change into what, I dunno) or to weaken it forever. The cost, however, might be high. The cost might be Israel.

    The idea here, one would think, is to enable Israel to survive and thrive. Netanyahu doesn’t quite know how to accomplish this. I am certain Trump understands neither the idea nor the challenges in implementing it. The Saudis don’t care. Europe doesn’t truly care, either. It all boils down to Putin. He cares because he needs Israel as a counterbalance to Iranian ambition, as a device to draw the Iranians away from their dreams of independent hegemony. Iran must remain his agent, not become a principal. He wants Israel to become his agent, too, as the price of staying alive. The whole region is wired to Putin’s hindquarters. He’ll decide."

  98. "Sexual abuse in our school systems is a pervasive problem," added the director of a university-based center for the study of child abuse. "Since molesters go where the kids are, school systems are going to have their share of [cases]." !

  99. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 12:30 PM

    Speak for yourself, feigelee

  100. The fornicating "murdered" Rabbi, saviour of Israel! - what goes around - comes around

    NYT: "Remembering Kahane, and the Woman on the Bridge. Estella donna evans jumped from the bridge".

    The Israeli government declared both Kach and Kahane Chai illegal terror organizations in 1994, following the February 1994 massacre at the Tomb of the Patriarchs by a Kach supporter, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, which killed 29 Muslim worshippers. That same year, Kach was also placed on the U.S. State Department and European Union lists of outlawed terror groups.

  101. רבן דקרו ! - רבין איננו

    The assassin, an "Israeli ultranationalist" named Yigal Amir, radically opposed Rabin's peace initiative and particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.!


  103. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 6:23 PM

    Kahane was not involved in mishkav zachar. His heterosexual behaviour may not have been permitted halachically, unless he had a heter of pilegesh or shifcha. But he was fighting assimialtion with the local arabs . ironically , de haan, your "tzadick" was doing that with the arab boys and young men he picked up, and publishing his sick stories in the Dutch newspaper, on his weekly blog. At lease kahane dressed in black and went to a place he was not known.

  104. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 17, 2019 at 6:50 PM

    Lee or berel?

  105. Maybe he should go "with you" to tel Aviv to and give a speech there, I'm sure thell live you to dead Kal.

    New Jersey Orthodox Rabbi Mordechai Aderet publicly advised his followers not to attend a vigil for the victims of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting because the Jews were murdered during a bris for twins adopted by gay parents.

  106. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 19, 2019 at 1:19 AM

    no idea what you are taking about

  107. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 19, 2019 at 1:20 AM

    haha, now conspiracy theorist Barry Chamish A'H, argued that this was carried out by someone else.
    regardless, yes there are crazy people in all walks of life

  108. Chamish had good evidence. Problem was, he's a crazy nut.

  109. His Christian wife came to Palestine to claim the body, and had him buried in Holland. She thought she'd make some money off him

  110. the greatest rabbonim

    worked closely with him he died a KOdosh

  111. Kahane never did real teshuva for his ilicit relationship with a italion GOYTAH
    Why he even made a fund in her name!

  112. Neither was Herzl a jew ! yet Abraham Isaac Kook eulogizes him for 1 hour!

  113. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 23, 2019 at 12:13 AM

    do you think Herzl's secularism outweighs de haan's mishkav zachar? They both died young. At least Herzl was working for the jewish people, but Haan was working for the goyim, with whom he was so enamored - a christian wife and muslim boyfriends

  114. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 23, 2019 at 12:32 AM

    how do you know? maybe he did

    on the other hand, the A.I.D.ah perpetuate the crimes of Haan by naming their sons after him, the self confessed homosexual menuval.

  115. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 23, 2019 at 12:47 AM

    He wasn't killed for being a "Jew", hence he wasn't a kodosh. He was killed as a rodeif, trying to destroy the Jewish settlement in EY and a refuge from Europe. The British didnt keep their promises to anyone, and his grand plan was just to destroy the Jews' right to a state. Same as you rodefim are doing today.

  116. Every action taken by the saintly KoDOSH Reb Yackov DeHaan zl was personally directed personally by the Esteemed Rov of Yerushliam Reb Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and Reb Yitzchok Yerucham Diskind So are you talking Apikosres and Laag al divrei chachmim?

    How do you call him a Rodef (maybe YOU are a Rodef)

  117. Herzl had a Christmas tree in his Home didnt circumcise his Boys a true Meshumed

  118. Pilegesh?? with a Goitah ??!
    You are really lost!

  119. He became a true Baal teshvah

  120. Shoiteh!
    that was before he came back to the fold

    the Zionists actually went authored a fake book simply to besmirch his name to cover up th Gross daylight Murder of a well known Statesman

  121. in 19 22 he was just begining to explore yiddehkeit

  122. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 23, 2019 at 2:31 AM

    Yes, and explore gay boys

  123. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 23, 2019 at 2:33 AM

    Lol, what a joker you are with your lies, fiction, fake stories. A true madman.

  124. Kalonymus AnonymusMay 23, 2019 at 2:38 AM

    Nonsense. Rav sonnenfeld either had no control over him, was ignoring, or turned a blind eye.
    Ydh had a xtian wife, gay affairs, no children, no Jewish wife. Why was this not taken seriously by Rav sonnenfeld. ?
    What apikores? YOU reject Rav Kook, so you are the apikores. YOU are also mechanef a bender, of the worst possible toevah. Diskind junior was nothing compared to Rav sonnenfeld. Where's the issur to correct the error of a Rav? Ever heard of Horayos? YOU fool and imbecile.

  125. a christian kodosh a meshumad amiti

  126. Kalonymus AnonymusJune 4, 2019 at 11:55 PM

    A bisexual man, on one side a Christian wife, on another I don't even wish to write on here.

  127. Kalonymus AnonymusJune 5, 2019 at 3:06 AM

    At least we don't claim that hertzel was a perfect Sadiq we admit he was totally assimilated but had a Small Part of him which was still Jewish. We're not whitewashing his secularism and neither did Rabbi kook in fact he didn't mention him at all in the eulogy.


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