Thursday, March 21, 2019

Assisted dying: Doctors' group adopts neutral position


Following a poll of its members, the Royal College of Physicians has now adopted a neutral stance on the issue of assisted dying.
Some groups have spoken out against the change, saying a respected medical body's reputation has been damaged. Others called the decision "absurd".
Under UK law, it is illegal to encourage or assist a suicide.
Nearly 7,000 doctors voted in the online poll:
  • 43% thought the college should oppose a change in the law
  • 32% wanted the college to support a change
  • 25% were neutral
And the college has shifted to a neutral stance because neither side achieved a majority of 60%.

Top Maryland lawmaker: Medical aid in dying bill could pass

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller told reporters he believes there will be "a lot of amendments" offered to a bill now before a Senate committee. Then, he said, he thinks there will be a majority of 24 votes needed in the Senate, "but there won't be many more than that."
"I think it's going to be a close vote," Miller, a Democrat, said, adding that he believes he will "probably" vote against it, but he believes "it's going to pass."
Miller said there are concerns about sick people who are poor and decide to end their lives because they can't afford the medical care they need.
"We've got to make sure that that is not the case — that it's a very informed decision, and I anticipate a very, very close vote on the floor of the Senate," Miller said.

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